Module aws_lambda_powertools.middleware_factory

Utilities to enhance middlewares

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""" Utilities to enhance middlewares """
from .factory import lambda_handler_decorator

__all__ = ["lambda_handler_decorator"]




def lambda_handler_decorator(decorator: Union[Callable, NoneType] = None, trace_execution: Union[bool, NoneType] = None)

Decorator factory for decorating Lambda handlers.

You can use lambda_handler_decorator to create your own middlewares, where your function signature follows: fn(handler, event, context)

Custom keyword arguments are also supported e.g. fn(handler, event, context, option=value)

Middlewares created by this factory supports tracing to help you quickly troubleshoot any overhead that custom middlewares may cause - They will appear as custom subsegments.

Non-key value params are not supported e.g. fn(handler, event, context, option)

Environment Variables

POWERTOOLS_TRACE_MIDDLEWARES : str uses Tracer to create sub-segments per middleware (e.g. "true", "True", "TRUE")


decorator : Callable
Middleware to be wrapped by this factory
trace_execution : bool

Flag to explicitly enable trace execution for middlewares.



Create a middleware no params

from aws_lambda_powertools.middleware_factory import lambda_handler_decorator

def log_response(handler, event, context):
    response = handler(event, context)
    print(f"Lambda handler response: {response}")

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return True

Create a middleware with params

from aws_lambda_powertools.middleware_factory import lambda_handler_decorator

def obfuscate_sensitive_data(handler, event, context, fields=None):
    # Obfuscate email before calling Lambda handler
    if fields:
        for field in fields:
            field = event.get(field, "")
            event[field] = obfuscate_pii(field)

    response = handler(event, context)
    print(f"Lambda handler response: {response}")

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return True

Trace execution of custom middleware

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.middleware_factory import lambda_handler_decorator

tracer = Tracer(service="payment") # or via env var
def log_response(handler, event, context):

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return True


  • Async middlewares not supported
  • Classes, class methods middlewares not supported


When middleware receives non keyword=arguments
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def lambda_handler_decorator(decorator: Optional[Callable] = None, trace_execution: Optional[bool] = None):
    """Decorator factory for decorating Lambda handlers.

    You can use lambda_handler_decorator to create your own middlewares,
    where your function signature follows: `fn(handler, event, context)`

    Custom keyword arguments are also supported e.g. `fn(handler, event, context, option=value)`

    Middlewares created by this factory supports tracing to help you quickly troubleshoot
    any overhead that custom middlewares may cause - They will appear as custom subsegments.

    **Non-key value params are not supported** e.g. `fn(handler, event, context, option)`

    Environment variables
        uses `aws_lambda_powertools.tracing.Tracer`
        to create sub-segments per middleware (e.g. `"true", "True", "TRUE"`)

    decorator: Callable
        Middleware to be wrapped by this factory
    trace_execution: bool
        Flag to explicitly enable trace execution for middlewares.\n

    **Create a middleware no params**

        from aws_lambda_powertools.middleware_factory import lambda_handler_decorator

        def log_response(handler, event, context):
            response = handler(event, context)
            print(f"Lambda handler response: {response}")

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return True

    **Create a middleware with params**

        from aws_lambda_powertools.middleware_factory import lambda_handler_decorator

        def obfuscate_sensitive_data(handler, event, context, fields=None):
            # Obfuscate email before calling Lambda handler
            if fields:
                for field in fields:
                    field = event.get(field, "")
                    event[field] = obfuscate_pii(field)

            response = handler(event, context)
            print(f"Lambda handler response: {response}")

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return True

    **Trace execution of custom middleware**

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
        from aws_lambda_powertools.middleware_factory import lambda_handler_decorator

        tracer = Tracer(service="payment") # or via env var
        def log_response(handler, event, context):

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return True

    * Async middlewares not supported
    * Classes, class methods middlewares not supported

        When middleware receives non keyword=arguments

    if decorator is None:
        return functools.partial(lambda_handler_decorator, trace_execution=trace_execution)

    trace_execution = resolve_truthy_env_var_choice(
        env=os.getenv(constants.MIDDLEWARE_FACTORY_TRACE_ENV, "false"), choice=trace_execution

    def final_decorator(func: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs):
        # If called with kwargs return new func with kwargs
        if func is None:
            return functools.partial(final_decorator, **kwargs)

        if not inspect.isfunction(func):
            # @custom_middleware(True) vs @custom_middleware(log_event=True)
            raise MiddlewareInvalidArgumentError(
                f"Only keyword arguments is supported for middlewares: {decorator.__qualname__} received {func}"

        def wrapper(event, context):
                middleware = functools.partial(decorator, func, event, context, **kwargs)
                if trace_execution:
                    tracer = Tracer(auto_patch=False)
                    with tracer.provider.in_subsegment(name=f"## {decorator.__qualname__}"):
                        response = middleware()
                    response = middleware()
                return response
            except Exception:
                logger.exception(f"Caught exception in {decorator.__qualname__}")

        return wrapper

    return final_decorator