Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.feature_flags.schema

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import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from ... import Logger
from .base import BaseValidator
from .exceptions import SchemaValidationError

RULES_KEY = "rules"
CONDITIONS_KEY = "conditions"
RULE_MATCH_VALUE = "when_match"

class RuleAction(str, Enum):
    IN = "IN"
    NOT_IN = "NOT_IN"

class SchemaValidator(BaseValidator):
    """Validates feature flag schema configuration

        When schema doesn't conform with feature flag schema


    **Feature object**

    A dictionary containing default value and rules for matching.
    The value MUST be an object and MIGHT contain the following members:

    * **default**: `bool`. Defines default feature value. This MUST be present
    * **rules**: `Dict[str, Dict]`. Rules object. This MIGHT be present

        "my_feature": {
            "default": True,
            "rules": {}

    **Rules object**

    A dictionary with each rule and their conditions that a feature might have.
    The value MIGHT be present, and when defined it MUST contain the following members:

    * **when_match**: `bool`. Defines value to return when context matches conditions
    * **conditions**: `List[Dict]`. Conditions object. This MUST be present

        "my_feature": {
            "default": True,
            "rules": {
                "tenant id equals 345345435": {
                    "when_match": False,
                    "conditions": []

    **Conditions object**

    A list of dictionaries containing conditions for a given rule.
    The value MUST contain the following members:

    * **action**: `str`. Operation to perform to match a key and value.
    The value MUST be either EQUALS, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH,

    * **key**: `str`. Key in given context to perform operation
    * **value**: `Any`. Value in given context that should match action operation.

        "my_feature": {
            "default": True,
            "rules": {
                "tenant id equals 345345435": {
                    "when_match": False,
                    "conditions": [
                            "action": "EQUALS",
                            "key": "tenant_id",
                            "value": "345345435",

    def __init__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.schema = schema
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self) -> None:
        self.logger.debug("Validating schema")
        if not isinstance(self.schema, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Features must be a dictionary, schema={str(self.schema)}")

        features = FeaturesValidator(schema=self.schema)

class FeaturesValidator(BaseValidator):
    """Validates each feature and calls RulesValidator to validate its rules"""

    def __init__(self, schema: Dict, logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.schema = schema
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self):
        for name, feature in self.schema.items():
            self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate feature '{name}'")
            self.validate_feature(name, feature)
            rules = RulesValidator(feature=feature)

    def validate_feature(name, feature):
        if not feature or not isinstance(feature, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature must be a non-empty dictionary, feature={name}")

        default_value = feature.get(FEATURE_DEFAULT_VAL_KEY)
        if default_value is None or not isinstance(default_value, bool):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"feature 'default' boolean key must be present, feature={name}")

class RulesValidator(BaseValidator):
    """Validates each rule and calls ConditionsValidator to validate each rule's conditions"""

    def __init__(self, feature: Dict[str, Any], logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.feature = feature
        self.feature_name = next(iter(self.feature))
        self.rules: Optional[Dict] = self.feature.get(RULES_KEY)
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self):
        if not self.rules:
            self.logger.debug("Rules are empty, ignoring validation")

        if not isinstance(self.rules, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rules must be a dictionary, feature={self.feature_name}")

        for rule_name, rule in self.rules.items():
            self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate rule '{rule_name}'")
            self.validate_rule(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name, feature_name=self.feature_name)
            conditions = ConditionsValidator(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name)

    def validate_rule(rule, rule_name, feature_name):
        if not rule or not isinstance(rule, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rule must be a dictionary, feature={feature_name}")

        RulesValidator.validate_rule_name(rule_name=rule_name, feature_name=feature_name)
        RulesValidator.validate_rule_default_value(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name)

    def validate_rule_name(rule_name: str, feature_name: str):
        if not rule_name or not isinstance(rule_name, str):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Rule name key must have a non-empty string, feature={feature_name}")

    def validate_rule_default_value(rule: Dict, rule_name: str):
        rule_default_value = rule.get(RULE_MATCH_VALUE)
        if not isinstance(rule_default_value, bool):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"'rule_default_value' key must have be bool, rule={rule_name}")

class ConditionsValidator(BaseValidator):
    def __init__(self, rule: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str, logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.conditions: List[Dict[str, Any]] = rule.get(CONDITIONS_KEY, {})
        self.rule_name = rule_name
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self):
        if not self.conditions or not isinstance(self.conditions, list):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Invalid condition, rule={self.rule_name}")

        for condition in self.conditions:
            # Condition can contain PII data; do not log condition value
            self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate condition for '{self.rule_name}'")
            self.validate_condition(rule_name=self.rule_name, condition=condition)

    def validate_condition(rule_name: str, condition: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
        if not condition or not isinstance(condition, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rule condition must be a dictionary, rule={rule_name}")

        ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_action(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)
        ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_key(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)
        ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_value(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)

    def validate_condition_action(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
        action = condition.get(CONDITION_ACTION, "")
        if action not in RuleAction.__members__:
            allowed_values = [_action.value for _action in RuleAction]
            raise SchemaValidationError(
                f"'action' value must be either {allowed_values}, rule_name={rule_name}, action={action}"

    def validate_condition_key(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
        key = condition.get(CONDITION_KEY, "")
        if not key or not isinstance(key, str):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"'key' value must be a non empty string, rule={rule_name}")

    def validate_condition_value(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
        value = condition.get(CONDITION_VALUE, "")
        if not value:
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"'value' key must not be empty, rule={rule_name}")


class ConditionsValidator (rule: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str, logger: Union[logging.Logger, Logger, None] = None)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class ConditionsValidator(BaseValidator):
    def __init__(self, rule: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str, logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.conditions: List[Dict[str, Any]] = rule.get(CONDITIONS_KEY, {})
        self.rule_name = rule_name
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self):
        if not self.conditions or not isinstance(self.conditions, list):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Invalid condition, rule={self.rule_name}")

        for condition in self.conditions:
            # Condition can contain PII data; do not log condition value
            self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate condition for '{self.rule_name}'")
            self.validate_condition(rule_name=self.rule_name, condition=condition)

    def validate_condition(rule_name: str, condition: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
        if not condition or not isinstance(condition, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rule condition must be a dictionary, rule={rule_name}")

        ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_action(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)
        ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_key(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)
        ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_value(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)

    def validate_condition_action(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
        action = condition.get(CONDITION_ACTION, "")
        if action not in RuleAction.__members__:
            allowed_values = [_action.value for _action in RuleAction]
            raise SchemaValidationError(
                f"'action' value must be either {allowed_values}, rule_name={rule_name}, action={action}"

    def validate_condition_key(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
        key = condition.get(CONDITION_KEY, "")
        if not key or not isinstance(key, str):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"'key' value must be a non empty string, rule={rule_name}")

    def validate_condition_value(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
        value = condition.get(CONDITION_VALUE, "")
        if not value:
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"'value' key must not be empty, rule={rule_name}")


Static methods

def validate_condition(rule_name: str, condition: Dict[str, str]) ‑> None
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def validate_condition(rule_name: str, condition: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
    if not condition or not isinstance(condition, dict):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rule condition must be a dictionary, rule={rule_name}")

    ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_action(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)
    ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_key(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)
    ConditionsValidator.validate_condition_value(condition=condition, rule_name=rule_name)
def validate_condition_action(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str)
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def validate_condition_action(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
    action = condition.get(CONDITION_ACTION, "")
    if action not in RuleAction.__members__:
        allowed_values = [_action.value for _action in RuleAction]
        raise SchemaValidationError(
            f"'action' value must be either {allowed_values}, rule_name={rule_name}, action={action}"
def validate_condition_key(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str)
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def validate_condition_key(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
    key = condition.get(CONDITION_KEY, "")
    if not key or not isinstance(key, str):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"'key' value must be a non empty string, rule={rule_name}")
def validate_condition_value(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str)
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def validate_condition_value(condition: Dict[str, Any], rule_name: str):
    value = condition.get(CONDITION_VALUE, "")
    if not value:
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"'value' key must not be empty, rule={rule_name}")


def validate(self)
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def validate(self):
    if not self.conditions or not isinstance(self.conditions, list):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"Invalid condition, rule={self.rule_name}")

    for condition in self.conditions:
        # Condition can contain PII data; do not log condition value
        self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate condition for '{self.rule_name}'")
        self.validate_condition(rule_name=self.rule_name, condition=condition)
class FeaturesValidator (schema: Dict[~KT, ~VT], logger: Union[logging.Logger, Logger, None] = None)

Validates each feature and calls RulesValidator to validate its rules

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class FeaturesValidator(BaseValidator):
    """Validates each feature and calls RulesValidator to validate its rules"""

    def __init__(self, schema: Dict, logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.schema = schema
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self):
        for name, feature in self.schema.items():
            self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate feature '{name}'")
            self.validate_feature(name, feature)
            rules = RulesValidator(feature=feature)

    def validate_feature(name, feature):
        if not feature or not isinstance(feature, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature must be a non-empty dictionary, feature={name}")

        default_value = feature.get(FEATURE_DEFAULT_VAL_KEY)
        if default_value is None or not isinstance(default_value, bool):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"feature 'default' boolean key must be present, feature={name}")


Static methods

def validate_feature(name, feature)
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def validate_feature(name, feature):
    if not feature or not isinstance(feature, dict):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature must be a non-empty dictionary, feature={name}")

    default_value = feature.get(FEATURE_DEFAULT_VAL_KEY)
    if default_value is None or not isinstance(default_value, bool):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"feature 'default' boolean key must be present, feature={name}")


def validate(self)
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def validate(self):
    for name, feature in self.schema.items():
        self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate feature '{name}'")
        self.validate_feature(name, feature)
        rules = RulesValidator(feature=feature)
class RuleAction (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class RuleAction(str, Enum):
    IN = "IN"
    NOT_IN = "NOT_IN"


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var IN
var NOT_IN
class RulesValidator (feature: Dict[str, Any], logger: Union[logging.Logger, Logger, None] = None)

Validates each rule and calls ConditionsValidator to validate each rule's conditions

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class RulesValidator(BaseValidator):
    """Validates each rule and calls ConditionsValidator to validate each rule's conditions"""

    def __init__(self, feature: Dict[str, Any], logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.feature = feature
        self.feature_name = next(iter(self.feature))
        self.rules: Optional[Dict] = self.feature.get(RULES_KEY)
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self):
        if not self.rules:
            self.logger.debug("Rules are empty, ignoring validation")

        if not isinstance(self.rules, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rules must be a dictionary, feature={self.feature_name}")

        for rule_name, rule in self.rules.items():
            self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate rule '{rule_name}'")
            self.validate_rule(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name, feature_name=self.feature_name)
            conditions = ConditionsValidator(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name)

    def validate_rule(rule, rule_name, feature_name):
        if not rule or not isinstance(rule, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rule must be a dictionary, feature={feature_name}")

        RulesValidator.validate_rule_name(rule_name=rule_name, feature_name=feature_name)
        RulesValidator.validate_rule_default_value(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name)

    def validate_rule_name(rule_name: str, feature_name: str):
        if not rule_name or not isinstance(rule_name, str):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Rule name key must have a non-empty string, feature={feature_name}")

    def validate_rule_default_value(rule: Dict, rule_name: str):
        rule_default_value = rule.get(RULE_MATCH_VALUE)
        if not isinstance(rule_default_value, bool):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"'rule_default_value' key must have be bool, rule={rule_name}")


Static methods

def validate_rule(rule, rule_name, feature_name)
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def validate_rule(rule, rule_name, feature_name):
    if not rule or not isinstance(rule, dict):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rule must be a dictionary, feature={feature_name}")

    RulesValidator.validate_rule_name(rule_name=rule_name, feature_name=feature_name)
    RulesValidator.validate_rule_default_value(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name)
def validate_rule_default_value(rule: Dict[~KT, ~VT], rule_name: str)
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def validate_rule_default_value(rule: Dict, rule_name: str):
    rule_default_value = rule.get(RULE_MATCH_VALUE)
    if not isinstance(rule_default_value, bool):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"'rule_default_value' key must have be bool, rule={rule_name}")
def validate_rule_name(rule_name: str, feature_name: str)
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def validate_rule_name(rule_name: str, feature_name: str):
    if not rule_name or not isinstance(rule_name, str):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"Rule name key must have a non-empty string, feature={feature_name}")


def validate(self)
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def validate(self):
    if not self.rules:
        self.logger.debug("Rules are empty, ignoring validation")

    if not isinstance(self.rules, dict):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"Feature rules must be a dictionary, feature={self.feature_name}")

    for rule_name, rule in self.rules.items():
        self.logger.debug(f"Attempting to validate rule '{rule_name}'")
        self.validate_rule(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name, feature_name=self.feature_name)
        conditions = ConditionsValidator(rule=rule, rule_name=rule_name)
class SchemaValidator (schema: Dict[str, Any], logger: Union[logging.Logger, Logger, None] = None)

Validates feature flag schema configuration


When schema doesn't conform with feature flag schema


Feature object

A dictionary containing default value and rules for matching. The value MUST be an object and MIGHT contain the following members:

  • default: bool. Defines default feature value. This MUST be present
  • rules: Dict[str, Dict]. Rules object. This MIGHT be present
    "my_feature": {
        "default": True,
        "rules": {}

Rules object

A dictionary with each rule and their conditions that a feature might have. The value MIGHT be present, and when defined it MUST contain the following members:

  • when_match: bool. Defines value to return when context matches conditions
  • conditions: List[Dict]. Conditions object. This MUST be present
    "my_feature": {
        "default": True,
        "rules": {
            "tenant id equals 345345435": {
                "when_match": False,
                "conditions": []

Conditions object

A list of dictionaries containing conditions for a given rule. The value MUST contain the following members:

  • action: str. Operation to perform to match a key and value. The value MUST be either EQUALS, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH, KEY_IN_VALUE KEY_NOT_IN_VALUE VALUE_IN_KEY VALUE_NOT_IN_KEY

  • key: str. Key in given context to perform operation

  • value: Any. Value in given context that should match action operation.
    "my_feature": {
        "default": True,
        "rules": {
            "tenant id equals 345345435": {
                "when_match": False,
                "conditions": [
                        "action": "EQUALS",
                        "key": "tenant_id",
                        "value": "345345435",
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class SchemaValidator(BaseValidator):
    """Validates feature flag schema configuration

        When schema doesn't conform with feature flag schema


    **Feature object**

    A dictionary containing default value and rules for matching.
    The value MUST be an object and MIGHT contain the following members:

    * **default**: `bool`. Defines default feature value. This MUST be present
    * **rules**: `Dict[str, Dict]`. Rules object. This MIGHT be present

        "my_feature": {
            "default": True,
            "rules": {}

    **Rules object**

    A dictionary with each rule and their conditions that a feature might have.
    The value MIGHT be present, and when defined it MUST contain the following members:

    * **when_match**: `bool`. Defines value to return when context matches conditions
    * **conditions**: `List[Dict]`. Conditions object. This MUST be present

        "my_feature": {
            "default": True,
            "rules": {
                "tenant id equals 345345435": {
                    "when_match": False,
                    "conditions": []

    **Conditions object**

    A list of dictionaries containing conditions for a given rule.
    The value MUST contain the following members:

    * **action**: `str`. Operation to perform to match a key and value.
    The value MUST be either EQUALS, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH,

    * **key**: `str`. Key in given context to perform operation
    * **value**: `Any`. Value in given context that should match action operation.

        "my_feature": {
            "default": True,
            "rules": {
                "tenant id equals 345345435": {
                    "when_match": False,
                    "conditions": [
                            "action": "EQUALS",
                            "key": "tenant_id",
                            "value": "345345435",

    def __init__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, Logger]] = None):
        self.schema = schema
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def validate(self) -> None:
        self.logger.debug("Validating schema")
        if not isinstance(self.schema, dict):
            raise SchemaValidationError(f"Features must be a dictionary, schema={str(self.schema)}")

        features = FeaturesValidator(schema=self.schema)



def validate(self) ‑> None
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def validate(self) -> None:
    self.logger.debug("Validating schema")
    if not isinstance(self.schema, dict):
        raise SchemaValidationError(f"Features must be a dictionary, schema={str(self.schema)}")

    features = FeaturesValidator(schema=self.schema)