Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency.persistence.dynamodb

Expand source code
import datetime
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import boto3
from boto3.dynamodb.types import TypeDeserializer
from botocore.config import Config
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from aws_lambda_powertools.shared import constants
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency import BasePersistenceLayer
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency.exceptions import (
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency.persistence.base import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DynamoDBPersistenceLayer(BasePersistenceLayer):
    def __init__(
        table_name: str,
        key_attr: str = "id",
        static_pk_value: Optional[str] = None,
        sort_key_attr: Optional[str] = None,
        expiry_attr: str = "expiration",
        in_progress_expiry_attr: str = "in_progress_expiration",
        status_attr: str = "status",
        data_attr: str = "data",
        validation_key_attr: str = "validation",
        boto_config: Optional[Config] = None,
        boto3_session: Optional[boto3.session.Session] = None,
        Initialize the DynamoDB client

        table_name: str
            Name of the table to use for storing execution records
        key_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for partition key, by default "id"
        static_pk_value: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute value for partition key, by default "idempotency#<function-name>".
            This will be used if the sort_key_attr is set.
        sort_key_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for the sort key
        expiry_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for expiry timestamp, by default "expiration"
        in_progress_expiry_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for in-progress expiry timestamp, by default "in_progress_expiration"
        status_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for status, by default "status"
        data_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for response data, by default "data"
        boto_config: botocore.config.Config, optional
            Botocore configuration to pass during client initialization
        boto3_session : boto3.session.Session, optional
            Boto3 session to use for AWS API communication

        **Create a DynamoDB persistence layer with custom settings**

            >>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency import (
            >>>    idempotent, DynamoDBPersistenceLayer
            >>> )
            >>> persistence_store = DynamoDBPersistenceLayer(table_name="idempotency_store")
            >>> @idempotent(persistence_store=persistence_store)
            >>> def handler(event, context):
            >>>     return {"StatusCode": 200}

        self._boto_config = boto_config or Config()
        self._boto3_session = boto3_session or boto3.session.Session()
        self._client = self._boto3_session.client("dynamodb", config=self._boto_config)

        if sort_key_attr == key_attr:
            raise ValueError(f"key_attr [{key_attr}] and sort_key_attr [{sort_key_attr}] cannot be the same!")

        if static_pk_value is None:
            static_pk_value = f"idempotency#{os.getenv(constants.LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME_ENV, '')}"

        self.table_name = table_name
        self.key_attr = key_attr
        self.static_pk_value = static_pk_value
        self.sort_key_attr = sort_key_attr
        self.expiry_attr = expiry_attr
        self.in_progress_expiry_attr = in_progress_expiry_attr
        self.status_attr = status_attr
        self.data_attr = data_attr
        self.validation_key_attr = validation_key_attr

        self._deserializer = TypeDeserializer()

        super(DynamoDBPersistenceLayer, self).__init__()

    def _get_key(self, idempotency_key: str) -> dict:
        """Build primary key attribute simple or composite based on params.

        When sort_key_attr is set, we must return a composite key with static_pk_value,
        otherwise we use the idempotency key given.

        idempotency_key : str
            idempotency key to use for simple primary key

            simple or composite key for DynamoDB primary key
        if self.sort_key_attr:
            return {self.key_attr: {"S": self.static_pk_value}, self.sort_key_attr: {"S": idempotency_key}}
        return {self.key_attr: {"S": idempotency_key}}

    def _item_to_data_record(self, item: Dict[str, Any]) -> DataRecord:
        Translate raw item records from DynamoDB to DataRecord

        item: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]
            Item format from dynamodb response

            representation of item

        data = self._deserializer.deserialize({"M": item})
        return DataRecord(

    def _get_record(self, idempotency_key) -> DataRecord:
        response = self._client.get_item(
            TableName=self.table_name, Key=self._get_key(idempotency_key), ConsistentRead=True
            item = response["Item"]
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise IdempotencyItemNotFoundError from exc
        return self._item_to_data_record(item)

    def _put_record(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> None:
        item = {
            # get simple or composite primary key
            self.expiry_attr: {"N": str(data_record.expiry_timestamp)},
            self.status_attr: {"S": data_record.status},

        if data_record.in_progress_expiry_timestamp is not None:
            item[self.in_progress_expiry_attr] = {"N": str(data_record.in_progress_expiry_timestamp)}

        if self.payload_validation_enabled and data_record.payload_hash:
            item[self.validation_key_attr] = {"S": data_record.payload_hash}

        now =
            logger.debug(f"Putting record for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}")

            # |     LOCKED     |         RETRY if status = "INPROGRESS"                |     RETRY
            # |----------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-------------> .... (time)
            # |             Lambda                                              Idempotency Record
            # |             Timeout                                                 Timeout
            # |       (in_progress_expiry)                                          (expiry)

            # Conditions to successfully save a record:

            # The idempotency key does not exist:
            #    - first time that this invocation key is used
            #    - previous invocation with the same key was deleted due to TTL
            idempotency_key_not_exist = "attribute_not_exists(#id)"

            # The idempotency record exists but it's expired:
            idempotency_expiry_expired = "#expiry < :now"

            # The status of the record is "INPROGRESS", there is an in-progress expiry timestamp, but it's expired
            inprogress_expiry_expired = " AND ".join(
                    "#status = :inprogress",
                    "#in_progress_expiry < :now_in_millis",

            condition_expression = (
                f"{idempotency_key_not_exist} OR {idempotency_expiry_expired} OR ({inprogress_expiry_expired})"
                    "#id": self.key_attr,
                    "#expiry": self.expiry_attr,
                    "#in_progress_expiry": self.in_progress_expiry_attr,
                    "#status": self.status_attr,
                    ":now": {"N": str(int(now.timestamp()))},
                    ":now_in_millis": {"N": str(int(now.timestamp() * 1000))},
                    ":inprogress": {"S": STATUS_CONSTANTS["INPROGRESS"]},
        except ClientError as exc:
            error_code = exc.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code")
            if error_code == "ConditionalCheckFailedException":
                    f"Failed to put record for already existing idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}"
                raise IdempotencyItemAlreadyExistsError from exc

    def _update_record(self, data_record: DataRecord):
        logger.debug(f"Updating record for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}")
        update_expression = "SET #response_data = :response_data, #expiry = :expiry, " "#status = :status"
        expression_attr_values = {
            ":expiry": {"N": str(data_record.expiry_timestamp)},
            ":response_data": {"S": data_record.response_data},
            ":status": {"S": data_record.status},
        expression_attr_names = {
            "#expiry": self.expiry_attr,
            "#response_data": self.data_attr,
            "#status": self.status_attr,

        if self.payload_validation_enabled:
            update_expression += ", #validation_key = :validation_key"
            expression_attr_values[":validation_key"] = {"S": data_record.payload_hash}
            expression_attr_names["#validation_key"] = self.validation_key_attr

        kwargs = {
            "Key": self._get_key(data_record.idempotency_key),
            "UpdateExpression": update_expression,
            "ExpressionAttributeValues": expression_attr_values,
            "ExpressionAttributeNames": expression_attr_names,

        self._client.update_item(TableName=self.table_name, **kwargs)

    def _delete_record(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> None:
        logger.debug(f"Deleting record for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}")
        self._client.delete_item(TableName=self.table_name, Key={**self._get_key(data_record.idempotency_key)})


class DynamoDBPersistenceLayer (table_name: str, key_attr: str = 'id', static_pk_value: Optional[str] = None, sort_key_attr: Optional[str] = None, expiry_attr: str = 'expiration', in_progress_expiry_attr: str = 'in_progress_expiration', status_attr: str = 'status', data_attr: str = 'data', validation_key_attr: str = 'validation', boto_config: Optional[botocore.config.Config] = None, boto3_session: Optional[boto3.session.Session] = None)

Abstract Base Class for Idempotency persistence layer.

Initialize the DynamoDB client


table_name : str
Name of the table to use for storing execution records
key_attr : str, optional
DynamoDB attribute name for partition key, by default "id"
static_pk_value : str, optional
DynamoDB attribute value for partition key, by default "idempotency#". This will be used if the sort_key_attr is set.
sort_key_attr : str, optional
DynamoDB attribute name for the sort key
expiry_attr : str, optional
DynamoDB attribute name for expiry timestamp, by default "expiration"
in_progress_expiry_attr : str, optional
DynamoDB attribute name for in-progress expiry timestamp, by default "in_progress_expiration"
status_attr : str, optional
DynamoDB attribute name for status, by default "status"
data_attr : str, optional
DynamoDB attribute name for response data, by default "data"
boto_config : botocore.config.Config, optional
Botocore configuration to pass during client initialization
boto3_session : boto3.session.Session, optional
Boto3 session to use for AWS API communication


Create a DynamoDB persistence layer with custom settings

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency import (
>>>    idempotent, DynamoDBPersistenceLayer
>>> )
>>> persistence_store = DynamoDBPersistenceLayer(table_name="idempotency_store")
>>> @idempotent(persistence_store=persistence_store)
>>> def handler(event, context):
>>>     return {"StatusCode": 200}
Expand source code
class DynamoDBPersistenceLayer(BasePersistenceLayer):
    def __init__(
        table_name: str,
        key_attr: str = "id",
        static_pk_value: Optional[str] = None,
        sort_key_attr: Optional[str] = None,
        expiry_attr: str = "expiration",
        in_progress_expiry_attr: str = "in_progress_expiration",
        status_attr: str = "status",
        data_attr: str = "data",
        validation_key_attr: str = "validation",
        boto_config: Optional[Config] = None,
        boto3_session: Optional[boto3.session.Session] = None,
        Initialize the DynamoDB client

        table_name: str
            Name of the table to use for storing execution records
        key_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for partition key, by default "id"
        static_pk_value: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute value for partition key, by default "idempotency#<function-name>".
            This will be used if the sort_key_attr is set.
        sort_key_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for the sort key
        expiry_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for expiry timestamp, by default "expiration"
        in_progress_expiry_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for in-progress expiry timestamp, by default "in_progress_expiration"
        status_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for status, by default "status"
        data_attr: str, optional
            DynamoDB attribute name for response data, by default "data"
        boto_config: botocore.config.Config, optional
            Botocore configuration to pass during client initialization
        boto3_session : boto3.session.Session, optional
            Boto3 session to use for AWS API communication

        **Create a DynamoDB persistence layer with custom settings**

            >>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency import (
            >>>    idempotent, DynamoDBPersistenceLayer
            >>> )
            >>> persistence_store = DynamoDBPersistenceLayer(table_name="idempotency_store")
            >>> @idempotent(persistence_store=persistence_store)
            >>> def handler(event, context):
            >>>     return {"StatusCode": 200}

        self._boto_config = boto_config or Config()
        self._boto3_session = boto3_session or boto3.session.Session()
        self._client = self._boto3_session.client("dynamodb", config=self._boto_config)

        if sort_key_attr == key_attr:
            raise ValueError(f"key_attr [{key_attr}] and sort_key_attr [{sort_key_attr}] cannot be the same!")

        if static_pk_value is None:
            static_pk_value = f"idempotency#{os.getenv(constants.LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME_ENV, '')}"

        self.table_name = table_name
        self.key_attr = key_attr
        self.static_pk_value = static_pk_value
        self.sort_key_attr = sort_key_attr
        self.expiry_attr = expiry_attr
        self.in_progress_expiry_attr = in_progress_expiry_attr
        self.status_attr = status_attr
        self.data_attr = data_attr
        self.validation_key_attr = validation_key_attr

        self._deserializer = TypeDeserializer()

        super(DynamoDBPersistenceLayer, self).__init__()

    def _get_key(self, idempotency_key: str) -> dict:
        """Build primary key attribute simple or composite based on params.

        When sort_key_attr is set, we must return a composite key with static_pk_value,
        otherwise we use the idempotency key given.

        idempotency_key : str
            idempotency key to use for simple primary key

            simple or composite key for DynamoDB primary key
        if self.sort_key_attr:
            return {self.key_attr: {"S": self.static_pk_value}, self.sort_key_attr: {"S": idempotency_key}}
        return {self.key_attr: {"S": idempotency_key}}

    def _item_to_data_record(self, item: Dict[str, Any]) -> DataRecord:
        Translate raw item records from DynamoDB to DataRecord

        item: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]
            Item format from dynamodb response

            representation of item

        data = self._deserializer.deserialize({"M": item})
        return DataRecord(

    def _get_record(self, idempotency_key) -> DataRecord:
        response = self._client.get_item(
            TableName=self.table_name, Key=self._get_key(idempotency_key), ConsistentRead=True
            item = response["Item"]
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise IdempotencyItemNotFoundError from exc
        return self._item_to_data_record(item)

    def _put_record(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> None:
        item = {
            # get simple or composite primary key
            self.expiry_attr: {"N": str(data_record.expiry_timestamp)},
            self.status_attr: {"S": data_record.status},

        if data_record.in_progress_expiry_timestamp is not None:
            item[self.in_progress_expiry_attr] = {"N": str(data_record.in_progress_expiry_timestamp)}

        if self.payload_validation_enabled and data_record.payload_hash:
            item[self.validation_key_attr] = {"S": data_record.payload_hash}

        now =
            logger.debug(f"Putting record for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}")

            # |     LOCKED     |         RETRY if status = "INPROGRESS"                |     RETRY
            # |----------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-------------> .... (time)
            # |             Lambda                                              Idempotency Record
            # |             Timeout                                                 Timeout
            # |       (in_progress_expiry)                                          (expiry)

            # Conditions to successfully save a record:

            # The idempotency key does not exist:
            #    - first time that this invocation key is used
            #    - previous invocation with the same key was deleted due to TTL
            idempotency_key_not_exist = "attribute_not_exists(#id)"

            # The idempotency record exists but it's expired:
            idempotency_expiry_expired = "#expiry < :now"

            # The status of the record is "INPROGRESS", there is an in-progress expiry timestamp, but it's expired
            inprogress_expiry_expired = " AND ".join(
                    "#status = :inprogress",
                    "#in_progress_expiry < :now_in_millis",

            condition_expression = (
                f"{idempotency_key_not_exist} OR {idempotency_expiry_expired} OR ({inprogress_expiry_expired})"
                    "#id": self.key_attr,
                    "#expiry": self.expiry_attr,
                    "#in_progress_expiry": self.in_progress_expiry_attr,
                    "#status": self.status_attr,
                    ":now": {"N": str(int(now.timestamp()))},
                    ":now_in_millis": {"N": str(int(now.timestamp() * 1000))},
                    ":inprogress": {"S": STATUS_CONSTANTS["INPROGRESS"]},
        except ClientError as exc:
            error_code = exc.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code")
            if error_code == "ConditionalCheckFailedException":
                    f"Failed to put record for already existing idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}"
                raise IdempotencyItemAlreadyExistsError from exc

    def _update_record(self, data_record: DataRecord):
        logger.debug(f"Updating record for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}")
        update_expression = "SET #response_data = :response_data, #expiry = :expiry, " "#status = :status"
        expression_attr_values = {
            ":expiry": {"N": str(data_record.expiry_timestamp)},
            ":response_data": {"S": data_record.response_data},
            ":status": {"S": data_record.status},
        expression_attr_names = {
            "#expiry": self.expiry_attr,
            "#response_data": self.data_attr,
            "#status": self.status_attr,

        if self.payload_validation_enabled:
            update_expression += ", #validation_key = :validation_key"
            expression_attr_values[":validation_key"] = {"S": data_record.payload_hash}
            expression_attr_names["#validation_key"] = self.validation_key_attr

        kwargs = {
            "Key": self._get_key(data_record.idempotency_key),
            "UpdateExpression": update_expression,
            "ExpressionAttributeValues": expression_attr_values,
            "ExpressionAttributeNames": expression_attr_names,

        self._client.update_item(TableName=self.table_name, **kwargs)

    def _delete_record(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> None:
        logger.debug(f"Deleting record for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}")
        self._client.delete_item(TableName=self.table_name, Key={**self._get_key(data_record.idempotency_key)})


Inherited members