Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.cognito_user_pool_event

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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.common import DictWrapper

class CallerContext(DictWrapper):
    def aws_sdk_version(self) -> str:
        """The AWS SDK version number."""
        return self["callerContext"]["awsSdkVersion"]

    def client_id(self) -> str:
        """The ID of the client associated with the user pool."""
        return self["callerContext"]["clientId"]

class BaseTriggerEvent(DictWrapper):
    """Common attributes shared by all User Pool Lambda Trigger Events


    def version(self) -> str:
        """The version number of your Lambda function."""
        return self["version"]

    def region(self) -> str:
        """The AWS Region, as an AWSRegion instance."""
        return self["region"]

    def user_pool_id(self) -> str:
        """The user pool ID for the user pool."""
        return self["userPoolId"]

    def trigger_source(self) -> str:
        """The name of the event that triggered the Lambda function."""
        return self["triggerSource"]

    def user_name(self) -> str:
        """The username of the current user."""
        return self["userName"]

    def caller_context(self) -> CallerContext:
        """The caller context"""
        return CallerContext(self._data)

class PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user."""
        return self["request"].get("validationData")

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def auto_confirm_user(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["autoConfirmUser"])

    def auto_confirm_user(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true to auto-confirm the user, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["autoConfirmUser"] = value

    def auto_verify_email(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["autoVerifyEmail"])

    def auto_verify_email(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true to set as verified the email of a user who is signing up, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["autoVerifyEmail"] = value

    def auto_verify_phone(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["autoVerifyPhone"])

    def auto_verify_phone(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true to set as verified the phone number of a user who is signing up, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["autoVerifyPhone"] = value

class PreSignUpTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Pre Sign-up Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PreSignUp_SignUp` Pre sign-up.
    - `PreSignUp_AdminCreateUser` Pre sign-up when an admin creates a new user.
    - `PreSignUp_ExternalProvider` Pre sign-up with external provider


    def request(self) -> PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest:
        return PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse:
        return PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

class PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the post confirmation trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class PostConfirmationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Post Confirmation Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp` Post sign-up confirmation.
    - `PostConfirmation_ConfirmForgotPassword` Post Forgot Password confirmation.


    def request(self) -> PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest:
        return PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

class UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def password(self) -> str:
        return self["request"]["password"]

    def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user."""
        return self["request"].get("validationData")

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        return self["response"]["userAttributes"]

    def user_attributes(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """It must contain one or more name-value pairs representing user attributes to be stored in the
        user profile in your user pool. You can include both standard and custom user attributes.
        Custom attributes require the custom: prefix to distinguish them from standard attributes."""
        self["response"]["userAttributes"] = value

    def final_user_status(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self["response"].get("finalUserStatus")

    def final_user_status(self, value: str):
        """During sign-in, this attribute can be set to CONFIRMED, or not set, to auto-confirm your users and
        allow them to sign in with their previous passwords. This is the simplest experience for the user.

        If this attribute is set to RESET_REQUIRED, the user is required to change his or her password immediately
        after migration at the time of sign-in, and your client app needs to handle the PasswordResetRequiredException
        during the authentication flow."""
        self["response"]["finalUserStatus"] = value

    def message_action(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self["response"].get("messageAction")

    def message_action(self, value: str):
        """This attribute can be set to "SUPPRESS" to suppress the welcome message usually sent by
        Amazon Cognito to new users. If this attribute is not returned, the welcome message will be sent."""
        self["response"]["messageAction"] = value

    def desired_delivery_mediums(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        return self["response"].get("desiredDeliveryMediums")

    def desired_delivery_mediums(self, value: List[str]):
        """This attribute can be set to "EMAIL" to send the welcome message by email, or "SMS" to send the
        welcome message by SMS. If this attribute is not returned, the welcome message will be sent by SMS."""
        self["response"]["desiredDeliveryMediums"] = value

    def force_alias_creation(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        return self["response"].get("forceAliasCreation")

    def force_alias_creation(self, value: bool):
        """If this parameter is set to "true" and the phone number or email address specified in the UserAttributes
        parameter already exists as an alias with a different user, the API call will migrate the alias from the
        previous user to the newly created user. The previous user will no longer be able to log in using that alias.

        If this attribute is set to "false" and the alias exists, the user will not be migrated, and an error is
        returned to the client app.

        If this attribute is not returned, it is assumed to be "false".
        self["response"]["forceAliasCreation"] = value

class UserMigrationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Migrate User Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `UserMigration_Authentication` User migration at the time of sign in.
    - `UserMigration_ForgotPassword` User migration during forgot-password flow.


    def request(self) -> UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest:
        return UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse:
        return UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

class CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def code_parameter(self) -> str:
        """A string for you to use as the placeholder for the verification code in the custom message."""
        return self["request"]["codeParameter"]

    def username_parameter(self) -> str:
        """The username parameter. It is a required request parameter for the admin create user flow."""
        return self["request"]["usernameParameter"]

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def sms_message(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["smsMessage"]

    def sms_message(self, value: str):
        """The custom SMS message to be sent to your users.
        Must include the codeParameter value received in the request."""
        self["response"]["smsMessage"] = value

    def email_message(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["emailMessage"]

    def email_message(self, value: str):
        """The custom email message to be sent to your users.
        Must include the codeParameter value received in the request."""
        self["response"]["emailMessage"] = value

    def email_subject(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["emailSubject"]

    def email_subject(self, value: str):
        """The subject line for the custom message."""
        self["response"]["emailSubject"] = value

class CustomMessageTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Custom Message Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `CustomMessage_SignUp` To send the confirmation code post sign-up.
    - `CustomMessage_AdminCreateUser` To send the temporary password to a new user.
    - `CustomMessage_ResendCode` To resend the confirmation code to an existing user.
    - `CustomMessage_ForgotPassword` To send the confirmation code for Forgot Password request.
    - `CustomMessage_UpdateUserAttribute` When a user's email or phone number is changed, this trigger sends a
       verification code automatically to the user. Cannot be used for other attributes.
    - `CustomMessage_VerifyUserAttribute`  This trigger sends a verification code to the user when they manually
       request it for a new email or phone number.
    - `CustomMessage_Authentication` To send MFA codes during authentication.


    def request(self) -> CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest:
        return CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse:
        return CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

class PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs containing the validation data in the user's sign-in request."""
        return self["request"].get("validationData")

class PreAuthenticationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Pre Authentication Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger when a user attempts to sign in, allowing custom validation
    to accept or deny the authentication request.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PreAuthentication_Authentication` Pre authentication.


    def request(self) -> PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest:
        """Pre Authentication Request Parameters"""
        return PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

class PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def new_device_used(self) -> bool:
        """This flag indicates if the user has signed in on a new device.
        It is set only if the remembered devices value of the user pool is set to `Always` or User `Opt-In`."""
        return self["request"]["newDeviceUsed"]

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the post authentication trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class PostAuthenticationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Post Authentication Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger after signing in a user, allowing you to add custom logic
    after authentication.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PostAuthentication_Authentication` Post authentication.


    def request(self) -> PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest:
        """Post Authentication Request Parameters"""
        return PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

class GroupOverrideDetails(DictWrapper):
    def groups_to_override(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        """A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for."""
        return self.get("groupsToOverride")

    def iam_roles_to_override(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        """A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups."""
        return self.get("iamRolesToOverride")

    def preferred_role(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """A string indicating the preferred IAM role."""
        return self.get("preferredRole")

class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def group_configuration(self) -> GroupOverrideDetails:
        """The input object containing the current group configuration"""
        return GroupOverrideDetails(self["request"]["groupConfiguration"])

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre token generation trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class ClaimsOverrideDetails(DictWrapper):
    def claims_to_add_or_override(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        return self.get("claimsToAddOrOverride")

    def claims_to_add_or_override(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """A map of one or more key-value pairs of claims to add or override.
        For group related claims, use groupOverrideDetails instead."""
        self._data["claimsToAddOrOverride"] = value

    def claims_to_suppress(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        return self.get("claimsToSuppress")

    def claims_to_suppress(self, value: List[str]):
        """A list that contains claims to be suppressed from the identity token."""
        self._data["claimsToSuppress"] = value

    def group_configuration(self) -> Optional[GroupOverrideDetails]:
        group_override_details = self.get("groupOverrideDetails")
        return None if group_override_details is None else GroupOverrideDetails(group_override_details)

    def group_configuration(self, value: Dict[str, Any]):
        """The output object containing the current group configuration.

        It includes groupsToOverride, iamRolesToOverride, and preferredRole.

        The groupOverrideDetails object is replaced with the one you provide. If you provide an empty or null
        object in the response, then the groups are suppressed. To leave the existing group configuration
        as is, copy the value of the request's groupConfiguration object to the groupOverrideDetails object
        in the response, and pass it back to the service.
        self._data["groupOverrideDetails"] = value

    def set_group_configuration_groups_to_override(self, value: List[str]):
        """A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for."""
        self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
        self["groupOverrideDetails"]["groupsToOverride"] = value

    def set_group_configuration_iam_roles_to_override(self, value: List[str]):
        """A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups."""
        self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
        self["groupOverrideDetails"]["iamRolesToOverride"] = value

    def set_group_configuration_preferred_role(self, value: str):
        """A string indicating the preferred IAM role."""
        self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
        self["groupOverrideDetails"]["preferredRole"] = value

class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def claims_override_details(self) -> ClaimsOverrideDetails:
        # Ensure we have a `claimsOverrideDetails` element and is not set to None
        if self._data["response"].get("claimsOverrideDetails") is None:
            self._data["response"]["claimsOverrideDetails"] = {}
        return ClaimsOverrideDetails(self._data["response"]["claimsOverrideDetails"])

class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Pre Token Generation Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger before token generation allowing you to customize identity token claims.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `TokenGeneration_HostedAuth` Called during authentication from the Amazon Cognito hosted UI sign-in page.
    - `TokenGeneration_Authentication` Called after user authentication flows have completed.
    - `TokenGeneration_NewPasswordChallenge` Called after the user is created by an admin. This flow is invoked
       when the user has to change a temporary password.
    - `TokenGeneration_AuthenticateDevice` Called at the end of the authentication of a user device.
    - `TokenGeneration_RefreshTokens` Called when a user tries to refresh the identity and access tokens.


    def request(self) -> PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest:
        """Pre Token Generation Request Parameters"""
        return PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse:
        """Pre Token Generation Response Parameters"""
        return PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

class ChallengeResult(DictWrapper):
    def challenge_name(self) -> str:
        """The challenge type.

        return self["challengeName"]

    def challenge_result(self) -> bool:
        """Set to true if the user successfully completed the challenge, or false otherwise."""
        return bool(self["challengeResult"])

    def challenge_metadata(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Your name for the custom challenge. Used only if challengeName is CUSTOM_CHALLENGE."""
        return self.get("challengeMetadata")

class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """A Boolean that is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your user pool client.
        A value of true means that the user id (username, email address, etc.) did not match any existing users."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

    def session(self) -> List[ChallengeResult]:
        """An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:"""
        return [ChallengeResult(result) for result in self["request"]["session"]]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify
        for the defined auth challenge trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def challenge_name(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["challengeName"]

    def challenge_name(self, value: str):
        """A string containing the name of the next challenge.
        If you want to present a new challenge to your user, specify the challenge name here."""
        self["response"]["challengeName"] = value

    def fail_authentication(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["failAuthentication"])

    def fail_authentication(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true if you want to terminate the current authentication process, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["failAuthentication"] = value

    def issue_tokens(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["issueTokens"])

    def issue_tokens(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true if you determine that the user has been sufficiently authenticated by
        completing the challenges, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["issueTokens"] = value

class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Define Auth Challenge Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger to initiate the custom authentication flow.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `DefineAuthChallenge_Authentication` Define Auth Challenge.


    def request(self) -> DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest:
        """Define Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
        return DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse:
        """Define Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
        return DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

    def challenge_name(self) -> str:
        """The name of the new challenge."""
        return self["request"]["challengeName"]

    def session(self) -> List[ChallengeResult]:
        """An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:"""
        return [ChallengeResult(result) for result in self["request"]["session"]]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you
        specify for the creation auth challenge trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def public_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        return self["response"]["publicChallengeParameters"]

    def public_challenge_parameters(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """One or more key-value pairs for the client app to use in the challenge to be presented to the user.
        This parameter should contain all the necessary information to accurately present the challenge to
        the user."""
        self["response"]["publicChallengeParameters"] = value

    def private_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        return self["response"]["privateChallengeParameters"]

    def private_challenge_parameters(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """This parameter is only used by the "Verify Auth Challenge" Response Lambda trigger.
        This parameter should contain all the information that is required to validate the user's
        response to the challenge. In other words, the publicChallengeParameters parameter contains the
        question that is presented to the user and privateChallengeParameters contains the valid answers
        for the question."""
        self["response"]["privateChallengeParameters"] = value

    def challenge_metadata(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["challengeMetadata"]

    def challenge_metadata(self, value: str):
        """Your name for the custom challenge, if this is a custom challenge."""
        self["response"]["challengeMetadata"] = value

class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Create Auth Challenge Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger after Define Auth Challenge if a custom challenge has been
    specified as part of the "Define Auth Challenge" trigger.
    It creates a custom authentication flow.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `CreateAuthChallenge_Authentication` Create Auth Challenge.


    def request(self) -> CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest:
        """Create Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
        return CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse:
        """Create Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
        return CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def private_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """This parameter comes from the Create Auth Challenge trigger, and is
        compared against a user’s challengeAnswer to determine whether the user passed the challenge."""
        return self["request"]["privateChallengeParameters"]

    def challenge_answer(self) -> Any:
        """The answer from the user's response to the challenge."""
        return self["request"]["challengeAnswer"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that
        you specify for the "Verify Auth Challenge" trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def answer_correct(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["answerCorrect"])

    def answer_correct(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true if the user has successfully completed the challenge, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["answerCorrect"] = value

class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Verify Auth Challenge Response Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger to verify if the response from the end user for a custom
    Auth Challenge is valid or not.
    It is part of a user pool custom authentication flow.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `VerifyAuthChallengeResponse_Authentication` Verify Auth Challenge Response.


    def request(self) -> VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest:
        """Verify Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
        return VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse:
        """Verify Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
        return VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


class BaseTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Common attributes shared by all User Pool Lambda Trigger Events



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class BaseTriggerEvent(DictWrapper):
    """Common attributes shared by all User Pool Lambda Trigger Events


    def version(self) -> str:
        """The version number of your Lambda function."""
        return self["version"]

    def region(self) -> str:
        """The AWS Region, as an AWSRegion instance."""
        return self["region"]

    def user_pool_id(self) -> str:
        """The user pool ID for the user pool."""
        return self["userPoolId"]

    def trigger_source(self) -> str:
        """The name of the event that triggered the Lambda function."""
        return self["triggerSource"]

    def user_name(self) -> str:
        """The username of the current user."""
        return self["userName"]

    def caller_context(self) -> CallerContext:
        """The caller context"""
        return CallerContext(self._data)


  • DictWrapper


Instance variables

var caller_contextCallerContext

The caller context

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def caller_context(self) -> CallerContext:
    """The caller context"""
    return CallerContext(self._data)
var region : str

The AWS Region, as an AWSRegion instance.

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def region(self) -> str:
    """The AWS Region, as an AWSRegion instance."""
    return self["region"]
var trigger_source : str

The name of the event that triggered the Lambda function.

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def trigger_source(self) -> str:
    """The name of the event that triggered the Lambda function."""
    return self["triggerSource"]
var user_name : str

The username of the current user.

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def user_name(self) -> str:
    """The username of the current user."""
    return self["userName"]
var user_pool_id : str

The user pool ID for the user pool.

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def user_pool_id(self) -> str:
    """The user pool ID for the user pool."""
    return self["userPoolId"]
var version : str

The version number of your Lambda function.

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def version(self) -> str:
    """The version number of your Lambda function."""
    return self["version"]

Inherited members

class CallerContext (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class CallerContext(DictWrapper):
    def aws_sdk_version(self) -> str:
        """The AWS SDK version number."""
        return self["callerContext"]["awsSdkVersion"]

    def client_id(self) -> str:
        """The ID of the client associated with the user pool."""
        return self["callerContext"]["clientId"]


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var aws_sdk_version : str

The AWS SDK version number.

Expand source code
def aws_sdk_version(self) -> str:
    """The AWS SDK version number."""
    return self["callerContext"]["awsSdkVersion"]
var client_id : str

The ID of the client associated with the user pool.

Expand source code
def client_id(self) -> str:
    """The ID of the client associated with the user pool."""
    return self["callerContext"]["clientId"]

Inherited members

class ChallengeResult (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class ChallengeResult(DictWrapper):
    def challenge_name(self) -> str:
        """The challenge type.

        return self["challengeName"]

    def challenge_result(self) -> bool:
        """Set to true if the user successfully completed the challenge, or false otherwise."""
        return bool(self["challengeResult"])

    def challenge_metadata(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Your name for the custom challenge. Used only if challengeName is CUSTOM_CHALLENGE."""
        return self.get("challengeMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var challenge_metadata : Optional[str]

Your name for the custom challenge. Used only if challengeName is CUSTOM_CHALLENGE.

Expand source code
def challenge_metadata(self) -> Optional[str]:
    """Your name for the custom challenge. Used only if challengeName is CUSTOM_CHALLENGE."""
    return self.get("challengeMetadata")
var challenge_name : str

The challenge type.


Expand source code
def challenge_name(self) -> str:
    """The challenge type.

    return self["challengeName"]
var challenge_result : bool

Set to true if the user successfully completed the challenge, or false otherwise.

Expand source code
def challenge_result(self) -> bool:
    """Set to true if the user successfully completed the challenge, or false otherwise."""
    return bool(self["challengeResult"])

Inherited members

class ClaimsOverrideDetails (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class ClaimsOverrideDetails(DictWrapper):
    def claims_to_add_or_override(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        return self.get("claimsToAddOrOverride")

    def claims_to_add_or_override(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """A map of one or more key-value pairs of claims to add or override.
        For group related claims, use groupOverrideDetails instead."""
        self._data["claimsToAddOrOverride"] = value

    def claims_to_suppress(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        return self.get("claimsToSuppress")

    def claims_to_suppress(self, value: List[str]):
        """A list that contains claims to be suppressed from the identity token."""
        self._data["claimsToSuppress"] = value

    def group_configuration(self) -> Optional[GroupOverrideDetails]:
        group_override_details = self.get("groupOverrideDetails")
        return None if group_override_details is None else GroupOverrideDetails(group_override_details)

    def group_configuration(self, value: Dict[str, Any]):
        """The output object containing the current group configuration.

        It includes groupsToOverride, iamRolesToOverride, and preferredRole.

        The groupOverrideDetails object is replaced with the one you provide. If you provide an empty or null
        object in the response, then the groups are suppressed. To leave the existing group configuration
        as is, copy the value of the request's groupConfiguration object to the groupOverrideDetails object
        in the response, and pass it back to the service.
        self._data["groupOverrideDetails"] = value

    def set_group_configuration_groups_to_override(self, value: List[str]):
        """A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for."""
        self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
        self["groupOverrideDetails"]["groupsToOverride"] = value

    def set_group_configuration_iam_roles_to_override(self, value: List[str]):
        """A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups."""
        self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
        self["groupOverrideDetails"]["iamRolesToOverride"] = value

    def set_group_configuration_preferred_role(self, value: str):
        """A string indicating the preferred IAM role."""
        self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
        self["groupOverrideDetails"]["preferredRole"] = value


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var claims_to_add_or_override : Optional[Dict[str, str]]
Expand source code
def claims_to_add_or_override(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    return self.get("claimsToAddOrOverride")
var claims_to_suppress : Optional[List[str]]
Expand source code
def claims_to_suppress(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
    return self.get("claimsToSuppress")
var group_configuration : Optional[GroupOverrideDetails]
Expand source code
def group_configuration(self) -> Optional[GroupOverrideDetails]:
    group_override_details = self.get("groupOverrideDetails")
    return None if group_override_details is None else GroupOverrideDetails(group_override_details)


def set_group_configuration_groups_to_override(self, value: List[str])

A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for.

Expand source code
def set_group_configuration_groups_to_override(self, value: List[str]):
    """A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for."""
    self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
    self["groupOverrideDetails"]["groupsToOverride"] = value
def set_group_configuration_iam_roles_to_override(self, value: List[str])

A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups.

Expand source code
def set_group_configuration_iam_roles_to_override(self, value: List[str]):
    """A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups."""
    self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
    self["groupOverrideDetails"]["iamRolesToOverride"] = value
def set_group_configuration_preferred_role(self, value: str)

A string indicating the preferred IAM role.

Expand source code
def set_group_configuration_preferred_role(self, value: str):
    """A string indicating the preferred IAM role."""
    self._data.setdefault("groupOverrideDetails", {})
    self["groupOverrideDetails"]["preferredRole"] = value

Inherited members

class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Create Auth Challenge Lambda Trigger

Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger after Define Auth Challenge if a custom challenge has been specified as part of the "Define Auth Challenge" trigger. It creates a custom authentication flow.


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • CreateAuthChallenge_Authentication Create Auth Challenge.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Create Auth Challenge Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger after Define Auth Challenge if a custom challenge has been
    specified as part of the "Define Auth Challenge" trigger.
    It creates a custom authentication flow.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `CreateAuthChallenge_Authentication` Create Auth Challenge.


    def request(self) -> CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest:
        """Create Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
        return CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse:
        """Create Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
        return CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestCreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest

Create Auth Challenge Request Parameters

Expand source code
def request(self) -> CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest:
    """Create Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
    return CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(self._data)
var responseCreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse

Create Auth Challenge Response Parameters

Expand source code
def response(self) -> CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse:
    """Create Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
    return CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

Inherited members

class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

    def challenge_name(self) -> str:
        """The name of the new challenge."""
        return self["request"]["challengeName"]

    def session(self) -> List[ChallengeResult]:
        """An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:"""
        return [ChallengeResult(result) for result in self["request"]["session"]]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you
        specify for the creation auth challenge trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var challenge_name : str

The name of the new challenge.

Expand source code
def challenge_name(self) -> str:
    """The name of the new challenge."""
    return self["request"]["challengeName"]
var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the creation auth challenge trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you
    specify for the creation auth challenge trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var session : List[ChallengeResult]

An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:

Expand source code
def session(self) -> List[ChallengeResult]:
    """An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:"""
    return [ChallengeResult(result) for result in self["request"]["session"]]
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]
var user_not_found : Optional[bool]

This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client.

Expand source code
def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
    """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
    return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

Inherited members

class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class CreateAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def public_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        return self["response"]["publicChallengeParameters"]

    def public_challenge_parameters(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """One or more key-value pairs for the client app to use in the challenge to be presented to the user.
        This parameter should contain all the necessary information to accurately present the challenge to
        the user."""
        self["response"]["publicChallengeParameters"] = value

    def private_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        return self["response"]["privateChallengeParameters"]

    def private_challenge_parameters(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """This parameter is only used by the "Verify Auth Challenge" Response Lambda trigger.
        This parameter should contain all the information that is required to validate the user's
        response to the challenge. In other words, the publicChallengeParameters parameter contains the
        question that is presented to the user and privateChallengeParameters contains the valid answers
        for the question."""
        self["response"]["privateChallengeParameters"] = value

    def challenge_metadata(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["challengeMetadata"]

    def challenge_metadata(self, value: str):
        """Your name for the custom challenge, if this is a custom challenge."""
        self["response"]["challengeMetadata"] = value


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var challenge_metadata : str
Expand source code
def challenge_metadata(self) -> str:
    return self["response"]["challengeMetadata"]
var private_challenge_parameters : Dict[str, str]
Expand source code
def private_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    return self["response"]["privateChallengeParameters"]
var public_challenge_parameters : Dict[str, str]
Expand source code
def public_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    return self["response"]["publicChallengeParameters"]

Inherited members

class CustomMessageTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Custom Message Lambda Trigger


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • CustomMessage_SignUp To send the confirmation code post sign-up.
  • CustomMessage_AdminCreateUser To send the temporary password to a new user.
  • CustomMessage_ResendCode To resend the confirmation code to an existing user.
  • CustomMessage_ForgotPassword To send the confirmation code for Forgot Password request.
  • CustomMessage_UpdateUserAttribute When a user's email or phone number is changed, this trigger sends a verification code automatically to the user. Cannot be used for other attributes.
  • CustomMessage_VerifyUserAttribute This trigger sends a verification code to the user when they manually request it for a new email or phone number.
  • CustomMessage_Authentication To send MFA codes during authentication.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class CustomMessageTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Custom Message Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `CustomMessage_SignUp` To send the confirmation code post sign-up.
    - `CustomMessage_AdminCreateUser` To send the temporary password to a new user.
    - `CustomMessage_ResendCode` To resend the confirmation code to an existing user.
    - `CustomMessage_ForgotPassword` To send the confirmation code for Forgot Password request.
    - `CustomMessage_UpdateUserAttribute` When a user's email or phone number is changed, this trigger sends a
       verification code automatically to the user. Cannot be used for other attributes.
    - `CustomMessage_VerifyUserAttribute`  This trigger sends a verification code to the user when they manually
       request it for a new email or phone number.
    - `CustomMessage_Authentication` To send MFA codes during authentication.


    def request(self) -> CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest:
        return CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse:
        return CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestCustomMessageTriggerEventRequest
Expand source code
def request(self) -> CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest:
    return CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest(self._data)
var responseCustomMessageTriggerEventResponse
Expand source code
def response(self) -> CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse:
    return CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

Inherited members

class CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class CustomMessageTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def code_parameter(self) -> str:
        """A string for you to use as the placeholder for the verification code in the custom message."""
        return self["request"]["codeParameter"]

    def username_parameter(self) -> str:
        """The username parameter. It is a required request parameter for the admin create user flow."""
        return self["request"]["usernameParameter"]

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
    that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var code_parameter : str

A string for you to use as the placeholder for the verification code in the custom message.

Expand source code
def code_parameter(self) -> str:
    """A string for you to use as the placeholder for the verification code in the custom message."""
    return self["request"]["codeParameter"]
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]
var username_parameter : str

The username parameter. It is a required request parameter for the admin create user flow.

Expand source code
def username_parameter(self) -> str:
    """The username parameter. It is a required request parameter for the admin create user flow."""
    return self["request"]["usernameParameter"]

Inherited members

class CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class CustomMessageTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def sms_message(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["smsMessage"]

    def sms_message(self, value: str):
        """The custom SMS message to be sent to your users.
        Must include the codeParameter value received in the request."""
        self["response"]["smsMessage"] = value

    def email_message(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["emailMessage"]

    def email_message(self, value: str):
        """The custom email message to be sent to your users.
        Must include the codeParameter value received in the request."""
        self["response"]["emailMessage"] = value

    def email_subject(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["emailSubject"]

    def email_subject(self, value: str):
        """The subject line for the custom message."""
        self["response"]["emailSubject"] = value


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var email_message : str
Expand source code
def email_message(self) -> str:
    return self["response"]["emailMessage"]
var email_subject : str
Expand source code
def email_subject(self) -> str:
    return self["response"]["emailSubject"]
var sms_message : str
Expand source code
def sms_message(self) -> str:
    return self["response"]["smsMessage"]

Inherited members

class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Define Auth Challenge Lambda Trigger

Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger to initiate the custom authentication flow.


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • DefineAuthChallenge_Authentication Define Auth Challenge.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Define Auth Challenge Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger to initiate the custom authentication flow.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `DefineAuthChallenge_Authentication` Define Auth Challenge.


    def request(self) -> DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest:
        """Define Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
        return DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse:
        """Define Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
        return DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestDefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest

Define Auth Challenge Request Parameters

Expand source code
def request(self) -> DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest:
    """Define Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
    return DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(self._data)
var responseDefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse

Define Auth Challenge Response Parameters

Expand source code
def response(self) -> DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse:
    """Define Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
    return DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

Inherited members

class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """A Boolean that is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your user pool client.
        A value of true means that the user id (username, email address, etc.) did not match any existing users."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

    def session(self) -> List[ChallengeResult]:
        """An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:"""
        return [ChallengeResult(result) for result in self["request"]["session"]]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify
        for the defined auth challenge trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the defined auth challenge trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify
    for the defined auth challenge trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var session : List[ChallengeResult]

An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:

Expand source code
def session(self) -> List[ChallengeResult]:
    """An array of ChallengeResult elements, each of which contains the following elements:"""
    return [ChallengeResult(result) for result in self["request"]["session"]]
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]
var user_not_found : Optional[bool]

A Boolean that is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your user pool client. A value of true means that the user id (username, email address, etc.) did not match any existing users.

Expand source code
def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
    """A Boolean that is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your user pool client.
    A value of true means that the user id (username, email address, etc.) did not match any existing users."""
    return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

Inherited members

class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class DefineAuthChallengeTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def challenge_name(self) -> str:
        return self["response"]["challengeName"]

    def challenge_name(self, value: str):
        """A string containing the name of the next challenge.
        If you want to present a new challenge to your user, specify the challenge name here."""
        self["response"]["challengeName"] = value

    def fail_authentication(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["failAuthentication"])

    def fail_authentication(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true if you want to terminate the current authentication process, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["failAuthentication"] = value

    def issue_tokens(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["issueTokens"])

    def issue_tokens(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true if you determine that the user has been sufficiently authenticated by
        completing the challenges, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["issueTokens"] = value


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var challenge_name : str
Expand source code
def challenge_name(self) -> str:
    return self["response"]["challengeName"]
var fail_authentication : bool
Expand source code
def fail_authentication(self) -> bool:
    return bool(self["response"]["failAuthentication"])
var issue_tokens : bool
Expand source code
def issue_tokens(self) -> bool:
    return bool(self["response"]["issueTokens"])

Inherited members

class GroupOverrideDetails (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class GroupOverrideDetails(DictWrapper):
    def groups_to_override(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        """A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for."""
        return self.get("groupsToOverride")

    def iam_roles_to_override(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        """A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups."""
        return self.get("iamRolesToOverride")

    def preferred_role(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """A string indicating the preferred IAM role."""
        return self.get("preferredRole")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var groups_to_override : Optional[List[str]]

A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for.

Expand source code
def groups_to_override(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
    """A list of the group names that are associated with the user that the identity token is issued for."""
    return self.get("groupsToOverride")
var iam_roles_to_override : Optional[List[str]]

A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups.

Expand source code
def iam_roles_to_override(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
    """A list of the current IAM roles associated with these groups."""
    return self.get("iamRolesToOverride")
var preferred_role : Optional[str]

A string indicating the preferred IAM role.

Expand source code
def preferred_role(self) -> Optional[str]:
    """A string indicating the preferred IAM role."""
    return self.get("preferredRole")

Inherited members

class PostAuthenticationTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Post Authentication Lambda Trigger

Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger after signing in a user, allowing you to add custom logic after authentication.


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • PostAuthentication_Authentication Post authentication.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PostAuthenticationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Post Authentication Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger after signing in a user, allowing you to add custom logic
    after authentication.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PostAuthentication_Authentication` Post authentication.


    def request(self) -> PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest:
        """Post Authentication Request Parameters"""
        return PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestPostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest

Post Authentication Request Parameters

Expand source code
def request(self) -> PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest:
    """Post Authentication Request Parameters"""
    return PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

Inherited members

class PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PostAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def new_device_used(self) -> bool:
        """This flag indicates if the user has signed in on a new device.
        It is set only if the remembered devices value of the user pool is set to `Always` or User `Opt-In`."""
        return self["request"]["newDeviceUsed"]

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the post authentication trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the post authentication trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
    that you specify for the post authentication trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var new_device_used : bool

This flag indicates if the user has signed in on a new device. It is set only if the remembered devices value of the user pool is set to Always or User Opt-In.

Expand source code
def new_device_used(self) -> bool:
    """This flag indicates if the user has signed in on a new device.
    It is set only if the remembered devices value of the user pool is set to `Always` or User `Opt-In`."""
    return self["request"]["newDeviceUsed"]
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

Inherited members

class PostConfirmationTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Post Confirmation Lambda Trigger


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp Post sign-up confirmation.
  • PostConfirmation_ConfirmForgotPassword Post Forgot Password confirmation.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PostConfirmationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Post Confirmation Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp` Post sign-up confirmation.
    - `PostConfirmation_ConfirmForgotPassword` Post Forgot Password confirmation.


    def request(self) -> PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest:
        return PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestPostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest
Expand source code
def request(self) -> PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest:
    return PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

Inherited members

class PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PostConfirmationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the post confirmation trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the post confirmation trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
    that you specify for the post confirmation trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

Inherited members

class PreAuthenticationTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Pre Authentication Lambda Trigger

Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger when a user attempts to sign in, allowing custom validation to accept or deny the authentication request.


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • PreAuthentication_Authentication Pre authentication.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreAuthenticationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Pre Authentication Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger when a user attempts to sign in, allowing custom validation
    to accept or deny the authentication request.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PreAuthentication_Authentication` Pre authentication.


    def request(self) -> PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest:
        """Pre Authentication Request Parameters"""
        return PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestPreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest

Pre Authentication Request Parameters

Expand source code
def request(self) -> PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest:
    """Pre Authentication Request Parameters"""
    return PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

Inherited members

class PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreAuthenticationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs containing the validation data in the user's sign-in request."""
        return self["request"].get("validationData")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]
var user_not_found : Optional[bool]

This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client.

Expand source code
def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
    """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
    return self["request"].get("userNotFound")
var validation_data : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs containing the validation data in the user's sign-in request.

Expand source code
def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs containing the validation data in the user's sign-in request."""
    return self["request"].get("validationData")

Inherited members

class PreSignUpTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Pre Sign-up Lambda Trigger


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • PreSignUp_SignUp Pre sign-up.
  • PreSignUp_AdminCreateUser Pre sign-up when an admin creates a new user.
  • PreSignUp_ExternalProvider Pre sign-up with external provider



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreSignUpTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Pre Sign-up Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `PreSignUp_SignUp` Pre sign-up.
    - `PreSignUp_AdminCreateUser` Pre sign-up when an admin creates a new user.
    - `PreSignUp_ExternalProvider` Pre sign-up with external provider


    def request(self) -> PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest:
        return PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse:
        return PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestPreSignUpTriggerEventRequest
Expand source code
def request(self) -> PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest:
    return PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest(self._data)
var responsePreSignUpTriggerEventResponse
Expand source code
def response(self) -> PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse:
    return PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

Inherited members

class PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreSignUpTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user."""
        return self["request"].get("validationData")

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
    that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]
var validation_data : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user.

Expand source code
def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user."""
    return self["request"].get("validationData")

Inherited members

class PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreSignUpTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def auto_confirm_user(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["autoConfirmUser"])

    def auto_confirm_user(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true to auto-confirm the user, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["autoConfirmUser"] = value

    def auto_verify_email(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["autoVerifyEmail"])

    def auto_verify_email(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true to set as verified the email of a user who is signing up, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["autoVerifyEmail"] = value

    def auto_verify_phone(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["autoVerifyPhone"])

    def auto_verify_phone(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true to set as verified the phone number of a user who is signing up, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["autoVerifyPhone"] = value


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var auto_confirm_user : bool
Expand source code
def auto_confirm_user(self) -> bool:
    return bool(self["response"]["autoConfirmUser"])
var auto_verify_email : bool
Expand source code
def auto_verify_email(self) -> bool:
    return bool(self["response"]["autoVerifyEmail"])
var auto_verify_phone : bool
Expand source code
def auto_verify_phone(self) -> bool:
    return bool(self["response"]["autoVerifyPhone"])

Inherited members

class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Pre Token Generation Lambda Trigger

Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger before token generation allowing you to customize identity token claims.


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • TokenGeneration_HostedAuth Called during authentication from the Amazon Cognito hosted UI sign-in page.
  • TokenGeneration_Authentication Called after user authentication flows have completed.
  • TokenGeneration_NewPasswordChallenge Called after the user is created by an admin. This flow is invoked when the user has to change a temporary password.
  • TokenGeneration_AuthenticateDevice Called at the end of the authentication of a user device.
  • TokenGeneration_RefreshTokens Called when a user tries to refresh the identity and access tokens.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Pre Token Generation Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger before token generation allowing you to customize identity token claims.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `TokenGeneration_HostedAuth` Called during authentication from the Amazon Cognito hosted UI sign-in page.
    - `TokenGeneration_Authentication` Called after user authentication flows have completed.
    - `TokenGeneration_NewPasswordChallenge` Called after the user is created by an admin. This flow is invoked
       when the user has to change a temporary password.
    - `TokenGeneration_AuthenticateDevice` Called at the end of the authentication of a user device.
    - `TokenGeneration_RefreshTokens` Called when a user tries to refresh the identity and access tokens.


    def request(self) -> PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest:
        """Pre Token Generation Request Parameters"""
        return PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse:
        """Pre Token Generation Response Parameters"""
        return PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestPreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest

Pre Token Generation Request Parameters

Expand source code
def request(self) -> PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest:
    """Pre Token Generation Request Parameters"""
    return PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)
var responsePreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse

Pre Token Generation Response Parameters

Expand source code
def response(self) -> PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse:
    """Pre Token Generation Response Parameters"""
    return PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

Inherited members

class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def group_configuration(self) -> GroupOverrideDetails:
        """The input object containing the current group configuration"""
        return GroupOverrideDetails(self["request"]["groupConfiguration"])

    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre token generation trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the pre token generation trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
    that you specify for the pre token generation trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var group_configurationGroupOverrideDetails

The input object containing the current group configuration

Expand source code
def group_configuration(self) -> GroupOverrideDetails:
    """The input object containing the current group configuration"""
    return GroupOverrideDetails(self["request"]["groupConfiguration"])
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes.

Expand source code
def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

Inherited members

class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class PreTokenGenerationTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def claims_override_details(self) -> ClaimsOverrideDetails:
        # Ensure we have a `claimsOverrideDetails` element and is not set to None
        if self._data["response"].get("claimsOverrideDetails") is None:
            self._data["response"]["claimsOverrideDetails"] = {}
        return ClaimsOverrideDetails(self._data["response"]["claimsOverrideDetails"])


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var claims_override_detailsClaimsOverrideDetails
Expand source code
def claims_override_details(self) -> ClaimsOverrideDetails:
    # Ensure we have a `claimsOverrideDetails` element and is not set to None
    if self._data["response"].get("claimsOverrideDetails") is None:
        self._data["response"]["claimsOverrideDetails"] = {}
    return ClaimsOverrideDetails(self._data["response"]["claimsOverrideDetails"])

Inherited members

class UserMigrationTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Migrate User Lambda Trigger


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • UserMigration_Authentication User migration at the time of sign in.
  • UserMigration_ForgotPassword User migration during forgot-password flow.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class UserMigrationTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Migrate User Lambda Trigger

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `UserMigration_Authentication` User migration at the time of sign in.
    - `UserMigration_ForgotPassword` User migration during forgot-password flow.


    def request(self) -> UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest:
        return UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse:
        return UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestUserMigrationTriggerEventRequest
Expand source code
def request(self) -> UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest:
    return UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest(self._data)
var responseUserMigrationTriggerEventResponse
Expand source code
def response(self) -> UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse:
    return UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

Inherited members

class UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class UserMigrationTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def password(self) -> str:
        return self["request"]["password"]

    def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user."""
        return self["request"].get("validationData")

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
        that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger.

Expand source code
def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function
    that you specify for the pre sign-up trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var password : str
Expand source code
def password(self) -> str:
    return self["request"]["password"]
var validation_data : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user.

Expand source code
def validation_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more name-value pairs containing the validation data in the request to register a user."""
    return self["request"].get("validationData")

Inherited members

class UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
Expand source code
class UserMigrationTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        return self["response"]["userAttributes"]

    def user_attributes(self, value: Dict[str, str]):
        """It must contain one or more name-value pairs representing user attributes to be stored in the
        user profile in your user pool. You can include both standard and custom user attributes.
        Custom attributes require the custom: prefix to distinguish them from standard attributes."""
        self["response"]["userAttributes"] = value

    def final_user_status(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self["response"].get("finalUserStatus")

    def final_user_status(self, value: str):
        """During sign-in, this attribute can be set to CONFIRMED, or not set, to auto-confirm your users and
        allow them to sign in with their previous passwords. This is the simplest experience for the user.

        If this attribute is set to RESET_REQUIRED, the user is required to change his or her password immediately
        after migration at the time of sign-in, and your client app needs to handle the PasswordResetRequiredException
        during the authentication flow."""
        self["response"]["finalUserStatus"] = value

    def message_action(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self["response"].get("messageAction")

    def message_action(self, value: str):
        """This attribute can be set to "SUPPRESS" to suppress the welcome message usually sent by
        Amazon Cognito to new users. If this attribute is not returned, the welcome message will be sent."""
        self["response"]["messageAction"] = value

    def desired_delivery_mediums(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        return self["response"].get("desiredDeliveryMediums")

    def desired_delivery_mediums(self, value: List[str]):
        """This attribute can be set to "EMAIL" to send the welcome message by email, or "SMS" to send the
        welcome message by SMS. If this attribute is not returned, the welcome message will be sent by SMS."""
        self["response"]["desiredDeliveryMediums"] = value

    def force_alias_creation(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        return self["response"].get("forceAliasCreation")

    def force_alias_creation(self, value: bool):
        """If this parameter is set to "true" and the phone number or email address specified in the UserAttributes
        parameter already exists as an alias with a different user, the API call will migrate the alias from the
        previous user to the newly created user. The previous user will no longer be able to log in using that alias.

        If this attribute is set to "false" and the alias exists, the user will not be migrated, and an error is
        returned to the client app.

        If this attribute is not returned, it is assumed to be "false".
        self["response"]["forceAliasCreation"] = value


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var desired_delivery_mediums : Optional[List[str]]
Expand source code
def desired_delivery_mediums(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
    return self["response"].get("desiredDeliveryMediums")
var final_user_status : Optional[str]
Expand source code
def final_user_status(self) -> Optional[str]:
    return self["response"].get("finalUserStatus")
var force_alias_creation : Optional[bool]
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def force_alias_creation(self) -> Optional[bool]:
    return self["response"].get("forceAliasCreation")
var message_action : Optional[str]
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def message_action(self) -> Optional[str]:
    return self["response"].get("messageAction")
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]
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def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    return self["response"]["userAttributes"]

Inherited members

class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Verify Auth Challenge Response Lambda Trigger

Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger to verify if the response from the end user for a custom Auth Challenge is valid or not. It is part of a user pool custom authentication flow.


triggerSource can be one of the following:

  • VerifyAuthChallengeResponse_Authentication Verify Auth Challenge Response.



data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
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class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEvent(BaseTriggerEvent):
    """Verify Auth Challenge Response Lambda Trigger

    Amazon Cognito invokes this trigger to verify if the response from the end user for a custom
    Auth Challenge is valid or not.
    It is part of a user pool custom authentication flow.

    `triggerSource` can be one of the following:

    - `VerifyAuthChallengeResponse_Authentication` Verify Auth Challenge Response.


    def request(self) -> VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest:
        """Verify Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
        return VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest(self._data)

    def response(self) -> VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse:
        """Verify Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
        return VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse(self._data)


  • BaseTriggerEvent
  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var requestVerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest

Verify Auth Challenge Request Parameters

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def request(self) -> VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest:
    """Verify Auth Challenge Request Parameters"""
    return VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest(self._data)
var responseVerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse

Verify Auth Challenge Response Parameters

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def response(self) -> VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse:
    """Verify Auth Challenge Response Parameters"""
    return VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse(self._data)

Inherited members

class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
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class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventRequest(DictWrapper):
    def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
        return self["request"]["userAttributes"]

    def private_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """This parameter comes from the Create Auth Challenge trigger, and is
        compared against a user’s challengeAnswer to determine whether the user passed the challenge."""
        return self["request"]["privateChallengeParameters"]

    def challenge_answer(self) -> Any:
        """The answer from the user's response to the challenge."""
        return self["request"]["challengeAnswer"]

    def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
        """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that
        you specify for the "Verify Auth Challenge" trigger."""
        return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")

    def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
        return self["request"].get("userNotFound")


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var challenge_answer : Any

The answer from the user's response to the challenge.

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def challenge_answer(self) -> Any:
    """The answer from the user's response to the challenge."""
    return self["request"]["challengeAnswer"]
var client_metadata : Optional[Dict[str, str]]

One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that you specify for the "Verify Auth Challenge" trigger.

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def client_metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    """One or more key-value pairs that you can provide as custom input to the Lambda function that
    you specify for the "Verify Auth Challenge" trigger."""
    return self["request"].get("clientMetadata")
var private_challenge_parameters : Dict[str, str]

This parameter comes from the Create Auth Challenge trigger, and is compared against a user’s challengeAnswer to determine whether the user passed the challenge.

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def private_challenge_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """This parameter comes from the Create Auth Challenge trigger, and is
    compared against a user’s challengeAnswer to determine whether the user passed the challenge."""
    return self["request"]["privateChallengeParameters"]
var user_attributes : Dict[str, str]

One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys.

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def user_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """One or more name-value pairs representing user attributes. The attribute names are the keys."""
    return self["request"]["userAttributes"]
var user_not_found : Optional[bool]

This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client.

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def user_not_found(self) -> Optional[bool]:
    """This boolean is populated when PreventUserExistenceErrors is set to ENABLED for your User Pool client."""
    return self["request"].get("userNotFound")

Inherited members

class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj`, by default json.loads
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class VerifyAuthChallengeResponseTriggerEventResponse(DictWrapper):
    def answer_correct(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self["response"]["answerCorrect"])

    def answer_correct(self, value: bool):
        """Set to true if the user has successfully completed the challenge, or false otherwise."""
        self["response"]["answerCorrect"] = value


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var answer_correct : bool
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def answer_correct(self) -> bool:
    return bool(self["response"]["answerCorrect"])

Inherited members