Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.api_gateway_authorizer_event
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import enum
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.common import (
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.shared_functions import (
class APIGatewayRouteArn:
"""A parsed route arn"""
def __init__(
region: str,
aws_account_id: str,
api_id: str,
stage: str,
http_method: str,
resource: str,
partition: str = "aws",
self.partition = partition
self.region = region
self.aws_account_id = aws_account_id
self.api_id = api_id
self.stage = stage
self.http_method = http_method
# Remove matching "/" from `resource`.
self.resource = resource.lstrip("/")
def arn(self) -> str:
"""Build an arn from its parts
eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request"""
return (
def parse_api_gateway_arn(arn: str) -> APIGatewayRouteArn:
"""Parses a gateway route arn as a APIGatewayRouteArn class
arn : str
ARN string for a methodArn or a routeArn
arn_parts = arn.split(":")
api_gateway_arn_parts = arn_parts[5].split("/")
return APIGatewayRouteArn(
# conditional allow us to handle /path/{proxy+} resources, as their length changes.
resource="/".join(api_gateway_arn_parts[3:]) if len(api_gateway_arn_parts) >= 4 else "",
class APIGatewayAuthorizerTokenEvent(DictWrapper):
"""API Gateway Authorizer Token Event Format 1.0
def get_type(self) -> str:
return self["type"]
def authorization_token(self) -> str:
return self["authorizationToken"]
def method_arn(self) -> str:
"""ARN of the incoming method request and is populated by API Gateway in accordance with the Lambda authorizer
return self["methodArn"]
def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn:
"""Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway method arn"""
return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.method_arn)
class APIGatewayAuthorizerRequestEvent(DictWrapper):
"""API Gateway Authorizer Request Event Format 1.0
def version(self) -> str:
return self["version"]
def get_type(self) -> str:
return self["type"]
def method_arn(self) -> str:
return self["methodArn"]
def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn:
return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.method_arn)
def identity_source(self) -> str:
return self["identitySource"]
def authorization_token(self) -> str:
return self["authorizationToken"]
def resource(self) -> str:
return self["resource"]
def path(self) -> str:
return self["path"]
def http_method(self) -> str:
return self["httpMethod"]
def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self["headers"]
def query_string_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self["queryStringParameters"]
def path_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self["pathParameters"]
def stage_variables(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self["stageVariables"]
def request_context(self) -> BaseRequestContext:
return BaseRequestContext(self._data)
def get_header_value(
self, name: str, default_value: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get header value by name
name: str
Header name
default_value: str, optional
Default value if no value was found by name
case_sensitive: bool
Whether to use a case-sensitive look up
str, optional
Header value
return get_header_value(self.headers, name, default_value, case_sensitive)
class APIGatewayAuthorizerEventV2(DictWrapper):
"""API Gateway Authorizer Event Format 2.0
def version(self) -> str:
"""Event payload version should always be 2.0"""
return self["version"]
def get_type(self) -> str:
"""Event type should always be request"""
return self["type"]
def route_arn(self) -> str:
"""ARN of the route being called
eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request"""
return self["routeArn"]
def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn:
"""Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway route arn"""
return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.route_arn)
def identity_source(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
"""The identity source for which authorization is requested.
For a REQUEST authorizer, this is optional. The value is a set of one or more mapping expressions of the
specified request parameters. The identity source can be headers, query string parameters, stage variables,
and context parameters.
return self.get("identitySource")
def route_key(self) -> str:
"""The route key for the route. For HTTP APIs, the route key can be either $default,
or a combination of an HTTP method and resource path, for example, GET /pets."""
return self["routeKey"]
def raw_path(self) -> str:
return self["rawPath"]
def raw_query_string(self) -> str:
return self["rawQueryString"]
def cookies(self) -> List[str]:
return self["cookies"]
def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Http headers"""
return self["headers"]
def query_string_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self["queryStringParameters"]
def request_context(self) -> BaseRequestContextV2:
return BaseRequestContextV2(self._data)
def path_parameters(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
return self.get("pathParameters")
def stage_variables(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
return self.get("stageVariables")
def get_header_value(
self, name: str, default_value: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get header value by name
name: str
Header name
default_value: str, optional
Default value if no value was found by name
case_sensitive: bool
Whether to use a case-sensitive look up
str, optional
Header value
return get_header_value(self.headers, name, default_value, case_sensitive)
class APIGatewayAuthorizerResponseV2:
"""Api Gateway HTTP API V2 payload authorizer simple response helper
authorize: bool
authorize is a boolean value indicating if the value in authorizationToken
is authorized to make calls to the GraphQL API. If this value is
true, execution of the GraphQL API continues. If this value is false,
an UnauthorizedException is raised
context: Dict[str, Any], optional
A JSON object visible as `event.requestContext.authorizer` lambda event
The context object only supports key-value pairs. Nested keys are not supported.
Warning: The total size of this JSON object must not exceed 5MB.
def __init__(
authorize: bool = False,
context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
self.authorize = authorize
self.context = context
def asdict(self) -> dict:
"""Return the response as a dict"""
response: Dict = {"isAuthorized": self.authorize}
if self.context:
response["context"] = self.context
return response
class HttpVerb(enum.Enum):
"""Enum of http methods / verbs"""
ALL = "*"
"principalId": "deny-all-user",
"policyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Resource": ["*"],
class APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse:
"""The IAM Policy Response required for API Gateway REST APIs and HTTP APIs.
Based on: -\
path_regex = r"^[/.a-zA-Z0-9-_\*]+$"
"""The regular expression used to validate resource paths for the policy"""
def __init__(
principal_id: str,
region: str,
aws_account_id: str,
api_id: str,
stage: str,
context: Optional[Dict] = None,
usage_identifier_key: Optional[str] = None,
partition: str = "aws",
principal_id : str
The principal used for the policy, this should be a unique identifier for the end user
region : str
AWS Regions. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any region, because stars will greedily
expand over '/' or other separators.
See for more
aws_account_id : str
The AWS account id the policy will be generated for. This is used to create the method ARNs.
api_id : str
The API Gateway API id to be used in the policy.
Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any API Gateway API id, because stars will greedily
expand over '/' or other separators.
See for more
stage : str
The default stage to be used in the policy.
Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any stage, because stars will
greedily expand over '/' or other separators.
See for more
context : Dict, optional
Optional, context.
Note: only names of type string and values of type int, string or boolean are supported
usage_identifier_key: str, optional
If the API uses a usage plan (the apiKeySource is set to `AUTHORIZER`), the Lambda authorizer function
must return one of the usage plan's API keys as the usageIdentifierKey property value.
> **Note:** This only applies for REST APIs.
partition: str, optional
Optional, arn partition.
self.principal_id = principal_id
self.region = region
self.aws_account_id = aws_account_id
self.api_id = api_id
self.stage = stage
self.context = context
self.usage_identifier_key = usage_identifier_key
self._allow_routes: List[Dict] = []
self._deny_routes: List[Dict] = []
self._resource_pattern = re.compile(self.path_regex)
self.partition = partition
def from_route_arn(
arn: str,
principal_id: str,
context: Optional[Dict] = None,
usage_identifier_key: Optional[str] = None,
) -> "APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse":
parsed_arn = parse_api_gateway_arn(arn)
return APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse(
def _add_route(self, effect: str, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None):
"""Adds a route to the internal lists of allowed or denied routes. Each object in
the internal list contains a resource ARN and a condition statement. The condition
statement can be null."""
if http_method != "*" and http_method not in HttpVerb.__members__:
allowed_values = [verb.value for verb in HttpVerb]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid HTTP verb: '{http_method}'. Use either '{allowed_values}'")
if not self._resource_pattern.match(resource):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid resource path: {resource}. Path should match {self.path_regex}")
resource_arn = APIGatewayRouteArn(
self.region, self.aws_account_id, self.api_id, self.stage, http_method, resource, self.partition
route = {"resourceArn": resource_arn, "conditions": conditions}
if effect.lower() == "allow":
else: # deny
def _get_empty_statement(effect: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns an empty statement object prepopulated with the correct action and the desired effect."""
return {"Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Effect": effect.capitalize(), "Resource": []}
def _get_statement_for_effect(self, effect: str, routes: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]:
"""This function loops over an array of objects containing a `resourceArn` and
`conditions` statement and generates the array of statements for the policy."""
if not routes:
return []
statements: List[Dict] = []
statement = self._get_empty_statement(effect)
for route in routes:
resource_arn = route["resourceArn"]
conditions = route.get("conditions")
if conditions is not None and len(conditions) > 0:
conditional_statement = self._get_empty_statement(effect)
conditional_statement["Condition"] = conditions
if len(statement["Resource"]) > 0:
return statements
def allow_all_routes(self, http_method: str = HttpVerb.ALL.value):
"""Adds a '*' allow to the policy to authorize access to all methods of an API
http_method: str
self._add_route(effect="Allow", http_method=http_method, resource="*")
def deny_all_routes(self, http_method: str = HttpVerb.ALL.value):
"""Adds a '*' allow to the policy to deny access to all methods of an API
http_method: str
self._add_route(effect="Deny", http_method=http_method, resource="*")
def allow_route(self, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None):
"""Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of allowed
methods for the policy.
Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy
conditions here:"""
self._add_route(effect="Allow", http_method=http_method, resource=resource, conditions=conditions)
def deny_route(self, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None):
"""Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of denied
methods for the policy.
Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy
conditions here:"""
self._add_route(effect="Deny", http_method=http_method, resource=resource, conditions=conditions)
def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Generates the policy document based on the internal lists of allowed and denied
conditions. This will generate a policy with two main statements for the effect:
one statement for Allow and one statement for Deny.
Methods that includes conditions will have their own statement in the policy."""
if len(self._allow_routes) == 0 and len(self._deny_routes) == 0:
raise ValueError("No statements defined for the policy")
response: Dict[str, Any] = {
"principalId": self.principal_id,
"policyDocument": {"Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": []},
response["policyDocument"]["Statement"].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Allow", self._allow_routes))
response["policyDocument"]["Statement"].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Deny", self._deny_routes))
if self.usage_identifier_key:
response["usageIdentifierKey"] = self.usage_identifier_key
if self.context:
response["context"] = self.context
return response
Parses a gateway route arn as a APIGatewayRouteArn class
- ARN string for a methodArn or a routeArn
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def parse_api_gateway_arn(arn: str) -> APIGatewayRouteArn: """Parses a gateway route arn as a APIGatewayRouteArn class Parameters ---------- arn : str ARN string for a methodArn or a routeArn Returns ------- APIGatewayRouteArn """ arn_parts = arn.split(":") api_gateway_arn_parts = arn_parts[5].split("/") return APIGatewayRouteArn( partition=arn_parts[1], region=arn_parts[3], aws_account_id=arn_parts[4], api_id=api_gateway_arn_parts[0], stage=api_gateway_arn_parts[1], http_method=api_gateway_arn_parts[2], # conditional allow us to handle /path/{proxy+} resources, as their length changes. resource="/".join(api_gateway_arn_parts[3:]) if len(api_gateway_arn_parts) >= 4 else "", )
API Gateway Authorizer Event Format 2.0
:Dict[str, Any]
- Lambda Event Source Event payload
, optional- function to deserialize
containing a JSON document to a Pythonobj
, by default json.loads
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class APIGatewayAuthorizerEventV2(DictWrapper): """API Gateway Authorizer Event Format 2.0 Documentation: ------------- - - """ @property def version(self) -> str: """Event payload version should always be 2.0""" return self["version"] @property def get_type(self) -> str: """Event type should always be request""" return self["type"] @property def route_arn(self) -> str: """ARN of the route being called eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request""" return self["routeArn"] @property def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn: """Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway route arn""" return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.route_arn) @property def identity_source(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """The identity source for which authorization is requested. For a REQUEST authorizer, this is optional. The value is a set of one or more mapping expressions of the specified request parameters. The identity source can be headers, query string parameters, stage variables, and context parameters. """ return self.get("identitySource") @property def route_key(self) -> str: """The route key for the route. For HTTP APIs, the route key can be either $default, or a combination of an HTTP method and resource path, for example, GET /pets.""" return self["routeKey"] @property def raw_path(self) -> str: return self["rawPath"] @property def raw_query_string(self) -> str: return self["rawQueryString"] @property def cookies(self) -> List[str]: """Cookies""" return self["cookies"] @property def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Http headers""" return self["headers"] @property def query_string_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["queryStringParameters"] @property def request_context(self) -> BaseRequestContextV2: return BaseRequestContextV2(self._data) @property def path_parameters(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: return self.get("pathParameters") @property def stage_variables(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: return self.get("stageVariables") def get_header_value( self, name: str, default_value: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Optional[str]: """Get header value by name Parameters ---------- name: str Header name default_value: str, optional Default value if no value was found by name case_sensitive: bool Whether to use a case-sensitive look up Returns ------- str, optional Header value """ return get_header_value(self.headers, name, default_value, case_sensitive)
- DictWrapper
Instance variables
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@property def cookies(self) -> List[str]: """Cookies""" return self["cookies"]
Event type should always be request
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@property def get_type(self) -> str: """Event type should always be request""" return self["type"]
Http headers
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@property def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Http headers""" return self["headers"]
The identity source for which authorization is requested.
For a REQUEST authorizer, this is optional. The value is a set of one or more mapping expressions of the specified request parameters. The identity source can be headers, query string parameters, stage variables, and context parameters.
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@property def identity_source(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """The identity source for which authorization is requested. For a REQUEST authorizer, this is optional. The value is a set of one or more mapping expressions of the specified request parameters. The identity source can be headers, query string parameters, stage variables, and context parameters. """ return self.get("identitySource")
Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway route arn
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@property def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn: """Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway route arn""" return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.route_arn)
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@property def path_parameters(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: return self.get("pathParameters")
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@property def query_string_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["queryStringParameters"]
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@property def raw_path(self) -> str: return self["rawPath"]
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@property def raw_query_string(self) -> str: return self["rawQueryString"]
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@property def request_context(self) -> BaseRequestContextV2: return BaseRequestContextV2(self._data)
ARN of the route being called
eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request
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@property def route_arn(self) -> str: """ARN of the route being called eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request""" return self["routeArn"]
The route key for the route. For HTTP APIs, the route key can be either $default, or a combination of an HTTP method and resource path, for example, GET /pets.
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@property def route_key(self) -> str: """The route key for the route. For HTTP APIs, the route key can be either $default, or a combination of an HTTP method and resource path, for example, GET /pets.""" return self["routeKey"]
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@property def stage_variables(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: return self.get("stageVariables")
Event payload version should always be 2.0
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@property def version(self) -> str: """Event payload version should always be 2.0""" return self["version"]
Get header value by name
- Header name
, optional- Default value if no value was found by name
- Whether to use a case-sensitive look up
, optional- Header value
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def get_header_value( self, name: str, default_value: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Optional[str]: """Get header value by name Parameters ---------- name: str Header name default_value: str, optional Default value if no value was found by name case_sensitive: bool Whether to use a case-sensitive look up Returns ------- str, optional Header value """ return get_header_value(self.headers, name, default_value, case_sensitive)
Inherited members
API Gateway Authorizer Request Event Format 1.0
:Dict[str, Any]
- Lambda Event Source Event payload
, optional- function to deserialize
containing a JSON document to a Pythonobj
, by default json.loads
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class APIGatewayAuthorizerRequestEvent(DictWrapper): """API Gateway Authorizer Request Event Format 1.0 Documentation: ------------- - - """ @property def version(self) -> str: return self["version"] @property def get_type(self) -> str: return self["type"] @property def method_arn(self) -> str: return self["methodArn"] @property def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn: return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.method_arn) @property def identity_source(self) -> str: return self["identitySource"] @property def authorization_token(self) -> str: return self["authorizationToken"] @property def resource(self) -> str: return self["resource"] @property def path(self) -> str: return self["path"] @property def http_method(self) -> str: return self["httpMethod"] @property def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["headers"] @property def query_string_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["queryStringParameters"] @property def path_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["pathParameters"] @property def stage_variables(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["stageVariables"] @property def request_context(self) -> BaseRequestContext: return BaseRequestContext(self._data) def get_header_value( self, name: str, default_value: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Optional[str]: """Get header value by name Parameters ---------- name: str Header name default_value: str, optional Default value if no value was found by name case_sensitive: bool Whether to use a case-sensitive look up Returns ------- str, optional Header value """ return get_header_value(self.headers, name, default_value, case_sensitive)
- DictWrapper
Instance variables
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@property def authorization_token(self) -> str: return self["authorizationToken"]
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@property def get_type(self) -> str: return self["type"]
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@property def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["headers"]
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@property def http_method(self) -> str: return self["httpMethod"]
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@property def identity_source(self) -> str: return self["identitySource"]
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@property def method_arn(self) -> str: return self["methodArn"]
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@property def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn: return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.method_arn)
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@property def path(self) -> str: return self["path"]
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@property def path_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["pathParameters"]
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@property def query_string_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["queryStringParameters"]
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@property def request_context(self) -> BaseRequestContext: return BaseRequestContext(self._data)
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@property def resource(self) -> str: return self["resource"]
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@property def stage_variables(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self["stageVariables"]
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@property def version(self) -> str: return self["version"]
Get header value by name
- Header name
, optional- Default value if no value was found by name
- Whether to use a case-sensitive look up
, optional- Header value
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def get_header_value( self, name: str, default_value: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Optional[str]: """Get header value by name Parameters ---------- name: str Header name default_value: str, optional Default value if no value was found by name case_sensitive: bool Whether to use a case-sensitive look up Returns ------- str, optional Header value """ return get_header_value(self.headers, name, default_value, case_sensitive)
Inherited members
The IAM Policy Response required for API Gateway REST APIs and HTTP APIs.
Based on: - master/blueprints/python/
- The principal used for the policy, this should be a unique identifier for the end user
- AWS Regions. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any region, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details.
- The AWS account id the policy will be generated for. This is used to create the method ARNs.
- The API Gateway API id to be used in the policy. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any API Gateway API id, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details.
- The default stage to be used in the policy. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any stage, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details.
, optional- Optional, context. Note: only names of type string and values of type int, string or boolean are supported
, optional- If the API uses a usage plan (the apiKeySource is set to
), the Lambda authorizer function must return one of the usage plan's API keys as the usageIdentifierKey property value.Note: This only applies for REST APIs.
, optional- Optional, arn partition. See
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class APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse: """The IAM Policy Response required for API Gateway REST APIs and HTTP APIs. Based on: -\ master/blueprints/python/ Documentation: ------------- - - """ path_regex = r"^[/.a-zA-Z0-9-_\*]+$" """The regular expression used to validate resource paths for the policy""" def __init__( self, principal_id: str, region: str, aws_account_id: str, api_id: str, stage: str, context: Optional[Dict] = None, usage_identifier_key: Optional[str] = None, partition: str = "aws", ): """ Parameters ---------- principal_id : str The principal used for the policy, this should be a unique identifier for the end user region : str AWS Regions. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any region, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details. aws_account_id : str The AWS account id the policy will be generated for. This is used to create the method ARNs. api_id : str The API Gateway API id to be used in the policy. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any API Gateway API id, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details. stage : str The default stage to be used in the policy. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any stage, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details. context : Dict, optional Optional, context. Note: only names of type string and values of type int, string or boolean are supported usage_identifier_key: str, optional If the API uses a usage plan (the apiKeySource is set to `AUTHORIZER`), the Lambda authorizer function must return one of the usage plan's API keys as the usageIdentifierKey property value. > **Note:** This only applies for REST APIs. partition: str, optional Optional, arn partition. See """ self.principal_id = principal_id self.region = region self.aws_account_id = aws_account_id self.api_id = api_id self.stage = stage self.context = context self.usage_identifier_key = usage_identifier_key self._allow_routes: List[Dict] = [] self._deny_routes: List[Dict] = [] self._resource_pattern = re.compile(self.path_regex) self.partition = partition @staticmethod def from_route_arn( arn: str, principal_id: str, context: Optional[Dict] = None, usage_identifier_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse": parsed_arn = parse_api_gateway_arn(arn) return APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse( principal_id, parsed_arn.region, parsed_arn.aws_account_id, parsed_arn.api_id, parsed_arn.stage, context, usage_identifier_key, ) def _add_route(self, effect: str, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None): """Adds a route to the internal lists of allowed or denied routes. Each object in the internal list contains a resource ARN and a condition statement. The condition statement can be null.""" if http_method != "*" and http_method not in HttpVerb.__members__: allowed_values = [verb.value for verb in HttpVerb] raise ValueError(f"Invalid HTTP verb: '{http_method}'. Use either '{allowed_values}'") if not self._resource_pattern.match(resource): raise ValueError(f"Invalid resource path: {resource}. Path should match {self.path_regex}") resource_arn = APIGatewayRouteArn( self.region, self.aws_account_id, self.api_id, self.stage, http_method, resource, self.partition ).arn route = {"resourceArn": resource_arn, "conditions": conditions} if effect.lower() == "allow": self._allow_routes.append(route) else: # deny self._deny_routes.append(route) @staticmethod def _get_empty_statement(effect: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns an empty statement object prepopulated with the correct action and the desired effect.""" return {"Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Effect": effect.capitalize(), "Resource": []} def _get_statement_for_effect(self, effect: str, routes: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]: """This function loops over an array of objects containing a `resourceArn` and `conditions` statement and generates the array of statements for the policy.""" if not routes: return [] statements: List[Dict] = [] statement = self._get_empty_statement(effect) for route in routes: resource_arn = route["resourceArn"] conditions = route.get("conditions") if conditions is not None and len(conditions) > 0: conditional_statement = self._get_empty_statement(effect) conditional_statement["Resource"].append(resource_arn) conditional_statement["Condition"] = conditions statements.append(conditional_statement) else: statement["Resource"].append(resource_arn) if len(statement["Resource"]) > 0: statements.append(statement) return statements def allow_all_routes(self, http_method: str = HttpVerb.ALL.value): """Adds a '*' allow to the policy to authorize access to all methods of an API Parameters ---------- http_method: str """ self._add_route(effect="Allow", http_method=http_method, resource="*") def deny_all_routes(self, http_method: str = HttpVerb.ALL.value): """Adds a '*' allow to the policy to deny access to all methods of an API Parameters ---------- http_method: str """ self._add_route(effect="Deny", http_method=http_method, resource="*") def allow_route(self, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of allowed methods for the policy. Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:""" self._add_route(effect="Allow", http_method=http_method, resource=resource, conditions=conditions) def deny_route(self, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of denied methods for the policy. Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:""" self._add_route(effect="Deny", http_method=http_method, resource=resource, conditions=conditions) def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Generates the policy document based on the internal lists of allowed and denied conditions. This will generate a policy with two main statements for the effect: one statement for Allow and one statement for Deny. Methods that includes conditions will have their own statement in the policy.""" if len(self._allow_routes) == 0 and len(self._deny_routes) == 0: raise ValueError("No statements defined for the policy") response: Dict[str, Any] = { "principalId": self.principal_id, "policyDocument": {"Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": []}, } response["policyDocument"]["Statement"].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Allow", self._allow_routes)) response["policyDocument"]["Statement"].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Deny", self._deny_routes)) if self.usage_identifier_key: response["usageIdentifierKey"] = self.usage_identifier_key if self.context: response["context"] = self.context return response
Class variables
The regular expression used to validate resource paths for the policy
Static methods
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@staticmethod def from_route_arn( arn: str, principal_id: str, context: Optional[Dict] = None, usage_identifier_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse": parsed_arn = parse_api_gateway_arn(arn) return APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse( principal_id, parsed_arn.region, parsed_arn.aws_account_id, parsed_arn.api_id, parsed_arn.stage, context, usage_identifier_key, )
Adds a '*' allow to the policy to authorize access to all methods of an API
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def allow_all_routes(self, http_method: str = HttpVerb.ALL.value): """Adds a '*' allow to the policy to authorize access to all methods of an API Parameters ---------- http_method: str """ self._add_route(effect="Allow", http_method=http_method, resource="*")
Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of allowed methods for the policy.
Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:
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def allow_route(self, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of allowed methods for the policy. Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:""" self._add_route(effect="Allow", http_method=http_method, resource=resource, conditions=conditions)
Generates the policy document based on the internal lists of allowed and denied conditions. This will generate a policy with two main statements for the effect: one statement for Allow and one statement for Deny. Methods that includes conditions will have their own statement in the policy.
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def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Generates the policy document based on the internal lists of allowed and denied conditions. This will generate a policy with two main statements for the effect: one statement for Allow and one statement for Deny. Methods that includes conditions will have their own statement in the policy.""" if len(self._allow_routes) == 0 and len(self._deny_routes) == 0: raise ValueError("No statements defined for the policy") response: Dict[str, Any] = { "principalId": self.principal_id, "policyDocument": {"Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": []}, } response["policyDocument"]["Statement"].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Allow", self._allow_routes)) response["policyDocument"]["Statement"].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Deny", self._deny_routes)) if self.usage_identifier_key: response["usageIdentifierKey"] = self.usage_identifier_key if self.context: response["context"] = self.context return response
Adds a '*' allow to the policy to deny access to all methods of an API
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def deny_all_routes(self, http_method: str = HttpVerb.ALL.value): """Adds a '*' allow to the policy to deny access to all methods of an API Parameters ---------- http_method: str """ self._add_route(effect="Deny", http_method=http_method, resource="*")
Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of denied methods for the policy.
Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:
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def deny_route(self, http_method: str, resource: str, conditions: Optional[List[Dict]] = None): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of denied methods for the policy. Optionally includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:""" self._add_route(effect="Deny", http_method=http_method, resource=resource, conditions=conditions)
Api Gateway HTTP API V2 payload authorizer simple response helper
- authorize is a boolean value indicating if the value in authorizationToken is authorized to make calls to the GraphQL API. If this value is true, execution of the GraphQL API continues. If this value is false, an UnauthorizedException is raised
:Dict[str, Any]
, optional-
A JSON object visible as
lambda eventThe context object only supports key-value pairs. Nested keys are not supported.
Warning: The total size of this JSON object must not exceed 5MB.
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class APIGatewayAuthorizerResponseV2: """Api Gateway HTTP API V2 payload authorizer simple response helper Parameters ---------- authorize: bool authorize is a boolean value indicating if the value in authorizationToken is authorized to make calls to the GraphQL API. If this value is true, execution of the GraphQL API continues. If this value is false, an UnauthorizedException is raised context: Dict[str, Any], optional A JSON object visible as `event.requestContext.authorizer` lambda event The context object only supports key-value pairs. Nested keys are not supported. Warning: The total size of this JSON object must not exceed 5MB. """ def __init__( self, authorize: bool = False, context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): self.authorize = authorize self.context = context def asdict(self) -> dict: """Return the response as a dict""" response: Dict = {"isAuthorized": self.authorize} if self.context: response["context"] = self.context return response
Return the response as a dict
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def asdict(self) -> dict: """Return the response as a dict""" response: Dict = {"isAuthorized": self.authorize} if self.context: response["context"] = self.context return response
API Gateway Authorizer Token Event Format 1.0
:Dict[str, Any]
- Lambda Event Source Event payload
, optional- function to deserialize
containing a JSON document to a Pythonobj
, by default json.loads
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class APIGatewayAuthorizerTokenEvent(DictWrapper): """API Gateway Authorizer Token Event Format 1.0 Documentation: ------------- - """ @property def get_type(self) -> str: return self["type"] @property def authorization_token(self) -> str: return self["authorizationToken"] @property def method_arn(self) -> str: """ARN of the incoming method request and is populated by API Gateway in accordance with the Lambda authorizer configuration""" return self["methodArn"] @property def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn: """Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway method arn""" return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.method_arn)
- DictWrapper
Instance variables
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@property def authorization_token(self) -> str: return self["authorizationToken"]
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@property def get_type(self) -> str: return self["type"]
ARN of the incoming method request and is populated by API Gateway in accordance with the Lambda authorizer configuration
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@property def method_arn(self) -> str: """ARN of the incoming method request and is populated by API Gateway in accordance with the Lambda authorizer configuration""" return self["methodArn"]
Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway method arn
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@property def parsed_arn(self) -> APIGatewayRouteArn: """Convenient property to return a parsed api gateway method arn""" return parse_api_gateway_arn(self.method_arn)
Inherited members
A parsed route arn
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class APIGatewayRouteArn: """A parsed route arn""" def __init__( self, region: str, aws_account_id: str, api_id: str, stage: str, http_method: str, resource: str, partition: str = "aws", ): self.partition = partition self.region = region self.aws_account_id = aws_account_id self.api_id = api_id self.stage = stage self.http_method = http_method # Remove matching "/" from `resource`. self.resource = resource.lstrip("/") @property def arn(self) -> str: """Build an arn from its parts eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request""" return ( f"arn:{self.partition}:execute-api:{self.region}:{self.aws_account_id}:{self.api_id}/{self.stage}/" f"{self.http_method}/{self.resource}" )
Instance variables
Build an arn from its parts eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request
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@property def arn(self) -> str: """Build an arn from its parts eg: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdef123/test/GET/request""" return ( f"arn:{self.partition}:execute-api:{self.region}:{self.aws_account_id}:{self.api_id}/{self.stage}/" f"{self.http_method}/{self.resource}" )
Enum of http methods / verbs
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class HttpVerb(enum.Enum): """Enum of http methods / verbs""" GET = "GET" POST = "POST" PUT = "PUT" PATCH = "PATCH" HEAD = "HEAD" DELETE = "DELETE" OPTIONS = "OPTIONS" ALL = "*"
- enum.Enum
Class variables