Module aws_lambda_powertools.shared.functions

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import base64
import itertools
import logging
import os
import warnings
from binascii import Error as BinAsciiError
from typing import Dict, Generator, Optional, Union, overload

from aws_lambda_powertools.shared import constants

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def strtobool(value: str) -> bool:
    """Convert a string representation of truth to True or False.

    True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values
    are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'.  Raises ValueError if
    'value' is anything else.

    > note:: Copied from distutils.util.
    value = value.lower()
    if value in ("1", "y", "yes", "t", "true", "on"):
        return True
    if value in ("0", "n", "no", "f", "false", "off"):
        return False
    raise ValueError(f"invalid truth value {value!r}")

def resolve_truthy_env_var_choice(env: str, choice: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool:
    """Pick explicit choice over truthy env value, if available, otherwise return truthy env value

    NOTE: Environment variable should be resolved by the caller.

    env : str
        environment variable actual value
    choice : bool
        explicit choice

    choice : str
        resolved choice as either bool or environment value
    return choice if choice is not None else strtobool(env)

def resolve_env_var_choice(env: Optional[str], choice: float) -> float:

def resolve_env_var_choice(env: Optional[str], choice: str) -> str:

def resolve_env_var_choice(env: Optional[str], choice: Optional[str]) -> str:

def resolve_env_var_choice(
    env: Optional[str] = None, choice: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> Optional[Union[str, float]]:
    """Pick explicit choice over env, if available, otherwise return env value received

    NOTE: Environment variable should be resolved by the caller.

    env : str, Optional
        environment variable actual value
    choice : str|float, optional
        explicit choice

    choice : str, Optional
        resolved choice as either bool or environment value
    return choice if choice is not None else env

def base64_decode(value: str) -> bytes:
        logger.debug("Decoding base64 record item before parsing")
        return base64.b64decode(value)
    except (BinAsciiError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError("base64 decode failed")

def bytes_to_string(value: bytes) -> str:
        return value.decode("utf-8")
    except (BinAsciiError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError("base64 UTF-8 decode failed")

def powertools_dev_is_set() -> bool:
    is_on = strtobool(os.getenv(constants.POWERTOOLS_DEV_ENV, "0"))
    if is_on:
        warnings.warn("POWERTOOLS_DEV environment variable is enabled. Increasing verbosity across utilities.")
        return True

    return False

def powertools_debug_is_set() -> bool:
    is_on = strtobool(os.getenv(constants.POWERTOOLS_DEBUG_ENV, "0"))
    if is_on:
        warnings.warn("POWERTOOLS_DEBUG environment variable is enabled. Setting logging level to DEBUG.")
        return True

    return False

def slice_dictionary(data: Dict, chunk_size: int) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]:
    for _ in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
        yield {dict_key: data[dict_key] for dict_key in itertools.islice(data, chunk_size)}


def base64_decode(value: str) ‑> bytes
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def base64_decode(value: str) -> bytes:
        logger.debug("Decoding base64 record item before parsing")
        return base64.b64decode(value)
    except (BinAsciiError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError("base64 decode failed")
def bytes_to_string(value: bytes) ‑> str
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def bytes_to_string(value: bytes) -> str:
        return value.decode("utf-8")
    except (BinAsciiError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError("base64 UTF-8 decode failed")
def powertools_debug_is_set() ‑> bool
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def powertools_debug_is_set() -> bool:
    is_on = strtobool(os.getenv(constants.POWERTOOLS_DEBUG_ENV, "0"))
    if is_on:
        warnings.warn("POWERTOOLS_DEBUG environment variable is enabled. Setting logging level to DEBUG.")
        return True

    return False
def powertools_dev_is_set() ‑> bool
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def powertools_dev_is_set() -> bool:
    is_on = strtobool(os.getenv(constants.POWERTOOLS_DEV_ENV, "0"))
    if is_on:
        warnings.warn("POWERTOOLS_DEV environment variable is enabled. Increasing verbosity across utilities.")
        return True

    return False
def resolve_env_var_choice(env: Optional[str] = None, choice: Union[str, float, None] = None) ‑> Union[str, float, None]

Pick explicit choice over env, if available, otherwise return env value received

NOTE: Environment variable should be resolved by the caller.


env : str, Optional
environment variable actual value
choice : str|float, optional
explicit choice


choice : str, Optional
resolved choice as either bool or environment value
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def resolve_env_var_choice(
    env: Optional[str] = None, choice: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> Optional[Union[str, float]]:
    """Pick explicit choice over env, if available, otherwise return env value received

    NOTE: Environment variable should be resolved by the caller.

    env : str, Optional
        environment variable actual value
    choice : str|float, optional
        explicit choice

    choice : str, Optional
        resolved choice as either bool or environment value
    return choice if choice is not None else env
def resolve_truthy_env_var_choice(env: str, choice: Optional[bool] = None) ‑> bool

Pick explicit choice over truthy env value, if available, otherwise return truthy env value

NOTE: Environment variable should be resolved by the caller.


env : str
environment variable actual value
choice : bool
explicit choice


choice : str
resolved choice as either bool or environment value
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def resolve_truthy_env_var_choice(env: str, choice: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool:
    """Pick explicit choice over truthy env value, if available, otherwise return truthy env value

    NOTE: Environment variable should be resolved by the caller.

    env : str
        environment variable actual value
    choice : bool
        explicit choice

    choice : str
        resolved choice as either bool or environment value
    return choice if choice is not None else strtobool(env)
def slice_dictionary(data: Dict[~KT, ~VT], chunk_size: int) ‑> Generator[Dict[~KT, ~VT], None, None]
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def slice_dictionary(data: Dict, chunk_size: int) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]:
    for _ in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
        yield {dict_key: data[dict_key] for dict_key in itertools.islice(data, chunk_size)}
def strtobool(value: str) ‑> bool

Convert a string representation of truth to True or False.

True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'. Raises ValueError if 'value' is anything else.

note:: Copied from distutils.util.

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def strtobool(value: str) -> bool:
    """Convert a string representation of truth to True or False.

    True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values
    are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'.  Raises ValueError if
    'value' is anything else.

    > note:: Copied from distutils.util.
    value = value.lower()
    if value in ("1", "y", "yes", "t", "true", "on"):
        return True
    if value in ("0", "n", "no", "f", "false", "off"):
        return False
    raise ValueError(f"invalid truth value {value!r}")