Module aws_lambda_powertools.logging.types
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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from aws_lambda_powertools.shared.types import NotRequired, TypeAlias, TypedDict
LogRecord: TypeAlias = Union[Dict[str, Any], "PowertoolsLogRecord"]
class PowertoolsLogRecord(TypedDict):
# Base fields (required)
level: str
location: str
message: Dict[str, Any] | str | bool | List[Any]
timestamp: str | int
service: str
# Fields from logger.inject_lambda_context
cold_start: NotRequired[bool]
function_name: NotRequired[str]
function_memory_size: NotRequired[int]
function_arn: NotRequired[str]
function_request_id: NotRequired[str]
# From logger.inject_lambda_context if AWS X-Ray is enabled
xray_trace_id: NotRequired[str]
# If sample_rate is defined
sampling_rate: NotRequired[float]
# From logger.set_correlation_id
correlation_id: NotRequired[str]
# Fields from logger.exception
exception_name: NotRequired[str]
exception: NotRequired[str]
class PowertoolsLogRecord (*args, **kwargs)
dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in iterable: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)
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class PowertoolsLogRecord(TypedDict): # Base fields (required) level: str location: str message: Dict[str, Any] | str | bool | List[Any] timestamp: str | int service: str # Fields from logger.inject_lambda_context cold_start: NotRequired[bool] function_name: NotRequired[str] function_memory_size: NotRequired[int] function_arn: NotRequired[str] function_request_id: NotRequired[str] # From logger.inject_lambda_context if AWS X-Ray is enabled xray_trace_id: NotRequired[str] # If sample_rate is defined sampling_rate: NotRequired[float] # From logger.set_correlation_id correlation_id: NotRequired[str] # Fields from logger.exception exception_name: NotRequired[str] exception: NotRequired[str]
- builtins.dict
Class variables
var cold_start : bool
var correlation_id : str
var exception : str
var exception_name : str
var function_arn : str
var function_memory_size : int
var function_name : str
var function_request_id : str
var level : str
var location : str
var message : Union[Dict[str, Any], str, bool, List[Any]]
var sampling_rate : float
var service : str
var timestamp : str | int
var xray_trace_id : str