Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.jmespath_utils

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import base64
import gzip
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import jmespath
from jmespath.exceptions import LexerError
from jmespath.functions import Functions, signature

from aws_lambda_powertools.exceptions import InvalidEnvelopeExpressionError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PowertoolsFunctions(Functions):
    @signature({"types": ["string"]})
    def _func_powertools_json(self, value):
        return json.loads(value)

    @signature({"types": ["string"]})
    def _func_powertools_base64(self, value):
        return base64.b64decode(value).decode()

    @signature({"types": ["string"]})
    def _func_powertools_base64_gzip(self, value):
        encoded = base64.b64decode(value)
        uncompressed = gzip.decompress(encoded)

        return uncompressed.decode()

def extract_data_from_envelope(data: Union[Dict, str], envelope: str, jmespath_options: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Any:
    """Searches and extracts data using JMESPath

    Envelope being the JMESPath expression to extract the data you're after

    Built-in JMESPath functions include: powertools_json, powertools_base64, powertools_base64_gzip


    **Deserialize JSON string and extracts data from body key**

        from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.jmespath_utils import extract_data_from_envelope
        from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.typing import LambdaContext

        def handler(event: dict, context: LambdaContext):
            # event = {"body": "{\"customerId\":\"dd4649e6-2484-4993-acb8-0f9123103394\"}"}  # noqa: ERA001
            payload = extract_data_from_envelope(data=event, envelope="powertools_json(body)")
            customer = payload.get("customerId")  # now deserialized

    data : Dict
        Data set to be filtered
    envelope : str
        JMESPath expression to filter data against
    jmespath_options : Dict
        Alternative JMESPath options to be included when filtering expr

        Data found using JMESPath expression given in envelope
    if not jmespath_options:
        jmespath_options = {"custom_functions": PowertoolsFunctions()}

        logger.debug(f"Envelope detected: {envelope}. JMESPath options: {jmespath_options}")
        return, data, options=jmespath.Options(**jmespath_options))
    except (LexerError, TypeError, UnicodeError) as e:
        message = f"Failed to unwrap event from envelope using expression. Error: {e} Exp: {envelope}, Data: {data}"  # noqa: B306, E501
        raise InvalidEnvelopeExpressionError(message)




def extract_data_from_envelope(data: Union[Dict, str], envelope: str, jmespath_options: Optional[Dict] = None) ‑> Any

Searches and extracts data using JMESPath

Envelope being the JMESPath expression to extract the data you're after

Built-in JMESPath functions include: powertools_json, powertools_base64, powertools_base64_gzip


Deserialize JSON string and extracts data from body key

from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.jmespath_utils import extract_data_from_envelope
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.typing import LambdaContext

def handler(event: dict, context: LambdaContext):
    # event = {"body": "{"customerId":"dd4649e6-2484-4993-acb8-0f9123103394"}"}  # noqa: ERA001
    payload = extract_data_from_envelope(data=event, envelope="powertools_json(body)")
    customer = payload.get("customerId")  # now deserialized


data : Dict
Data set to be filtered
envelope : str
JMESPath expression to filter data against
jmespath_options : Dict
Alternative JMESPath options to be included when filtering expr


Data found using JMESPath expression given in envelope
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def extract_data_from_envelope(data: Union[Dict, str], envelope: str, jmespath_options: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Any:
    """Searches and extracts data using JMESPath

    Envelope being the JMESPath expression to extract the data you're after

    Built-in JMESPath functions include: powertools_json, powertools_base64, powertools_base64_gzip


    **Deserialize JSON string and extracts data from body key**

        from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.jmespath_utils import extract_data_from_envelope
        from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.typing import LambdaContext

        def handler(event: dict, context: LambdaContext):
            # event = {"body": "{\"customerId\":\"dd4649e6-2484-4993-acb8-0f9123103394\"}"}  # noqa: ERA001
            payload = extract_data_from_envelope(data=event, envelope="powertools_json(body)")
            customer = payload.get("customerId")  # now deserialized

    data : Dict
        Data set to be filtered
    envelope : str
        JMESPath expression to filter data against
    jmespath_options : Dict
        Alternative JMESPath options to be included when filtering expr

        Data found using JMESPath expression given in envelope
    if not jmespath_options:
        jmespath_options = {"custom_functions": PowertoolsFunctions()}

        logger.debug(f"Envelope detected: {envelope}. JMESPath options: {jmespath_options}")
        return, data, options=jmespath.Options(**jmespath_options))
    except (LexerError, TypeError, UnicodeError) as e:
        message = f"Failed to unwrap event from envelope using expression. Error: {e} Exp: {envelope}, Data: {data}"  # noqa: B306, E501
        raise InvalidEnvelopeExpressionError(message)


class PowertoolsFunctions
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class PowertoolsFunctions(Functions):
    @signature({"types": ["string"]})
    def _func_powertools_json(self, value):
        return json.loads(value)

    @signature({"types": ["string"]})
    def _func_powertools_base64(self, value):
        return base64.b64decode(value).decode()

    @signature({"types": ["string"]})
    def _func_powertools_base64_gzip(self, value):
        encoded = base64.b64decode(value)
        uncompressed = gzip.decompress(encoded)

        return uncompressed.decode()


  • jmespath.functions.Functions

Class variables