Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency.exceptions

Idempotency errors

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Idempotency errors

from typing import Optional, Union

class BaseError(Exception):
    Base error class that overwrites the way exception and extra information is printed.

    def __init__(self, *args: Optional[Union[str, Exception]]):
        self.message = str(args[0]) if args else ""
        self.details = "".join(str(arg) for arg in args[1:]) if args[1:] else None

    def __str__(self):
        Return all arguments formatted or original message
        if self.message and self.details:
            return f"{self.message} - ({self.details})"
        return self.message

class IdempotencyItemAlreadyExistsError(BaseError):
    Item attempting to be inserted into persistence store already exists and is not expired

class IdempotencyItemNotFoundError(BaseError):
    Item does not exist in persistence store

class IdempotencyAlreadyInProgressError(BaseError):
    Execution with idempotency key is already in progress

class IdempotencyInvalidStatusError(BaseError):
    An invalid status was provided

class IdempotencyValidationError(BaseError):
    Payload does not match stored idempotency record

class IdempotencyInconsistentStateError(BaseError):
    State is inconsistent across multiple requests to persistence store

class IdempotencyPersistenceLayerError(BaseError):
    Unrecoverable error from the data store

class IdempotencyKeyError(BaseError):
    Payload does not contain an idempotent key

class IdempotencyModelTypeError(BaseError):
    Model type does not match expected payload output

class IdempotencyNoSerializationModelError(BaseError):
    No model was supplied to the serializer

class IdempotencyPersistenceConfigError(BaseError):
    The idempotency persistency configuration was unsupported

class IdempotencyPersistenceConnectionError(BaseError):
    Idempotency persistence connection error

class IdempotencyPersistenceConsistencyError(BaseError):
    Idempotency persistency consistency error, needs to be removed


class BaseError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Base error class that overwrites the way exception and extra information is printed. See

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class BaseError(Exception):
    Base error class that overwrites the way exception and extra information is printed.

    def __init__(self, *args: Optional[Union[str, Exception]]):
        self.message = str(args[0]) if args else ""
        self.details = "".join(str(arg) for arg in args[1:]) if args[1:] else None

    def __str__(self):
        Return all arguments formatted or original message
        if self.message and self.details:
            return f"{self.message} - ({self.details})"
        return self.message


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException


class IdempotencyAlreadyInProgressError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Execution with idempotency key is already in progress

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class IdempotencyAlreadyInProgressError(BaseError):
    Execution with idempotency key is already in progress


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyInconsistentStateError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

State is inconsistent across multiple requests to persistence store

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class IdempotencyInconsistentStateError(BaseError):
    State is inconsistent across multiple requests to persistence store


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyInvalidStatusError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

An invalid status was provided

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class IdempotencyInvalidStatusError(BaseError):
    An invalid status was provided


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyItemAlreadyExistsError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Item attempting to be inserted into persistence store already exists and is not expired

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class IdempotencyItemAlreadyExistsError(BaseError):
    Item attempting to be inserted into persistence store already exists and is not expired


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyItemNotFoundError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Item does not exist in persistence store

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class IdempotencyItemNotFoundError(BaseError):
    Item does not exist in persistence store


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyKeyError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Payload does not contain an idempotent key

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class IdempotencyKeyError(BaseError):
    Payload does not contain an idempotent key


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyModelTypeError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Model type does not match expected payload output

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class IdempotencyModelTypeError(BaseError):
    Model type does not match expected payload output


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyNoSerializationModelError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

No model was supplied to the serializer

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class IdempotencyNoSerializationModelError(BaseError):
    No model was supplied to the serializer


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyPersistenceConfigError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

The idempotency persistency configuration was unsupported

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class IdempotencyPersistenceConfigError(BaseError):
    The idempotency persistency configuration was unsupported


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyPersistenceConnectionError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Idempotency persistence connection error

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class IdempotencyPersistenceConnectionError(BaseError):
    Idempotency persistence connection error


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyPersistenceConsistencyError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Idempotency persistency consistency error, needs to be removed

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class IdempotencyPersistenceConsistencyError(BaseError):
    Idempotency persistency consistency error, needs to be removed


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyPersistenceLayerError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Unrecoverable error from the data store

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class IdempotencyPersistenceLayerError(BaseError):
    Unrecoverable error from the data store


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdempotencyValidationError (*args: Union[str, Exception, ForwardRef(None)])

Payload does not match stored idempotency record

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class IdempotencyValidationError(BaseError):
    Payload does not match stored idempotency record


  • BaseError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException