Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.cloud_watch_alarm_event

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from __future__ import annotations

from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional

from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.common import DictWrapper

class CloudWatchAlarmState(DictWrapper):
    def value(self) -> Literal["OK", "ALARM", "INSUFFICIENT_DATA"]:
        Overall state of the alarm.
        return self["value"]

    def reason(self) -> str:
        Reason why alarm was changed to this state.
        return self["reason"]

    def reason_data(self) -> str:
        Additional data to back up the reason, usually contains the evaluated data points,
        the calculated threshold and timestamps.
        return self["reasonData"]

    def reason_data_decoded(self) -> Optional[Any]:
        Deserialized version of reason_data.

        return self._json_deserializer(self.reason_data) if self.reason_data else None

    def actions_suppressed_by(self) -> Optional[Literal["Alarm", "ExtensionPeriod", "WaitPeriod"]]:
        Describes why the actions when the value is `ALARM` are suppressed in a composite
        return self.get("actionsSuppressedBy", None)

    def actions_suppressed_reason(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Captures the reason for action suppression.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressedReason", None)

    def timestamp(self) -> str:
        Timestamp of this state change in ISO-8601 format.
        return self["timestamp"]

class CloudWatchAlarmMetric(DictWrapper):
    def metric_id(self) -> str:
        Unique ID of the alarm metric.
        return self["id"]

    def expression(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional expression of the alarm metric.
        return self.get("expression", None)

    def label(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional label of the alarm metric.
        return self.get("label", None)

    def return_data(self) -> bool:
        Whether this metric data is used to determine the state of the alarm or not.
        return self["returnData"]

    def metric_stat(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat:
        return CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat(self["metricStat"])

class CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat(DictWrapper):
    def period(self) -> Optional[int]:
        Metric evaluation period, in seconds.
        return self.get("period", None)

    def stat(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Statistical aggregation of metric points, e.g. Average, SampleCount, etc.
        return self.get("stat", None)

    def unit(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Unit for metric.
        return self.get("unit", None)

    def metric(self) -> Optional[Dict]:
        Metric details
        return self.get("metric", {})

class CloudWatchAlarmData(DictWrapper):
    def alarm_name(self) -> str:
        Alarm name.
        return self["alarmName"]

    def state(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmState:
        The current state of the Alarm.
        return CloudWatchAlarmState(self["state"])

    def previous_state(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmState:
        The previous state of the Alarm.
        return CloudWatchAlarmState(self["previousState"])

    def configuration(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration:
        The configuration of the Alarm.
        return CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration(self["configuration"])

class CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration(DictWrapper):
    def description(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional description for the Alarm.
        return self.get("description", None)

    def alarm_rule(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional description for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("alarmRule", None)

    def alarm_actions_suppressor(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional action suppression for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressor", None)

    def alarm_actions_suppressor_wait_period(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional action suppression wait period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressorWaitPeriod", None)

    def alarm_actions_suppressor_extension_period(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional action suppression extension period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressorExtensionPeriod", None)

    def metrics(self) -> Optional[List[CloudWatchAlarmMetric]]:
        The metrics evaluated for the Alarm.
        metrics = self.get("metrics")
        return [CloudWatchAlarmMetric(i) for i in metrics] if metrics else None

class CloudWatchAlarmEvent(DictWrapper):
    def source(self) -> Literal["aws.cloudwatch"]:
        Source of the triggered event.
        return self["source"]

    def alarm_arn(self) -> str:
        The ARN of the CloudWatch Alarm.
        return self["alarmArn"]

    def region(self) -> str:
        The AWS region in which the Alarm is active.
        return self["region"]

    def source_account_id(self) -> str:
        The AWS Account ID that the Alarm is deployed to.
        return self["accountId"]

    def timestamp(self) -> str:
        Alarm state change event timestamp in ISO-8601 format.
        return self["time"]

    def alarm_data(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmData:
        Contains basic data about the Alarm and its current and previous states.
        return CloudWatchAlarmData(self["alarmData"])


class CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads
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class CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration(DictWrapper):
    def description(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional description for the Alarm.
        return self.get("description", None)

    def alarm_rule(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional description for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("alarmRule", None)

    def alarm_actions_suppressor(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional action suppression for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressor", None)

    def alarm_actions_suppressor_wait_period(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional action suppression wait period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressorWaitPeriod", None)

    def alarm_actions_suppressor_extension_period(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional action suppression extension period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressorExtensionPeriod", None)

    def metrics(self) -> Optional[List[CloudWatchAlarmMetric]]:
        The metrics evaluated for the Alarm.
        metrics = self.get("metrics")
        return [CloudWatchAlarmMetric(i) for i in metrics] if metrics else None


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var alarm_actions_suppressor : Optional[str]

Optional action suppression for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.

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def alarm_actions_suppressor(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Optional action suppression for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
    return self.get("actionsSuppressor", None)
var alarm_actions_suppressor_extension_period : Optional[str]

Optional action suppression extension period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.

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def alarm_actions_suppressor_extension_period(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Optional action suppression extension period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
    return self.get("actionsSuppressorExtensionPeriod", None)
var alarm_actions_suppressor_wait_period : Optional[str]

Optional action suppression wait period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.

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def alarm_actions_suppressor_wait_period(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Optional action suppression wait period for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
    return self.get("actionsSuppressorWaitPeriod", None)
var alarm_rule : Optional[str]

Optional description for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.

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def alarm_rule(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Optional description for the Alarm rule in case of composite alarm.
    return self.get("alarmRule", None)
var description : Optional[str]

Optional description for the Alarm.

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def description(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Optional description for the Alarm.
    return self.get("description", None)
var metrics : Optional[List[CloudWatchAlarmMetric]]

The metrics evaluated for the Alarm.

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def metrics(self) -> Optional[List[CloudWatchAlarmMetric]]:
    The metrics evaluated for the Alarm.
    metrics = self.get("metrics")
    return [CloudWatchAlarmMetric(i) for i in metrics] if metrics else None

Inherited members

class CloudWatchAlarmData (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads
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class CloudWatchAlarmData(DictWrapper):
    def alarm_name(self) -> str:
        Alarm name.
        return self["alarmName"]

    def state(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmState:
        The current state of the Alarm.
        return CloudWatchAlarmState(self["state"])

    def previous_state(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmState:
        The previous state of the Alarm.
        return CloudWatchAlarmState(self["previousState"])

    def configuration(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration:
        The configuration of the Alarm.
        return CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration(self["configuration"])


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var alarm_name : str

Alarm name.

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def alarm_name(self) -> str:
    Alarm name.
    return self["alarmName"]
var configurationCloudWatchAlarmConfiguration

The configuration of the Alarm.

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def configuration(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration:
    The configuration of the Alarm.
    return CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration(self["configuration"])
var previous_stateCloudWatchAlarmState

The previous state of the Alarm.

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def previous_state(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmState:
    The previous state of the Alarm.
    return CloudWatchAlarmState(self["previousState"])
var stateCloudWatchAlarmState

The current state of the Alarm.

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def state(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmState:
    The current state of the Alarm.
    return CloudWatchAlarmState(self["state"])

Inherited members

class CloudWatchAlarmEvent (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads
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class CloudWatchAlarmEvent(DictWrapper):
    def source(self) -> Literal["aws.cloudwatch"]:
        Source of the triggered event.
        return self["source"]

    def alarm_arn(self) -> str:
        The ARN of the CloudWatch Alarm.
        return self["alarmArn"]

    def region(self) -> str:
        The AWS region in which the Alarm is active.
        return self["region"]

    def source_account_id(self) -> str:
        The AWS Account ID that the Alarm is deployed to.
        return self["accountId"]

    def timestamp(self) -> str:
        Alarm state change event timestamp in ISO-8601 format.
        return self["time"]

    def alarm_data(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmData:
        Contains basic data about the Alarm and its current and previous states.
        return CloudWatchAlarmData(self["alarmData"])


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var alarm_arn : str

The ARN of the CloudWatch Alarm.

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def alarm_arn(self) -> str:
    The ARN of the CloudWatch Alarm.
    return self["alarmArn"]
var alarm_dataCloudWatchAlarmData

Contains basic data about the Alarm and its current and previous states.

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def alarm_data(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmData:
    Contains basic data about the Alarm and its current and previous states.
    return CloudWatchAlarmData(self["alarmData"])
var region : str

The AWS region in which the Alarm is active.

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def region(self) -> str:
    The AWS region in which the Alarm is active.
    return self["region"]
var source : Literal['aws.cloudwatch']

Source of the triggered event.

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def source(self) -> Literal["aws.cloudwatch"]:
    Source of the triggered event.
    return self["source"]
var source_account_id : str

The AWS Account ID that the Alarm is deployed to.

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def source_account_id(self) -> str:
    The AWS Account ID that the Alarm is deployed to.
    return self["accountId"]
var timestamp : str

Alarm state change event timestamp in ISO-8601 format.

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def timestamp(self) -> str:
    Alarm state change event timestamp in ISO-8601 format.
    return self["time"]

Inherited members

class CloudWatchAlarmMetric (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads
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class CloudWatchAlarmMetric(DictWrapper):
    def metric_id(self) -> str:
        Unique ID of the alarm metric.
        return self["id"]

    def expression(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional expression of the alarm metric.
        return self.get("expression", None)

    def label(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Optional label of the alarm metric.
        return self.get("label", None)

    def return_data(self) -> bool:
        Whether this metric data is used to determine the state of the alarm or not.
        return self["returnData"]

    def metric_stat(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat:
        return CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat(self["metricStat"])


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var expression : Optional[str]

Optional expression of the alarm metric.

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def expression(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Optional expression of the alarm metric.
    return self.get("expression", None)
var label : Optional[str]

Optional label of the alarm metric.

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def label(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Optional label of the alarm metric.
    return self.get("label", None)
var metric_id : str

Unique ID of the alarm metric.

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def metric_id(self) -> str:
    Unique ID of the alarm metric.
    return self["id"]
var metric_statCloudWatchAlarmMetricStat
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def metric_stat(self) -> CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat:
    return CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat(self["metricStat"])
var return_data : bool

Whether this metric data is used to determine the state of the alarm or not.

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def return_data(self) -> bool:
    Whether this metric data is used to determine the state of the alarm or not.
    return self["returnData"]

Inherited members

class CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads
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class CloudWatchAlarmMetricStat(DictWrapper):
    def period(self) -> Optional[int]:
        Metric evaluation period, in seconds.
        return self.get("period", None)

    def stat(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Statistical aggregation of metric points, e.g. Average, SampleCount, etc.
        return self.get("stat", None)

    def unit(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Unit for metric.
        return self.get("unit", None)

    def metric(self) -> Optional[Dict]:
        Metric details
        return self.get("metric", {})


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var metric : Optional[Dict]

Metric details

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def metric(self) -> Optional[Dict]:
    Metric details
    return self.get("metric", {})
var period : Optional[int]

Metric evaluation period, in seconds.

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def period(self) -> Optional[int]:
    Metric evaluation period, in seconds.
    return self.get("period", None)
var stat : Optional[str]

Statistical aggregation of metric points, e.g. Average, SampleCount, etc.

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def stat(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Statistical aggregation of metric points, e.g. Average, SampleCount, etc.
    return self.get("stat", None)
var unit : Optional[str]

Unit for metric.

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def unit(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Unit for metric.
    return self.get("unit", None)

Inherited members

class CloudWatchAlarmState (data: Dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Optional[Callable] = None)

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : Dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads
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class CloudWatchAlarmState(DictWrapper):
    def value(self) -> Literal["OK", "ALARM", "INSUFFICIENT_DATA"]:
        Overall state of the alarm.
        return self["value"]

    def reason(self) -> str:
        Reason why alarm was changed to this state.
        return self["reason"]

    def reason_data(self) -> str:
        Additional data to back up the reason, usually contains the evaluated data points,
        the calculated threshold and timestamps.
        return self["reasonData"]

    def reason_data_decoded(self) -> Optional[Any]:
        Deserialized version of reason_data.

        return self._json_deserializer(self.reason_data) if self.reason_data else None

    def actions_suppressed_by(self) -> Optional[Literal["Alarm", "ExtensionPeriod", "WaitPeriod"]]:
        Describes why the actions when the value is `ALARM` are suppressed in a composite
        return self.get("actionsSuppressedBy", None)

    def actions_suppressed_reason(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Captures the reason for action suppression.
        return self.get("actionsSuppressedReason", None)

    def timestamp(self) -> str:
        Timestamp of this state change in ISO-8601 format.
        return self["timestamp"]


  • DictWrapper

Instance variables

var actions_suppressed_by : Optional[Literal['Alarm', 'ExtensionPeriod', 'WaitPeriod']]

Describes why the actions when the value is ALARM are suppressed in a composite alarm.

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def actions_suppressed_by(self) -> Optional[Literal["Alarm", "ExtensionPeriod", "WaitPeriod"]]:
    Describes why the actions when the value is `ALARM` are suppressed in a composite
    return self.get("actionsSuppressedBy", None)
var actions_suppressed_reason : Optional[str]

Captures the reason for action suppression.

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def actions_suppressed_reason(self) -> Optional[str]:
    Captures the reason for action suppression.
    return self.get("actionsSuppressedReason", None)
var reason : str

Reason why alarm was changed to this state.

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def reason(self) -> str:
    Reason why alarm was changed to this state.
    return self["reason"]
var reason_data : str

Additional data to back up the reason, usually contains the evaluated data points, the calculated threshold and timestamps.

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def reason_data(self) -> str:
    Additional data to back up the reason, usually contains the evaluated data points,
    the calculated threshold and timestamps.
    return self["reasonData"]
var reason_data_decoded

Deserialized version of reason_data.

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def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
    if instance is None:
        return self
    if self.attrname is None:
        raise TypeError(
            "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.")
        cache = instance.__dict__
    except AttributeError:  # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots)
        msg = (
            f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} "
            f"instance to cache {self.attrname!r} property."
        raise TypeError(msg) from None
    val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND)
    if val is _NOT_FOUND:
        val = self.func(instance)
            cache[self.attrname] = val
        except TypeError:
            msg = (
                f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance "
                f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.attrname!r} property."
            raise TypeError(msg) from None
    return val
var timestamp : str

Timestamp of this state change in ISO-8601 format.

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def timestamp(self) -> str:
    Timestamp of this state change in ISO-8601 format.
    return self["timestamp"]
var value : Literal['OK', 'ALARM', 'INSUFFICIENT_DATA']

Overall state of the alarm.

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def value(self) -> Literal["OK", "ALARM", "INSUFFICIENT_DATA"]:
    Overall state of the alarm.
    return self["value"]

Inherited members