Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.idempotency.persistence.base
Persistence layers supporting idempotency
class BasePersistenceLayer
Abstract Base Class for Idempotency persistence layer.
Initialize the defaults
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class BasePersistenceLayer(ABC): """ Abstract Base Class for Idempotency persistence layer. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the defaults""" self.function_name = "" self.configured = False self.event_key_jmespath: str = "" self.event_key_compiled_jmespath = None self.jmespath_options: Optional[dict] = None self.payload_validation_enabled = False self.validation_key_jmespath = None self.raise_on_no_idempotency_key = False self.expires_after_seconds: int = 60 * 60 # 1 hour default self.use_local_cache = False self.hash_function = hashlib.md5 def configure(self, config: IdempotencyConfig, function_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Initialize the base persistence layer from the configuration settings Parameters ---------- config: IdempotencyConfig Idempotency configuration settings function_name: str, Optional The name of the function being decorated """ self.function_name = f"{os.getenv(constants.LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME_ENV, 'test-func')}.{function_name or ''}" if self.configured: # Prevent being reconfigured multiple times return self.configured = True self.event_key_jmespath = config.event_key_jmespath if config.event_key_jmespath: self.event_key_compiled_jmespath = jmespath.compile(config.event_key_jmespath) self.jmespath_options = config.jmespath_options if not self.jmespath_options: self.jmespath_options = {"custom_functions": PowertoolsFunctions()} if config.payload_validation_jmespath: self.validation_key_jmespath = jmespath.compile(config.payload_validation_jmespath) self.payload_validation_enabled = True self.raise_on_no_idempotency_key = config.raise_on_no_idempotency_key self.expires_after_seconds = config.expires_after_seconds self.use_local_cache = config.use_local_cache if self.use_local_cache: self._cache = LRUDict(max_items=config.local_cache_max_items) self.hash_function = getattr(hashlib, config.hash_function) def _get_hashed_idempotency_key(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]: """ Extract idempotency key and return a hashed representation Parameters ---------- data: Dict[str, Any] Incoming data Returns ------- str Hashed representation of the data extracted by the jmespath expression """ if self.event_key_jmespath: data =, options=jmespath.Options(**self.jmespath_options)) if self.is_missing_idempotency_key(data=data): if self.raise_on_no_idempotency_key: raise IdempotencyKeyError("No data found to create a hashed idempotency_key") warnings.warn( f"No idempotency key value found. Skipping persistence layer and validation operations. jmespath: {self.event_key_jmespath}", # noqa: E501 stacklevel=2, ) return None generated_hash = self._generate_hash(data=data) return f"{self.function_name}#{generated_hash}" @staticmethod def is_missing_idempotency_key(data) -> bool: if isinstance(data, (tuple, list, dict)): return all(x is None for x in data) elif isinstance(data, (int, float, bool)): return False return not data def _get_hashed_payload(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """ Extract payload using validation key jmespath and return a hashed representation Parameters ---------- data: Dict[str, Any] Payload Returns ------- str Hashed representation of the data extracted by the jmespath expression """ if not self.payload_validation_enabled: return "" data = return self._generate_hash(data=data) def _generate_hash(self, data: Any) -> str: """ Generate a hash value from the provided data Parameters ---------- data: Any The data to hash Returns ------- str Hashed representation of the provided data """ hashed_data = self.hash_function(json.dumps(data, cls=Encoder, sort_keys=True).encode()) return hashed_data.hexdigest() def _validate_payload( self, data_payload: Union[Dict[str, Any], DataRecord], stored_data_record: DataRecord, ) -> None: """ Validate that the hashed payload matches data provided and stored data record Parameters ---------- data_payload: Union[Dict[str, Any], DataRecord] Payload stored_data_record: DataRecord DataRecord fetched from Dynamo or cache Raises ---------- IdempotencyValidationError Payload doesn't match the stored record for the given idempotency key """ if self.payload_validation_enabled: if isinstance(data_payload, DataRecord): data_hash = data_payload.payload_hash else: data_hash = self._get_hashed_payload(data=data_payload) if stored_data_record.payload_hash != data_hash: raise IdempotencyValidationError("Payload does not match stored record for this event key") def _get_expiry_timestamp(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- int unix timestamp of expiry date for idempotency record """ now = period = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.expires_after_seconds) return int((now + period).timestamp()) def _save_to_cache(self, data_record: DataRecord): """ Save data_record to local cache except when status is "INPROGRESS" NOTE: We can't cache "INPROGRESS" records as we have no way to reflect updates that can happen outside of the execution environment Parameters ---------- data_record: DataRecord DataRecord instance Returns ------- """ if not self.use_local_cache: return if data_record.status == STATUS_CONSTANTS["INPROGRESS"]: return self._cache[data_record.idempotency_key] = data_record def _retrieve_from_cache(self, idempotency_key: str): if not self.use_local_cache: return cached_record = self._cache.get(key=idempotency_key) if cached_record: if not cached_record.is_expired: return cached_record logger.debug(f"Removing expired local cache record for idempotency key: {idempotency_key}") self._delete_from_cache(idempotency_key=idempotency_key) def _delete_from_cache(self, idempotency_key: str): if not self.use_local_cache: return if idempotency_key in self._cache: del self._cache[idempotency_key] def save_success(self, data: Dict[str, Any], result: dict) -> None: """ Save record of function's execution completing successfully Parameters ---------- data: Dict[str, Any] Payload result: dict The response from function """ idempotency_key = self._get_hashed_idempotency_key(data=data) if idempotency_key is None: # If the idempotency key is None, no data will be saved in the Persistence Layer. # See: return None response_data = json.dumps(result, cls=Encoder, sort_keys=True) data_record = DataRecord( idempotency_key=idempotency_key, status=STATUS_CONSTANTS["COMPLETED"], expiry_timestamp=self._get_expiry_timestamp(), response_data=response_data, payload_hash=self._get_hashed_payload(data=data), ) logger.debug( f"Function successfully executed. Saving record to persistence store with " f"idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}", ) self._update_record(data_record=data_record) self._save_to_cache(data_record=data_record) def save_inprogress(self, data: Dict[str, Any], remaining_time_in_millis: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Save record of function's execution being in progress Parameters ---------- data: Dict[str, Any] Payload remaining_time_in_millis: Optional[int] If expiry of in-progress invocations is enabled, this will contain the remaining time available in millis """ idempotency_key = self._get_hashed_idempotency_key(data=data) if idempotency_key is None: # If the idempotency key is None, no data will be saved in the Persistence Layer. # See: return None data_record = DataRecord( idempotency_key=idempotency_key, status=STATUS_CONSTANTS["INPROGRESS"], expiry_timestamp=self._get_expiry_timestamp(), payload_hash=self._get_hashed_payload(data=data), ) if remaining_time_in_millis: now = period = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=remaining_time_in_millis) timestamp = (now + period).timestamp() data_record.in_progress_expiry_timestamp = int(timestamp * 1000) else: warnings.warn( "Couldn't determine the remaining time left. " "Did you call register_lambda_context on IdempotencyConfig?", stacklevel=2, ) logger.debug(f"Saving in progress record for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}") if self._retrieve_from_cache(idempotency_key=data_record.idempotency_key): raise IdempotencyItemAlreadyExistsError self._put_record(data_record=data_record) def delete_record(self, data: Dict[str, Any], exception: Exception): """ Delete record from the persistence store Parameters ---------- data: Dict[str, Any] Payload exception The exception raised by the function """ idempotency_key = self._get_hashed_idempotency_key(data=data) if idempotency_key is None: # If the idempotency key is None, no data will be saved in the Persistence Layer. # See: return None data_record = DataRecord(idempotency_key=idempotency_key) logger.debug( f"Function raised an exception ({type(exception).__name__}). Clearing in progress record in persistence " f"store for idempotency key: {data_record.idempotency_key}", ) self._delete_record(data_record=data_record) self._delete_from_cache(idempotency_key=data_record.idempotency_key) def get_record(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[DataRecord]: """ Retrieve idempotency key for data provided, fetch from persistence store, and convert to DataRecord. Parameters ---------- data: Dict[str, Any] Payload Returns ------- DataRecord DataRecord representation of existing record found in persistence store Raises ------ IdempotencyItemNotFoundError Exception raised if no record exists in persistence store with the idempotency key IdempotencyValidationError Payload doesn't match the stored record for the given idempotency key """ idempotency_key = self._get_hashed_idempotency_key(data=data) if idempotency_key is None: # If the idempotency key is None, no data will be saved in the Persistence Layer. # See: return None cached_record = self._retrieve_from_cache(idempotency_key=idempotency_key) if cached_record: logger.debug(f"Idempotency record found in cache with idempotency key: {idempotency_key}") self._validate_payload(data_payload=data, stored_data_record=cached_record) return cached_record record = self._get_record(idempotency_key=idempotency_key) self._validate_payload(data_payload=data, stored_data_record=record) self._save_to_cache(data_record=record) return record @abstractmethod def _get_record(self, idempotency_key) -> DataRecord: """ Retrieve item from persistence store using idempotency key and return it as a DataRecord instance. Parameters ---------- idempotency_key Returns ------- DataRecord DataRecord representation of existing record found in persistence store Raises ------ IdempotencyItemNotFoundError Exception raised if no record exists in persistence store with the idempotency key """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _put_record(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> None: """ Add a DataRecord to persistence store if it does not already exist with that key. Raise ItemAlreadyExists if a non-expired entry already exists. Parameters ---------- data_record: DataRecord DataRecord instance """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _update_record(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> None: """ Update item in persistence store Parameters ---------- data_record: DataRecord DataRecord instance """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _delete_record(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> None: """ Remove item from persistence store Parameters ---------- data_record: DataRecord DataRecord instance """ raise NotImplementedError
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def is_missing_idempotency_key(data) ‑> bool
def configure(self, config: IdempotencyConfig, function_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> None
Initialize the base persistence layer from the configuration settings
- Idempotency configuration settings
:str, Optional
- The name of the function being decorated
def delete_record(self, data: Dict[str, Any], exception: Exception)
Delete record from the persistence store
:Dict[str, Any]
- Payload
- The exception raised by the function
def get_record(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> Optional[DataRecord]
Retrieve idempotency key for data provided, fetch from persistence store, and convert to DataRecord.
:Dict[str, Any]
- Payload
- DataRecord representation of existing record found in persistence store
- Exception raised if no record exists in persistence store with the idempotency key
- Payload doesn't match the stored record for the given idempotency key
def save_inprogress(self, data: Dict[str, Any], remaining_time_in_millis: Optional[int] = None) ‑> None
Save record of function's execution being in progress
:Dict[str, Any]
- Payload
- If expiry of in-progress invocations is enabled, this will contain the remaining time available in millis
def save_success(self, data: Dict[str, Any], result: dict) ‑> None
Save record of function's execution completing successfully
:Dict[str, Any]
- Payload
- The response from function