Module aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.api_gateway


class ALBResolver (cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None, strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None, enable_validation: bool = False)

API Gateway and ALB proxy resolver


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_get():
    return {"message": "Foo"}"/post-call")
def simple_post():
    post_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
    return {"message": post_data["value"]}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)

Amazon Application Load Balancer (ALB) resolver

Expand source code
class ALBResolver(ApiGatewayResolver):
    current_event: ALBEvent

    def __init__(
        cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None,
        debug: Optional[bool] = None,
        serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None,
        strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None,
        enable_validation: bool = False,
        """Amazon Application Load Balancer (ALB) resolver"""
        super().__init__(ProxyEventType.ALBEvent, cors, debug, serializer, strip_prefixes, enable_validation)

    def _get_base_path(self) -> str:
        # ALB doesn't have a stage variable, so we just return an empty string
        return ""

    def _to_response(self, result: Union[Dict, Tuple, Response]) -> Response:
        """Convert the route's result to a Response

        ALB requires a non-null body otherwise it converts as HTTP 5xx

         3 main result types are supported:

        - Dict[str, Any]: Rest api response with just the Dict to json stringify and content-type is set to
        - Tuple[dict, int]: Same dict handling as above but with the option of including a status code
        - Response: returned as is, and allows for more flexibility

        # NOTE: Minor override for early return on Response with null body for ALB
        if isinstance(result, Response) and result.body is None:
            logger.debug("ALB doesn't allow None responses; converting to empty string")
            result.body = ""

        return super()._to_response(result)


Class variables

var current_eventALBEvent

Inherited members

class APIGatewayHttpResolver (cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None, strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None, enable_validation: bool = False)

API Gateway and ALB proxy resolver


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_get():
    return {"message": "Foo"}"/post-call")
def simple_post():
    post_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
    return {"message": post_data["value"]}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)

Amazon API Gateway HTTP API v2 payload resolver

Expand source code
class APIGatewayHttpResolver(ApiGatewayResolver):
    current_event: APIGatewayProxyEventV2

    def __init__(
        cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None,
        debug: Optional[bool] = None,
        serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None,
        strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None,
        enable_validation: bool = False,
        """Amazon API Gateway HTTP API v2 payload resolver"""

    def _get_base_path(self) -> str:
        # 3 different scenarios:
        # 1. SAM local: even though a stage variable is sent to the Lambda function, it's not used in the path
        # 2. API Gateway HTTP API: stage variable is used in the path
        # 3. API Gateway HTTP Custom Domain: stage variable is not used in the path
        # To solve the 3 scenarios, we try to match the beginning of the path with the stage variable
        stage = self.current_event.request_context.stage
        if stage and stage != "$default" and self.current_event.request_context.http.path.startswith(f"/{stage}"):
            return f"/{stage}"
        return ""


Class variables

var current_eventAPIGatewayProxyEventV2

Inherited members

class APIGatewayRestResolver (cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None, strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None, enable_validation: bool = False)

API Gateway and ALB proxy resolver


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_get():
    return {"message": "Foo"}"/post-call")
def simple_post():
    post_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
    return {"message": post_data["value"]}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)

Amazon API Gateway REST and HTTP API v1 payload resolver

Expand source code
class APIGatewayRestResolver(ApiGatewayResolver):
    current_event: APIGatewayProxyEvent

    def __init__(
        cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None,
        debug: Optional[bool] = None,
        serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None,
        strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None,
        enable_validation: bool = False,
        """Amazon API Gateway REST and HTTP API v1 payload resolver"""

    def _get_base_path(self) -> str:
        # 3 different scenarios:
        # 1. SAM local: even though a stage variable is sent to the Lambda function, it's not used in the path
        # 2. API Gateway REST API: stage variable is used in the path
        # 3. API Gateway REST Custom Domain: stage variable is not used in the path
        # To solve the 3 scenarios, we try to match the beginning of the path with the stage variable
        stage = self.current_event.request_context.stage
        if stage and stage != "$default" and self.current_event.request_context.path.startswith(f"/{stage}"):
            return f"/{stage}"
        return ""

    # override route to ignore trailing "/" in routes for REST API
    def route(
        rule: str,
        method: Union[str, Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]],
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        # NOTE: see #1552 for more context.
        return super().route(

    # Override _compile_regex to exclude trailing slashes for route resolution
    def _compile_regex(rule: str, base_regex: str = _ROUTE_REGEX):
        return super(APIGatewayRestResolver, APIGatewayRestResolver)._compile_regex(rule, "^{}/*$")


Class variables

var current_eventAPIGatewayProxyEvent

Inherited members

class ApiGatewayResolver (proxy_type: Enum = ProxyEventType.APIGatewayProxyEvent, cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None, strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None, enable_validation: bool = False)

API Gateway and ALB proxy resolver


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_get():
    return {"message": "Foo"}"/post-call")
def simple_post():
    post_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
    return {"message": post_data["value"]}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)


proxy_type : ProxyEventType
Proxy request type, defaults to API Gateway V1
cors : CORSConfig
Optionally configure and enabled CORS. Not each route will need to have to cors=True
debug : Optional[bool]
Enables debug mode, by default False. Can be also be enabled by "POWERTOOLS_DEV" environment variable
serializer : Callable, optional
function to serialize obj to a JSON formatted str, by default json.dumps
strip_prefixes : List[Union[str, Pattern]], optional
optional list of prefixes to be removed from the request path before doing the routing. This is often used with api gateways with multiple custom mappings. Each prefix can be a static string or a compiled regex pattern
enable_validation : Optional[bool]
Enables validation of the request body against the route schema, by default False.
Expand source code
class ApiGatewayResolver(BaseRouter):
    """API Gateway and ALB proxy resolver

    Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

    from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
    from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

    tracer = Tracer()
    app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

    def simple_get():
        return {"message": "Foo"}"/post-call")
    def simple_post():
        post_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
        return {"message": post_data["value"]}

    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        return app.resolve(event, context)

    def __init__(
        proxy_type: Enum = ProxyEventType.APIGatewayProxyEvent,
        cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None,
        debug: Optional[bool] = None,
        serializer: Optional[Callable[[Dict], str]] = None,
        strip_prefixes: Optional[List[Union[str, Pattern]]] = None,
        enable_validation: bool = False,
        proxy_type: ProxyEventType
            Proxy request type, defaults to API Gateway V1
        cors: CORSConfig
            Optionally configure and enabled CORS. Not each route will need to have to cors=True
        debug: Optional[bool]
            Enables debug mode, by default False. Can be also be enabled by "POWERTOOLS_DEV"
            environment variable
        serializer: Callable, optional
            function to serialize `obj` to a JSON formatted `str`, by default json.dumps
        strip_prefixes: List[Union[str, Pattern]], optional
            optional list of prefixes to be removed from the request path before doing the routing.
            This is often used with api gateways with multiple custom mappings.
            Each prefix can be a static string or a compiled regex pattern
        enable_validation: Optional[bool]
            Enables validation of the request body against the route schema, by default False.
        self._proxy_type = proxy_type
        self._dynamic_routes: List[Route] = []
        self._static_routes: List[Route] = []
        self._route_keys: List[str] = []
        self._exception_handlers: Dict[Type, Callable] = {}
        self._cors = cors
        self._cors_enabled: bool = cors is not None
        self._cors_methods: Set[str] = {"OPTIONS"}
        self._debug = self._has_debug(debug)
        self._enable_validation = enable_validation
        self._strip_prefixes = strip_prefixes
        self.context: Dict = {}  # early init as customers might add context before event resolution
        self.processed_stack_frames = []
        self._response_builder_class = ResponseBuilder[BaseProxyEvent]

        # Allow for a custom serializer or a concise json serialization
        self._serializer = serializer or partial(json.dumps, separators=(",", ":"), cls=Encoder)

        if self._enable_validation:
            from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.middlewares.openapi_validation import OpenAPIValidationMiddleware

            # Note the serializer argument: only use custom serializer if provided by the caller
            # Otherwise, fully rely on the internal Pydantic based mechanism to serialize responses for validation.

    def get_openapi_schema(
        title: str = "Powertools API",
        version: str = DEFAULT_API_VERSION,
        openapi_version: str = DEFAULT_OPENAPI_VERSION,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        tags: Optional[List[Union["Tag", str]]] = None,
        servers: Optional[List["Server"]] = None,
        terms_of_service: Optional[str] = None,
        contact: Optional["Contact"] = None,
        license_info: Optional["License"] = None,
        security_schemes: Optional[Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]] = None,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
    ) -> "OpenAPI":
        Returns the OpenAPI schema as a pydantic model.

        title: str
            The title of the application.
        version: str
            The version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification version or the API
        openapi_version: str, default = "3.0.0"
            The version of the OpenAPI Specification (which the document uses).
        summary: str, optional
            A short summary of what the application does.
        description: str, optional
            A verbose explanation of the application behavior.
        tags: List[Tag | str], optional
            A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
        servers: List[Server], optional
            An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server.
        terms_of_service: str, optional
            A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
        contact: Contact, optional
            The contact information for the exposed API.
        license_info: License, optional
            The license information for the exposed API.
        security_schemes: Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]], optional
            A declaration of the security schemes available to be used in the specification.
        security: List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
            A declaration of which security mechanisms are applied globally across the API.

        OpenAPI: pydantic model
            The OpenAPI schema as a pydantic model.

        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.compat import (
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.models import OpenAPI, PathItem, Tag
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.types import (

        openapi_version = self._determine_openapi_version(openapi_version)

        # Start with the bare minimum required for a valid OpenAPI schema
        info: Dict[str, Any] = {"title": title, "version": version}

        optional_fields = {
            "summary": summary,
            "description": description,
            "termsOfService": terms_of_service,
            "contact": contact,
            "license": license_info,

        info.update({field: value for field, value in optional_fields.items() if value})

        output: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "openapi": openapi_version,
            "info": info,
            "servers": self._get_openapi_servers(servers),
            "security": self._get_openapi_security(security, security_schemes),

        components: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
        paths: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
        operation_ids: Set[str] = set()

        all_routes = self._dynamic_routes + self._static_routes
        all_fields = self._get_fields_from_routes(all_routes)
        model_name_map = get_compat_model_name_map(all_fields)

        # Collect all models and definitions
        schema_generator = GenerateJsonSchema(ref_template=COMPONENT_REF_TEMPLATE)
        field_mapping, definitions = get_definitions(

        # Add routes to the OpenAPI schema
        for route in all_routes:

            if and not _validate_openapi_security_parameters(
                raise SchemaValidationError(
                    "Security configuration was not found in security_schemas or security_schema was not defined. "

            if not route.include_in_schema:

            result = route._get_openapi_path(
            if result:
                path, path_definitions = result
                if path:
                    paths.setdefault(route.openapi_path, {}).update(path)
                if path_definitions:

        if definitions:
            components["schemas"] = {k: definitions[k] for k in sorted(definitions)}
        if security_schemes:
            components["securitySchemes"] = security_schemes
        if components:
            output["components"] = components
        if tags:
            output["tags"] = [Tag(name=tag) if isinstance(tag, str) else tag for tag in tags]

        output["paths"] = {k: PathItem(**v) for k, v in paths.items()}

        return OpenAPI(**output)

    def _get_openapi_servers(servers: Optional[List["Server"]]) -> List["Server"]:
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.models import Server

        # If the 'servers' property is not provided or is an empty array,
        # the default behavior is to return a Server Object with a URL value of "/".
        return servers if servers else [Server(url="/")]

    def _get_openapi_security(
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]],
        security_schemes: Optional[Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]],
    ) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]]:

        if not security:
            return None

        if not _validate_openapi_security_parameters(security=security, security_schemes=security_schemes):
            raise SchemaValidationError(
                "Security configuration was not found in security_schemas or security_schema was not defined. "

        return security

    def _determine_openapi_version(openapi_version):
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.pydantic_loader import PYDANTIC_V2

        # Pydantic V2 has no support for OpenAPI schema 3.0
        if PYDANTIC_V2 and not openapi_version.startswith("3.1"):  # pragma: no cover
                "You are using Pydantic v2, which is incompatible with OpenAPI schema 3.0. Forcing OpenAPI 3.1",
            openapi_version = "3.1.0"
        elif not PYDANTIC_V2 and not openapi_version.startswith("3.0"):  # pragma: no cover
                "You are using Pydantic v1, which is incompatible with OpenAPI schema 3.1. Forcing OpenAPI 3.0",
            openapi_version = "3.0.3"
        return openapi_version

    def get_openapi_json_schema(
        title: str = "Powertools API",
        version: str = DEFAULT_API_VERSION,
        openapi_version: str = DEFAULT_OPENAPI_VERSION,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        tags: Optional[List[Union["Tag", str]]] = None,
        servers: Optional[List["Server"]] = None,
        terms_of_service: Optional[str] = None,
        contact: Optional["Contact"] = None,
        license_info: Optional["License"] = None,
        security_schemes: Optional[Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]] = None,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
    ) -> str:
        Returns the OpenAPI schema as a JSON serializable dict

        title: str
            The title of the application.
        version: str
            The version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification version or the API
        openapi_version: str, default = "3.0.0"
            The version of the OpenAPI Specification (which the document uses).
        summary: str, optional
            A short summary of what the application does.
        description: str, optional
            A verbose explanation of the application behavior.
        tags: List[Tag, str], optional
            A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
        servers: List[Server], optional
            An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server.
        terms_of_service: str, optional
            A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
        contact: Contact, optional
            The contact information for the exposed API.
        license_info: License, optional
            The license information for the exposed API.
        security_schemes: Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]], optional
            A declaration of the security schemes available to be used in the specification.
        security: List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
            A declaration of which security mechanisms are applied globally across the API.

            The OpenAPI schema as a JSON serializable dict.
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.compat import model_json

        return model_json(

    def enable_swagger(
        path: str = "/swagger",
        title: str = "Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) API",
        version: str = DEFAULT_API_VERSION,
        openapi_version: str = DEFAULT_OPENAPI_VERSION,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        tags: Optional[List[Union["Tag", str]]] = None,
        servers: Optional[List["Server"]] = None,
        terms_of_service: Optional[str] = None,
        contact: Optional["Contact"] = None,
        license_info: Optional["License"] = None,
        swagger_base_url: Optional[str] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Response]]] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        security_schemes: Optional[Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]] = None,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        oauth2_config: Optional["OAuth2Config"] = None,
        persist_authorization: bool = False,
        Returns the OpenAPI schema as a JSON serializable dict

        path: str, default = "/swagger"
            The path to the swagger UI.
        title: str
            The title of the application.
        version: str
            The version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification version or the API
        openapi_version: str, default = "3.0.0"
            The version of the OpenAPI Specification (which the document uses).
        summary: str, optional
            A short summary of what the application does.
        description: str, optional
            A verbose explanation of the application behavior.
        tags: List[Tag, str], optional
            A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
        servers: List[Server], optional
            An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server.
        terms_of_service: str, optional
            A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
        contact: Contact, optional
            The contact information for the exposed API.
        license_info: License, optional
            The license information for the exposed API.
        swagger_base_url: str, optional
            The base url for the swagger UI. If not provided, we will serve a recent version of the Swagger UI.
        middlewares: List[Callable[..., Response]], optional
            List of middlewares to be used for the swagger route.
        compress: bool, default = False
            Whether or not to enable gzip compression swagger route.
        security_schemes: Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"], optional
            A declaration of the security schemes available to be used in the specification.
        security: List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
            A declaration of which security mechanisms are applied globally across the API.
        oauth2_config: OAuth2Config, optional
            The OAuth2 configuration for the Swagger UI.
        persist_authorization: bool, optional
            Whether to persist authorization data on browser close/refresh.
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.compat import model_json
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.models import Server
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.swagger_ui import (

        @self.get(path, middlewares=middlewares, include_in_schema=False, compress=compress)
        def swagger_handler():
            query_params = self.current_event.query_string_parameters or {}

            # Check for query parameters; if "format" is specified as "oauth2-redirect",
            # send the oauth2-redirect HTML stanza so OAuth2 can be used
            # Source:
            if query_params.get("format") == "oauth2-redirect":
                return Response(

            base_path = self._get_base_path()

            if swagger_base_url:
                swagger_js = f"{swagger_base_url}/swagger-ui-bundle.min.js"
                swagger_css = f"{swagger_base_url}/swagger-ui.min.css"
                # We now inject CSS and JS into the SwaggerUI file
                swagger_js =
                    Path(__file__).parent / "openapi" / "swagger_ui" / "swagger-ui-bundle.min.js",
                swagger_css = / "openapi" / "swagger_ui" / "swagger-ui.min.css").read()

            openapi_servers = servers or [Server(url=(base_path or "/"))]

            spec = self.get_openapi_schema(

            # The .replace('</', '<\\/') part is necessary to prevent a potential issue where the JSON string contains
            # </script> or similar tags. Escaping the forward slash in </ as <\/ ensures that the JSON does not
            # inadvertently close the script tag, and the JSON remains a valid string within the JavaScript code.
            escaped_spec = model_json(
            ).replace("</", "<\\/")

            # Check for query parameters; if "format" is specified as "json",
            # respond with the JSON used in the OpenAPI spec
            # Example:
            if query_params.get("format") == "json":
                return Response(

            body = generate_swagger_html(

            return Response(

    def route(
        rule: str,
        method: Union[str, Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]],
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        """Route decorator includes parameter `method`"""

        def register_resolver(func: Callable):
            methods = (method,) if isinstance(method, str) else method
            logger.debug(f"Adding route using rule {rule} and methods: {','.join((m.upper() for m in methods))}")

            cors_enabled = self._cors_enabled if cors is None else cors

            for item in methods:
                _route = Route(

                # The more specific route wins.
                # We store dynamic (/studies/{studyid}) and static routes (/studies/fetch) separately.
                # Then attempt a match for static routes before dynamic routes.
                # This ensures that the most specific route is prioritized and processed first (studies/fetch).
                if _route.rule.groups > 0:

                self._create_route_key(item, rule)

                if cors_enabled:
                    logger.debug(f"Registering method {item.upper()} to Allow Methods in CORS")

            return func

        return register_resolver

    def resolve(self, event, context) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Resolves the response based on the provide event and decorator routes

        ## Internals

        Request processing chain is triggered by a Route object being called _(`_call_route` -> `__call__`)_:

        1. **When a route is matched**
          1.1. Exception handlers _(if any exception bubbled up and caught)_
          1.2. Global middlewares _(before, and after on the way back)_
          1.3. Path level middleware _(before, and after on the way back)_
          1.4. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter)
          1.5. Run actual route
        2. **When a route is NOT matched**
          2.1. Exception handlers _(if any exception bubbled up and caught)_
          2.2. Global middlewares _(before, and after on the way back)_
          2.3. Path level middleware _(before, and after on the way back)_
          2.4. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter)
          2.5. Run 404 route handler
        3. **When a route is a pre-flight CORS (often not matched)**
          3.1. Exception handlers _(if any exception bubbled up and caught)_
          3.2. Global middlewares _(before, and after on the way back)_
          3.3. Path level middleware _(before, and after on the way back)_
          3.4. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter)
          3.5. Return 204 with appropriate CORS headers
        4. **When a route is matched with Data Validation enabled**
          4.1. Exception handlers _(if any exception bubbled up and caught)_
          4.2. Data Validation middleware _(before, and after on the way back)_
          4.3. Global middlewares _(before, and after on the way back)_
          4.4. Path level middleware _(before, and after on the way back)_
          4.5. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter)
          4.6. Run actual route

        event: Dict[str, Any]
        context: LambdaContext
            Lambda context
            Returns the dict response
        if isinstance(event, BaseProxyEvent):
                "You don't need to serialize event to Event Source Data Class when using Event Handler; "
                "see issue #1152",
            event = event.raw_event

        if self._debug:

        # Populate router(s) dependencies without keeping a reference to each registered router
        BaseRouter.current_event = self._to_proxy_event(event)
        BaseRouter.lambda_context = context

        response = self._resolve().build(self.current_event, self._cors)

        # Debug print Processed Middlewares
        if self._debug:
            print("\nProcessed Middlewares:")


        return response

    def __call__(self, event, context) -> Any:
        return self.resolve(event, context)

    def _create_route_key(self, item: str, rule: str):
        route_key = item + rule
        if route_key in self._route_keys:
                f"A route like this was already registered. method: '{item}' rule: '{rule}'",

    def _get_base_path(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _has_debug(debug: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool:
        # It might have been explicitly switched off (debug=False)
        if debug is not None:
            return debug

        return powertools_dev_is_set()

    def _compile_regex(rule: str, base_regex: str = _ROUTE_REGEX):
        """Precompile regex pattern


        1. Find any dynamic routes defined as <pattern>
            e.g. @app.get("/accounts/<account_id>")
        2. Create a new regex by substituting every dynamic route found as a named group (?P<group>),
        and match whole words only (word boundary) instead of a greedy match

            non-greedy example with word boundary

                rule: '/accounts/<account_id>'
                regex: r'/accounts/(?P<account_id>\\w+\\b)'

                value: /accounts/123/some_other_path
                account_id: 123

            greedy example without word boundary

                regex: r'/accounts/(?P<account_id>.+)'

                value: /accounts/123/some_other_path
                account_id: 123/some_other_path
        3. Compiles a regex and include start (^) and end ($) in between for an exact match

        NOTE: See #520 for context
        rule_regex: str = re.sub(_DYNAMIC_ROUTE_PATTERN, _NAMED_GROUP_BOUNDARY_PATTERN, rule)
        return re.compile(base_regex.format(rule_regex))

    def _to_proxy_event(self, event: Dict) -> BaseProxyEvent:  # noqa: PLR0911  # ignore many returns
        """Convert the event dict to the corresponding data class"""
        if self._proxy_type == ProxyEventType.APIGatewayProxyEvent:
            logger.debug("Converting event to API Gateway REST API contract")
            return APIGatewayProxyEvent(event)
        if self._proxy_type == ProxyEventType.APIGatewayProxyEventV2:
            logger.debug("Converting event to API Gateway HTTP API contract")
            return APIGatewayProxyEventV2(event)
        if self._proxy_type == ProxyEventType.BedrockAgentEvent:
            logger.debug("Converting event to Bedrock Agent contract")
            return BedrockAgentEvent(event)
        if self._proxy_type == ProxyEventType.LambdaFunctionUrlEvent:
            logger.debug("Converting event to Lambda Function URL contract")
            return LambdaFunctionUrlEvent(event)
        if self._proxy_type == ProxyEventType.VPCLatticeEvent:
            logger.debug("Converting event to VPC Lattice contract")
            return VPCLatticeEvent(event)
        if self._proxy_type == ProxyEventType.VPCLatticeEventV2:
            logger.debug("Converting event to VPC LatticeV2 contract")
            return VPCLatticeEventV2(event)
        logger.debug("Converting event to ALB contract")
        return ALBEvent(event)

    def _resolve(self) -> ResponseBuilder:
        """Resolves the response or return the not found response"""
        method = self.current_event.http_method.upper()
        path = self._remove_prefix(self.current_event.path)

        registered_routes = self._static_routes + self._dynamic_routes

        for route in registered_routes:
            if method != route.method:
            match_results: Optional[Match] = route.rule.match(path)
            if match_results:
                logger.debug("Found a registered route. Calling function")
                # Add matched Route reference into the Resolver context
                self.append_context(_route=route, _path=path)

                route_keys = self._convert_matches_into_route_keys(match_results)
                return self._call_route(route, route_keys)  # pass fn args

        return self._handle_not_found(method=method, path=path)

    def _remove_prefix(self, path: str) -> str:
        """Remove the configured prefix from the path"""
        if not isinstance(self._strip_prefixes, list):
            return path

        for prefix in self._strip_prefixes:
            if isinstance(prefix, str):
                if path == prefix:
                    return "/"

                if self._path_starts_with(path, prefix):
                    return path[len(prefix) :]

            if isinstance(prefix, Pattern):
                path = re.sub(prefix, "", path)

                # When using regexes, we might get into a point where everything is removed
                # from the string, so we check if it's empty and return /, since there's nothing
                # else to strip anymore.
                if not path:
                    return "/"

        return path

    def _convert_matches_into_route_keys(self, match: Match) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Converts the regex match into a dict of route keys"""
        return match.groupdict()

    def _path_starts_with(path: str, prefix: str):
        """Returns true if the `path` starts with a prefix plus a `/`"""
        if not isinstance(prefix, str) or prefix == "":
            return False

        return path.startswith(prefix + "/")

    def _handle_not_found(self, method: str, path: str) -> ResponseBuilder:
        """Called when no matching route was found and includes support for the cors preflight response"""
        logger.debug(f"No match found for path {path} and method {method}")

        def not_found_handler():
            """Route handler for 404s

            It handles in the following order:

            1. Pre-flight CORS requests (OPTIONS)
            2. Detects and calls custom HTTP 404 handler
            3. Returns standard 404 along with CORS headers

                HTTP 404 response
            _headers: Dict[str, Any] = {}

            # Pre-flight request? Return immediately to avoid browser error
            if self._cors and method == "OPTIONS":
                logger.debug("Pre-flight request detected. Returning CORS with empty response")
                _headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = CORSConfig.build_allow_methods(self._cors_methods)

                return Response(status_code=204, content_type=None, headers=_headers, body="")

            # Customer registered 404 route? Call it.
            custom_not_found_handler = self._lookup_exception_handler(NotFoundError)
            if custom_not_found_handler:
                return custom_not_found_handler(NotFoundError())

            # No CORS and no custom 404 fn? Default response
            return Response(
                body={"statusCode": HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND.value, "message": "Not found"},

        # We create a route to trigger entire request chain (middleware+exception handlers)
        route = Route(

        # Add matched Route reference into the Resolver context
        self.append_context(_route=route, _path=path)

        # Kick-off request chain:
        # -> exception_handlers()
        # --> middlewares()
        # ---> not_found_route()
        return self._call_route(route=route, route_arguments={})

    def _call_route(self, route: Route, route_arguments: Dict[str, str]) -> ResponseBuilder:
        """Actually call the matching route with any provided keyword arguments."""
            # Reset Processed stack for Middleware (for debugging purposes)

            return self._response_builder_class(
                    route(router_middlewares=self._router_middlewares, app=self, route_arguments=route_arguments),
        except Exception as exc:
            # If exception is handled then return the response builder to reduce noise
            response_builder = self._call_exception_handler(exc, route)
            if response_builder:
                return response_builder

            if self._debug:
                # If the user has turned on debug mode,
                # we'll let the original exception propagate, so
                # they get more information about what went wrong.
                return self._response_builder_class(


    def not_found(self, func: Optional[Callable] = None):
        if func is None:
            return self.exception_handler(NotFoundError)
        return self.exception_handler(NotFoundError)(func)

    def exception_handler(self, exc_class: Union[Type[Exception], List[Type[Exception]]]):
        def register_exception_handler(func: Callable):
            if isinstance(exc_class, list):  # pragma: no cover
                for exp in exc_class:
                    self._exception_handlers[exp] = func
                self._exception_handlers[exc_class] = func
            return func

        return register_exception_handler

    def _lookup_exception_handler(self, exp_type: Type) -> Optional[Callable]:
        # Use "Method Resolution Order" to allow for matching against a base class
        # of an exception
        for cls in exp_type.__mro__:
            if cls in self._exception_handlers:
                return self._exception_handlers[cls]
        return None

    def _call_exception_handler(self, exp: Exception, route: Route) -> Optional[ResponseBuilder]:
        handler = self._lookup_exception_handler(type(exp))
        if handler:
                return self._response_builder_class(response=handler(exp), serializer=self._serializer, route=route)
            except ServiceError as service_error:
                exp = service_error

        if isinstance(exp, RequestValidationError):
            # For security reasons, we hide msg details (don't leak Python, Pydantic or file names)
            errors = [{"loc": e["loc"], "type": e["type"]} for e in exp.errors()]

            return self._response_builder_class(
                    body={"statusCode": HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "detail": errors},

        if isinstance(exp, ServiceError):
            return self._response_builder_class(
                    body={"statusCode": exp.status_code, "message": exp.msg},

        return None

    def _to_response(self, result: Union[Dict, Tuple, Response]) -> Response:
        """Convert the route's result to a Response

         3 main result types are supported:

        - Dict[str, Any]: Rest api response with just the Dict to json stringify and content-type is set to
        - Tuple[dict, int]: Same dict handling as above but with the option of including a status code
        - Response: returned as is, and allows for more flexibility
        status_code = HTTPStatus.OK
        if isinstance(result, Response):
            return result
        elif isinstance(result, tuple) and len(result) == 2:
            # Unpack result dict and status code from tuple
            result, status_code = result

        logger.debug("Simple response detected, serializing return before constructing final response")
        return Response(

    def include_router(self, router: "Router", prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        """Adds all routes and context defined in a router

        router : Router
            The Router containing a list of routes to be registered after the existing routes
        prefix : str, optional
            An optional prefix to be added to the originally defined rule

        # Add reference to parent ApiGatewayResolver to support use cases where people subclass it to add custom logic
        router.api_resolver = self

        logger.debug("Merging App context with Router context")

        logger.debug("Appending Router middlewares into App middlewares.")
        self._router_middlewares = self._router_middlewares + router._router_middlewares

        logger.debug("Appending Router exception_handler into App exception_handler.")

        # use pointer to allow context clearance after event is processed e.g., resolve(evt, ctx)
        router.context = self.context

        # Iterate through the routes defined in the router to configure and apply middlewares for each route
        for route, func in router._routes.items():
            new_route = route

            if prefix:
                rule = route[0]
                rule = prefix if rule == "/" else f"{prefix}{rule}"
                new_route = (rule, *route[1:])

            # Middlewares are stored by route separately - must grab them to include
            # Middleware store the route without prefix, so we must not include prefix when grabbing
            middlewares = router._routes_with_middleware.get(route)

            # Need to use "type: ignore" here since mypy does not like a named parameter after
            # tuple expansion since may cause duplicate named parameters in the function signature.
            # In this case this is not possible since the tuple expansion is from a hashable source
            # and the `middlewares` List is a non-hashable structure so will never be included.
            # Still need to ignore for mypy checks or will cause failures (false-positive)
            self.route(*new_route, middlewares=middlewares)(func)  # type: ignore

    def _get_fields_from_routes(routes: Sequence[Route]) -> List["ModelField"]:
        Returns a list of fields from the routes

        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.compat import ModelField
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.dependant import (

        body_fields_from_routes: List["ModelField"] = []
        responses_from_routes: List["ModelField"] = []
        request_fields_from_routes: List["ModelField"] = []

        for route in routes:
            if route.body_field:
                if not isinstance(route.body_field, ModelField):
                    raise AssertionError("A request body myst be a Pydantic Field")

            params = get_flat_params(route.dependant)

            if route.dependant.return_param:

            if route.dependant.response_extra_models:

        flat_models = list(responses_from_routes + request_fields_from_routes + body_fields_from_routes)
        return flat_models




def enable_swagger(self, *, path: str = '/swagger', title: str = 'Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) API', version: str = '1.0.0', openapi_version: str = '3.0.3', summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, tags: "Optional[List[Union['Tag', str]]]" = None, servers: "Optional[List['Server']]" = None, terms_of_service: Optional[str] = None, contact: "Optional['Contact']" = None, license_info: "Optional['License']" = None, swagger_base_url: Optional[str] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Response]]] = None, compress: bool = False, security_schemes: "Optional[Dict[str, 'SecurityScheme']]" = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, oauth2_config: "Optional['OAuth2Config']" = None, persist_authorization: bool = False)

Returns the OpenAPI schema as a JSON serializable dict


path : str, default = "/swagger"
The path to the swagger UI.
title : str
The title of the application.
version : str
The version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification version or the API
openapi_version : str, default = "3.0.0"
The version of the OpenAPI Specification (which the document uses).
summary : str, optional
A short summary of what the application does.
description : str, optional
A verbose explanation of the application behavior.
tags : List[Tag, str], optional
A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
servers : List[Server], optional
An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server.
terms_of_service : str, optional
A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
contact : Contact, optional
The contact information for the exposed API.
license_info : License, optional
The license information for the exposed API.
swagger_base_url : str, optional
The base url for the swagger UI. If not provided, we will serve a recent version of the Swagger UI.
middlewares : List[Callable[…, Response]], optional
List of middlewares to be used for the swagger route.
compress : bool, default = False
Whether or not to enable gzip compression swagger route.
security_schemes : Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"], optional
A declaration of the security schemes available to be used in the specification.
security : List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
A declaration of which security mechanisms are applied globally across the API.
oauth2_config : OAuth2Config, optional
The OAuth2 configuration for the Swagger UI.
persist_authorization : bool, optional
Whether to persist authorization data on browser close/refresh.
def exception_handler(self, exc_class: Union[Type[Exception], List[Type[Exception]]])
def get_openapi_json_schema(self, *, title: str = 'Powertools API', version: str = '1.0.0', openapi_version: str = '3.0.3', summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, tags: "Optional[List[Union['Tag', str]]]" = None, servers: "Optional[List['Server']]" = None, terms_of_service: Optional[str] = None, contact: "Optional['Contact']" = None, license_info: "Optional['License']" = None, security_schemes: "Optional[Dict[str, 'SecurityScheme']]" = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None)

Returns the OpenAPI schema as a JSON serializable dict


title : str
The title of the application.
version : str
The version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification version or the API
openapi_version : str, default = "3.0.0"
The version of the OpenAPI Specification (which the document uses).
summary : str, optional
A short summary of what the application does.
description : str, optional
A verbose explanation of the application behavior.
tags : List[Tag, str], optional
A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
servers : List[Server], optional
An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server.
terms_of_service : str, optional
A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
contact : Contact, optional
The contact information for the exposed API.
license_info : License, optional
The license information for the exposed API.
security_schemes : Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]], optional
A declaration of the security schemes available to be used in the specification.
security : List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
A declaration of which security mechanisms are applied globally across the API.


The OpenAPI schema as a JSON serializable dict.
def get_openapi_schema(self, *, title: str = 'Powertools API', version: str = '1.0.0', openapi_version: str = '3.0.3', summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, tags: "Optional[List[Union['Tag', str]]]" = None, servers: "Optional[List['Server']]" = None, terms_of_service: Optional[str] = None, contact: "Optional['Contact']" = None, license_info: "Optional['License']" = None, security_schemes: "Optional[Dict[str, 'SecurityScheme']]" = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None)

Returns the OpenAPI schema as a pydantic model.


title : str
The title of the application.
version : str
The version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification version or the API
openapi_version : str, default = "3.0.0"
The version of the OpenAPI Specification (which the document uses).
summary : str, optional
A short summary of what the application does.
description : str, optional
A verbose explanation of the application behavior.
tags : List[Tag | str], optional
A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
servers : List[Server], optional
An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server.
terms_of_service : str, optional
A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
contact : Contact, optional
The contact information for the exposed API.
license_info : License, optional
The license information for the exposed API.
security_schemes : Dict[str, "SecurityScheme"]], optional
A declaration of the security schemes available to be used in the specification.
security : List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
A declaration of which security mechanisms are applied globally across the API.


OpenAPI : pydantic model
The OpenAPI schema as a pydantic model.
def include_router(self, router: "'Router'", prefix: Optional[str] = None) ‑> None

Adds all routes and context defined in a router


router : Router
The Router containing a list of routes to be registered after the existing routes
prefix : str, optional
An optional prefix to be added to the originally defined rule
def not_found(self, func: Optional[Callable] = None)
def resolve(self, event, context) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Resolves the response based on the provide event and decorator routes


Request processing chain is triggered by a Route object being called (_call_route -> __call__):

  1. When a route is matched 1.1. Exception handlers (if any exception bubbled up and caught) 1.2. Global middlewares (before, and after on the way back) 1.3. Path level middleware (before, and after on the way back) 1.4. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter) 1.5. Run actual route
  2. When a route is NOT matched 2.1. Exception handlers (if any exception bubbled up and caught) 2.2. Global middlewares (before, and after on the way back) 2.3. Path level middleware (before, and after on the way back) 2.4. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter) 2.5. Run 404 route handler
  3. When a route is a pre-flight CORS (often not matched) 3.1. Exception handlers (if any exception bubbled up and caught) 3.2. Global middlewares (before, and after on the way back) 3.3. Path level middleware (before, and after on the way back) 3.4. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter) 3.5. Return 204 with appropriate CORS headers
  4. When a route is matched with Data Validation enabled 4.1. Exception handlers (if any exception bubbled up and caught) 4.2. Data Validation middleware (before, and after on the way back) 4.3. Global middlewares (before, and after on the way back) 4.4. Path level middleware (before, and after on the way back) 4.5. Middleware adapter to ensure Response is homogenous (_registered_api_adapter) 4.6. Run actual route


event : Dict[str, Any]
context : LambdaContext
Lambda context


Returns the dict response
def route(self, rule: str, method: Union[str, Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]], cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None)

Route decorator includes parameter method

Inherited members

class BaseRouter

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

Expand source code
class BaseRouter(ABC):
    current_event: BaseProxyEvent
    lambda_context: LambdaContext
    context: dict
    _router_middlewares: List[Callable] = []
    processed_stack_frames: List[str] = []

    def route(
        rule: str,
        method: Any,
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def use(self, middlewares: List[Callable[..., Response]]) -> None:
        Add one or more global middlewares that run before/after route specific middleware.

        NOTE: Middlewares are called in insertion order.

        middlewares: List[Callable[..., Response]]
            List of global middlewares to be used


        Add middlewares to be used for every request processed by the Router.

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver, Response
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.middlewares import NextMiddleware

        logger = Logger()
        app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

        def log_request_response(app: APIGatewayRestResolver, next_middleware: NextMiddleware) -> Response:
  "Incoming request", path=app.current_event.path, request=app.current_event.raw_event)

            result = next_middleware(app)
  "Response received", response=result.__dict__)

            return result


        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return app.resolve(event, context)
        self._router_middlewares = self._router_middlewares + middlewares

    def get(
        rule: str,
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        """Get route decorator with GET `method`

        Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

        tracer = Tracer()
        app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

        def simple_get():
            return {"message": "Foo"}

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return app.resolve(event, context)
        return self.route(

    def post(
        rule: str,
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        """Post route decorator with POST `method`

        Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

        tracer = Tracer()
        app = APIGatewayRestResolver()"/post-call")
        def simple_post():
            post_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
            return {"message": post_data["value"]}

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return app.resolve(event, context)
        return self.route(

    def put(
        rule: str,
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        """Put route decorator with PUT `method`

        Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

        tracer = Tracer()
        app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

        def simple_put():
            put_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
            return {"message": put_data["value"]}

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return app.resolve(event, context)
        return self.route(

    def delete(
        rule: str,
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        """Delete route decorator with DELETE `method`

        Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

        tracer = Tracer()
        app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

        def simple_delete():
            return {"message": "deleted"}

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return app.resolve(event, context)
        return self.route(

    def patch(
        rule: str,
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
        """Patch route decorator with PATCH `method`

        Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

        tracer = Tracer()
        app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

        def simple_patch():
            patch_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
            patch_data["value"] = patched

            return {"message": patch_data}

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return app.resolve(event, context)
        return self.route(

    def head(
        rule: str,
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: str = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
        """Head route decorator with HEAD `method`

        Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

        from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver, Response, content_types

        tracer = Tracer()
        app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

        def simple_head():
            return Response(status_code=200,
                            headers={"Content-Length": "123"})

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            return app.resolve(event, context)
        return self.route(

    def _push_processed_stack_frame(self, frame: str):
        Add Current Middleware to the Middleware Stack Frames
        The stack frames will be used when exceptions are thrown and Powertools
        debug is enabled by developers.

    def _reset_processed_stack(self):
        """Reset the Processed Stack Frames"""

    def append_context(self, **additional_context):
        """Append key=value data as routing context"""

    def clear_context(self):
        """Resets routing context"""


  • abc.ABC


Class variables

var context : dict
var current_eventBaseProxyEvent
var lambda_contextLambdaContext
var processed_stack_frames : List[str]


def append_context(self, **additional_context)

Append key=value data as routing context

def clear_context(self)

Resets routing context

def delete(self, rule: str, cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None)

Delete route decorator with DELETE method


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_delete():
    return {"message": "deleted"}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)
def get(self, rule: str, cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None)

Get route decorator with GET method


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_get():
    return {"message": "Foo"}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)
def head(self, rule: str, cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable]] = None)

Head route decorator with HEAD method


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver, Response, content_types

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_head():
    return Response(status_code=200,
                    headers={"Content-Length": "123"})

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)
def patch(self, rule: str, cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable]] = None)

Patch route decorator with PATCH method


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_patch():
    patch_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
    patch_data["value"] = patched

    return {"message": patch_data}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)
def post(self, rule: str, cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None)

Post route decorator with POST method


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()"/post-call")
def simple_post():
    post_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
    return {"message": post_data["value"]}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)
def put(self, rule: str, cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None)

Put route decorator with PUT method


Simple example with a custom lambda handler using the Tracer capture_lambda_handler decorator

from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

tracer = Tracer()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def simple_put():
    put_data: dict = app.current_event.json_body
    return {"message": put_data["value"]}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)
def route(self, rule: str, method: Any, cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: str = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None)
def use(self, middlewares: List[Callable[..., Response]]) ‑> None

Add one or more global middlewares that run before/after route specific middleware.

NOTE: Middlewares are called in insertion order.


middlewares : List[Callable[…, Response]]
List of global middlewares to be used


Add middlewares to be used for every request processed by the Router.

from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver, Response
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.middlewares import NextMiddleware

logger = Logger()
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

def log_request_response(app: APIGatewayRestResolver, next_middleware: NextMiddleware) -> Response:"Incoming request", path=app.current_event.path, request=app.current_event.raw_event)

    result = next_middleware(app)"Response received", response=result.__dict__)

    return result


def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return app.resolve(event, context)
class CORSConfig (allow_origin: str = '*', extra_origins: Optional[List[str]] = None, allow_headers: Optional[List[str]] = None, expose_headers: Optional[List[str]] = None, max_age: Optional[int] = None, allow_credentials: bool = False)

CORS Config


Simple cors example using the default permissive cors, not this should only be used during early prototyping

from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

@app.get("/my/path", cors=True)
def with_cors():
    return {"message": "Foo"}

Using a custom CORSConfig where with_cors used the custom provided CORSConfig and without_cors do not include any cors headers.

from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.api_gateway import (
    APIGatewayRestResolver, CORSConfig

cors_config = CORSConfig(
app = APIGatewayRestResolver(cors=cors_config)

def with_cors():
    return {"message": "Foo"}

@app.get("/another-one", cors=False)
def without_cors():
    return {"message": "Foo"}


allow_origin : str
The value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin to send in the response. Defaults to "*", but should only be used during development.
extra_origins : Optional[List[str]]
The list of additional allowed origins.
allow_headers : Optional[List[str]]
The list of additional allowed headers. This list is added to list of built-in allowed headers: Authorization, Content-Type, X-Amz-Date, X-Api-Key, X-Amz-Security-Token.
expose_headers : Optional[List[str]]
A list of values to return for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers
max_age : Optional[int]
The value for the Access-Control-Max-Age
allow_credentials : bool
A boolean value that sets the value of Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
Expand source code
class CORSConfig:
    """CORS Config


    Simple cors example using the default permissive cors, not this should only be used during early prototyping

    from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import APIGatewayRestResolver

    app = APIGatewayRestResolver()

    @app.get("/my/path", cors=True)
    def with_cors():
        return {"message": "Foo"}

    Using a custom CORSConfig where `with_cors` used the custom provided CORSConfig and `without_cors`
    do not include any cors headers.

    from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.api_gateway import (
        APIGatewayRestResolver, CORSConfig

    cors_config = CORSConfig(
    app = APIGatewayRestResolver(cors=cors_config)

    def with_cors():
        return {"message": "Foo"}

    @app.get("/another-one", cors=False)
    def without_cors():
        return {"message": "Foo"}

    _REQUIRED_HEADERS = ["Authorization", "Content-Type", "X-Amz-Date", "X-Api-Key", "X-Amz-Security-Token"]

    def __init__(
        allow_origin: str = "*",
        extra_origins: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        allow_headers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        expose_headers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        max_age: Optional[int] = None,
        allow_credentials: bool = False,
        allow_origin: str
            The value of the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` to send in the response. Defaults to "*", but should
            only be used during development.
        extra_origins: Optional[List[str]]
            The list of additional allowed origins.
        allow_headers: Optional[List[str]]
            The list of additional allowed headers. This list is added to list of
            built-in allowed headers: `Authorization`, `Content-Type`, `X-Amz-Date`,
            `X-Api-Key`, `X-Amz-Security-Token`.
        expose_headers: Optional[List[str]]
            A list of values to return for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers
        max_age: Optional[int]
            The value for the `Access-Control-Max-Age`
        allow_credentials: bool
            A boolean value that sets the value of `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`

        self._allowed_origins = [allow_origin]

        if extra_origins:

        self.allow_headers = set(self._REQUIRED_HEADERS + (allow_headers or []))
        self.expose_headers = expose_headers or []
        self.max_age = max_age
        self.allow_credentials = allow_credentials

    def to_dict(self, origin: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Builds the configured Access-Control http headers"""

        # If there's no Origin, don't add any CORS headers
        if not origin:
            return {}

        # If the origin doesn't match any of the allowed origins, and we don't allow all origins ("*"),
        # don't add any CORS headers
        if origin not in self._allowed_origins and "*" not in self._allowed_origins:
            return {}

        # The origin matched an allowed origin, so return the CORS headers
        headers = {
            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": origin,
            "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": CORSConfig.build_allow_methods(self.allow_headers),

        if self.expose_headers:
            headers["Access-Control-Expose-Headers"] = ",".join(self.expose_headers)
        if self.max_age is not None:
            headers["Access-Control-Max-Age"] = str(self.max_age)
        if origin != "*" and self.allow_credentials is True:
            headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "true"
        return headers

    def allowed_origin(self, extracted_origin: str) -> str | None:
        if extracted_origin in self._allowed_origins:
            return extracted_origin
        if extracted_origin is not None and "*" in self._allowed_origins:
            return "*"

        return None

    def build_allow_methods(methods: Set[str]) -> str:
        """Build sorted comma delimited methods for Access-Control-Allow-Methods header

        methods : set[str]
            Set of HTTP Methods

            Formatted string with all HTTP Methods allowed for CORS e.g., `GET, OPTIONS`

        return ",".join(sorted(methods))

Static methods

def build_allow_methods(methods: Set[str]) ‑> str

Build sorted comma delimited methods for Access-Control-Allow-Methods header


methods : set[str]
Set of HTTP Methods


Formatted string with all HTTP Methods allowed for CORS e.g., GET, OPTIONS


def allowed_origin(self, extracted_origin: str) ‑> Optional[str]
def to_dict(self, origin: Optional[str]) ‑> Dict[str, str]

Builds the configured Access-Control http headers

class MiddlewareFrame (current_middleware: Callable[..., Any], next_middleware: Callable[..., Any])

Creates a Middle Stack Wrapper instance to be used as a "Frame" in the overall stack of middleware functions. Each instance contains the current middleware and the next middleware function to be called in the stack.

In this way the middleware stack is constructed in a recursive fashion, with each middleware calling the next as a simple function call. The actual Python call-stack will contain each MiddlewareStackWrapper "Frame", meaning any Middleware function can cause the entire Middleware call chain to be exited early (short-circuited) by raising an exception or by simply returning early with a custom Response. The decision to short-circuit the middleware chain is at the user's discretion but instantly available due to the Wrapped nature of the callable constructs in the Middleware stack and each Middleware function having complete control over whether the "Next" handler in the stack is called or not.


current_middleware : Callable
The current middleware function to be called as a request is processed.
next_middleware : Callable
The next middleware in the middleware stack.
Expand source code
class MiddlewareFrame:
    Creates a Middle Stack Wrapper instance to be used as a "Frame" in the overall stack of
    middleware functions.  Each instance contains the current middleware and the next
    middleware function to be called in the stack.

    In this way the middleware stack is constructed in a recursive fashion, with each middleware
    calling the next as a simple function call.  The actual Python call-stack will contain
    each MiddlewareStackWrapper "Frame", meaning any Middleware function can cause the
    entire Middleware call chain to be exited early (short-circuited) by raising an exception
    or by simply returning early with a custom Response.  The decision to short-circuit the middleware
    chain is at the user's discretion but instantly available due to the Wrapped nature of the
    callable constructs in the Middleware stack and each Middleware function having complete control over
    whether the "Next" handler in the stack is called or not.

    current_middleware : Callable
        The current middleware function to be called as a request is processed.
    next_middleware : Callable
        The next middleware in the middleware stack.

    def __init__(
        current_middleware: Callable[..., Any],
        next_middleware: Callable[..., Any],
    ) -> None:
        self.current_middleware: Callable[..., Any] = current_middleware
        self.next_middleware: Callable[..., Any] = next_middleware
        self._next_middleware_name = next_middleware.__name__

    def __name__(self) -> str:  # noqa: A003
        """Current middleware name

        It ensures backward compatibility with view functions being callable. This
        improves debugging since we need both current and next middlewares/callable names.
        return self.current_middleware.__name__

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Identify current middleware identity and call chain for debugging purposes."""
        middleware_name = self.__name__
        return f"[{middleware_name}] next call chain is {middleware_name} -> {self._next_middleware_name}"

    def __call__(self, app: "ApiGatewayResolver") -> Union[Dict, Tuple, Response]:
        Call the middleware Frame to process the request.

        app: BaseRouter
            The router instance

        Union[Dict, Tuple, Response]
            (tech-debt for backward compatibility).  The response type should be a
            Response object in all cases excepting when the original API route handler
            is called which will return one of 3 outputs.

        # Do debug printing and push processed stack frame AFTER calling middleware
        # else the stack frame text of `current calling next` is confusing.
        logger.debug("MiddlewareFrame: %s", self)

        return self.current_middleware(app, self.next_middleware)
class ProxyEventType (*args, **kwds)

An enumerations of the supported proxy event types.

Expand source code
class ProxyEventType(Enum):
    """An enumerations of the supported proxy event types."""

    APIGatewayProxyEvent = "APIGatewayProxyEvent"
    APIGatewayProxyEventV2 = "APIGatewayProxyEventV2"
    ALBEvent = "ALBEvent"
    BedrockAgentEvent = "BedrockAgentEvent"
    VPCLatticeEvent = "VPCLatticeEvent"
    VPCLatticeEventV2 = "VPCLatticeEventV2"
    LambdaFunctionUrlEvent = "LambdaFunctionUrlEvent"


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var ALBEvent
var APIGatewayProxyEvent
var APIGatewayProxyEventV2
var BedrockAgentEvent
var LambdaFunctionUrlEvent
var VPCLatticeEvent
var VPCLatticeEventV2
class Response (status_code: int, content_type: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[ResponseT] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] = None, cookies: Optional[List[Cookie]] = None, compress: Optional[bool] = None)

Response data class that provides greater control over what is returned from the proxy event


status_code : int
Http status code, example 200
content_type : str
Optionally set the Content-Type header, example "application/json". Note this will be merged into any provided http headers
body : Union[str, bytes, None]
Optionally set the response body. Note: bytes body will be automatically base64 encoded
headers : Mapping[str, Union[str, List[str]]]
Optionally set specific http headers. Setting "Content-Type" here would override the content_type value.
cookies : list[Cookie]
Optionally set cookies.
Expand source code
class Response(Generic[ResponseT]):
    """Response data class that provides greater control over what is returned from the proxy event"""

    def __init__(
        status_code: int,
        content_type: Optional[str] = None,
        body: Optional[ResponseT] = None,
        headers: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        cookies: Optional[List[Cookie]] = None,
        compress: Optional[bool] = None,

        status_code: int
            Http status code, example 200
        content_type: str
            Optionally set the Content-Type header, example "application/json". Note this will be merged into any
            provided http headers
        body: Union[str, bytes, None]
            Optionally set the response body. Note: bytes body will be automatically base64 encoded
        headers: Mapping[str, Union[str, List[str]]]
            Optionally set specific http headers. Setting "Content-Type" here would override the `content_type` value.
        cookies: list[Cookie]
            Optionally set cookies.
        self.status_code = status_code
        self.body = body
        self.base64_encoded = False
        self.headers: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] = dict(headers) if headers else {}
        self.cookies = cookies or []
        self.compress = compress
        self.content_type = content_type
        if content_type:
            self.headers.setdefault("Content-Type", content_type)

    def is_json(self) -> bool:
        Returns True if the response is JSON, based on the Content-Type.
        content_type = self.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
        if isinstance(content_type, list):
            content_type = content_type[0]
        return content_type.startswith("application/json")


  • typing.Generic


def is_json(self) ‑> bool

Returns True if the response is JSON, based on the Content-Type.

class ResponseBuilder (response: Response, serializer: Callable[[Any], str] = functools.partial(<function dumps>, separators=(',', ':'), cls=<class 'aws_lambda_powertools.shared.json_encoder.Encoder'>), route: Optional[Route] = None)

Internally used Response builder

Expand source code
class ResponseBuilder(Generic[ResponseEventT]):
    """Internally used Response builder"""

    def __init__(
        response: Response,
        serializer: Callable[[Any], str] = partial(json.dumps, separators=(",", ":"), cls=Encoder),
        route: Optional[Route] = None,
        self.response = response
        self.serializer = serializer
        self.route = route

    def _add_cors(self, event: ResponseEventT, cors: CORSConfig):
        """Update headers to include the configured Access-Control headers"""
        extracted_origin_header = extract_origin_header(event.resolved_headers_field)

        origin = cors.allowed_origin(extracted_origin_header)
        if origin is not None:

    def _add_cache_control(self, cache_control: str):
        """Set the specified cache control headers for 200 http responses. For non-200 `no-cache` is used."""
        cache_control = cache_control if self.response.status_code == 200 else "no-cache"
        self.response.headers["Cache-Control"] = cache_control

    def _has_compression_enabled(
        route_compression: bool,
        response_compression: Optional[bool],
        event: ResponseEventT,
    ) -> bool:
        Checks if compression is enabled.

        NOTE: Response compression takes precedence.

        route_compression: bool, optional
            A boolean indicating whether compression is enabled or not in the route setting.
        response_compression: bool, optional
            A boolean indicating whether compression is enabled or not in the response setting.
        event: ResponseEventT
            The event object containing the request details.

            True if compression is enabled and the "gzip" encoding is accepted, False otherwise.
        encoding: str = event.get_header_value(
        )  # noqa: E501
        if "gzip" in encoding:
            if response_compression is not None:
                return response_compression  # e.g., Response(compress=False/True))
            if route_compression:
                return True  # e.g., @app.get(compress=True)

        return False

    def _compress(self):
        """Compress the response body, but only if `Accept-Encoding` headers includes gzip."""
        self.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip"
        if isinstance(self.response.body, str):
            logger.debug("Converting string response to bytes before compressing it")
            self.response.body = bytes(self.response.body, "utf-8")
        gzip = zlib.compressobj(9, zlib.DEFLATED, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
        self.response.body = gzip.compress(self.response.body) + gzip.flush()

    def _route(self, event: ResponseEventT, cors: Optional[CORSConfig]):
        """Optionally handle any of the route's configure response handling"""
        if self.route is None:
        if self.route.cors:
            self._add_cors(event, cors or CORSConfig())
        if self.route.cache_control:
        if self._has_compression_enabled(

    def build(self, event: ResponseEventT, cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Build the full response dict to be returned by the lambda"""

        # We only apply the serializer when the content type is JSON and the
        # body is not a str, to avoid double encoding
        if self.response.is_json() and not isinstance(self.response.body, str):
            self.response.body = self.serializer(self.response.body)

        self._route(event, cors)

        if isinstance(self.response.body, bytes):
            logger.debug("Encoding bytes response with base64")
            self.response.base64_encoded = True
            self.response.body = base64.b64encode(self.response.body).decode()

        return {
            "statusCode": self.response.status_code,
            "body": self.response.body,
            "isBase64Encoded": self.response.base64_encoded,
            **event.header_serializer().serialize(headers=self.response.headers, cookies=self.response.cookies),


  • typing.Generic



def build(self, event: ResponseEventT, cors: Optional[CORSConfig] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Build the full response dict to be returned by the lambda

class Route (method: str, path: str, rule: Pattern, func: Callable, cors: bool, compress: bool, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Response]]] = None)

Internally used Route Configuration


method : str
The HTTP method, example "GET"
path : str
The path of the route
rule : Pattern
The route rule, example "/my/path"
func : Callable
The route handler function
cors : bool
Whether or not to enable CORS for this route
compress : bool
Whether or not to enable gzip compression for this route
cache_control : Optional[str]
The cache control header value, example "max-age=3600"
summary : Optional[str]
The OpenAPI summary for this route
description : Optional[str]
The OpenAPI description for this route
responses : Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]]
The OpenAPI responses for this route
response_description : Optional[str]
The OpenAPI response description for this route
tags : Optional[List[str]]
The list of OpenAPI tags to be used for this route
operation_id : Optional[str]
The OpenAPI operationId for this route
include_in_schema : bool
Whether or not to include this route in the OpenAPI schema
security : List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
The OpenAPI security for this route
middlewares : Optional[List[Callable[…, Response]]]
The list of route middlewares to be called in order.
Expand source code
class Route:
    """Internally used Route Configuration"""

    def __init__(
        method: str,
        path: str,
        rule: Pattern,
        func: Callable,
        cors: bool,
        compress: bool,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: Optional[str] = None,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Response]]] = None,


        method: str
            The HTTP method, example "GET"
        path: str
            The path of the route
        rule: Pattern
            The route rule, example "/my/path"
        func: Callable
            The route handler function
        cors: bool
            Whether or not to enable CORS for this route
        compress: bool
            Whether or not to enable gzip compression for this route
        cache_control: Optional[str]
            The cache control header value, example "max-age=3600"
        summary: Optional[str]
            The OpenAPI summary for this route
        description: Optional[str]
            The OpenAPI description for this route
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]]
            The OpenAPI responses for this route
        response_description: Optional[str]
            The OpenAPI response description for this route
        tags: Optional[List[str]]
            The list of OpenAPI tags to be used for this route
        operation_id: Optional[str]
            The OpenAPI operationId for this route
        include_in_schema: bool
            Whether or not to include this route in the OpenAPI schema
        security: List[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional
            The OpenAPI security for this route
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Response]]]
            The list of route middlewares to be called in order.
        self.method = method.upper()
        self.path = "/" if path.strip() == "" else path

        # OpenAPI spec only understands paths with { }. So we'll have to convert Powertools' < >.
        self.openapi_path = re.sub(r"<(.*?)>", lambda m: f"{{{''.join(}}}", self.path)

        self.rule = rule
        self.func = func
        self._middleware_stack = func
        self.cors = cors
        self.compress = compress
        self.cache_control = cache_control
        self.summary = summary
        self.description = description
        self.responses = responses
        self.response_description = response_description
        self.tags = tags or []
        self.include_in_schema = include_in_schema = security
        self.middlewares = middlewares or []
        self.operation_id = operation_id or self._generate_operation_id()

        # _middleware_stack_built is used to ensure the middleware stack is only built once.
        self._middleware_stack_built = False

        # _dependant is used to cache the dependant model for the handler function
        self._dependant: Optional["Dependant"] = None

        # _body_field is used to cache the dependant model for the body field
        self._body_field: Optional["ModelField"] = None

    def __call__(
        router_middlewares: List[Callable],
        app: "ApiGatewayResolver",
        route_arguments: Dict[str, str],
    ) -> Union[Dict, Tuple, Response]:
        """Calling the Router class instance will trigger the following actions:
            1. If Route Middleware stack has not been built, build it
            2. Call the Route Middleware stack wrapping the original function
                handler with the app and route arguments.

        router_middlewares: List[Callable]
            The list of Router Middlewares (assigned to ALL routes)
        app: "ApiGatewayResolver"
            The ApiGatewayResolver instance to pass into the middleware stack
        route_arguments: Dict[str, str]
            The route arguments to pass to the app function (extracted from the Api Gateway
            Lambda Message structure from AWS)

        Union[Dict, Tuple, Response]
            API Response object in ALL cases, except when the original API route
            handler is called which may also return a Dict, Tuple, or Response.

        # Save CPU cycles by building middleware stack once
        if not self._middleware_stack_built:

        # If debug is turned on then output the middleware stack to the console
        if app._debug:
            print(f"\nProcessing Route:::{self.func.__name__} ({app.context['_path']})")
            # Collect ALL middleware for debug printing - include internal _registered_api_adapter
            all_middlewares = router_middlewares + self.middlewares + [_registered_api_adapter]
            print("\nMiddleware Stack:")
            print("\n".join(getattr(item, "__name__", "Unknown") for item in all_middlewares))

        # Add Route Arguments to app context

        # Call the Middleware Wrapped _call_stack function handler with the app
        return self._middleware_stack(app)

    def _build_middleware_stack(self, router_middlewares: List[Callable[..., Any]]) -> None:
        Builds the middleware stack for the handler by wrapping each
        handler in an instance of MiddlewareWrapper which is used to contain the state
        of each middleware step.

        Middleware is represented by a standard Python Callable construct.  Any Middleware
        handler wanting to short-circuit the middlware call chain can raise an exception
        to force the Python call stack created by the handler call-chain to naturally un-wind.

        This becomes a simple concept for developers to understand and reason with - no additional
        gymanstics other than plain old try ... except.

        The Route Middleware stack is processed in reverse order. This is so the stack of
        middleware handlers is applied in the order of being added to the handler.
        all_middlewares = router_middlewares + self.middlewares
        logger.debug(f"Building middleware stack: {all_middlewares}")

        # IMPORTANT:
        # this must be the last middleware in the stack (tech debt for backward
        # compatibility purposes)
        # This adapter will:
        #   1. Call the registered API passing only the expected route arguments extracted from the path
        # and not the middleware.
        #   2. Adapt the response type of the route handler (Union[Dict, Tuple, Response])
        # and normalise into a Response object so middleware will always have a constant signature

        # Wrap the original route handler function in the middleware handlers
        # using the MiddlewareWrapper class callable construct in reverse order to
        # ensure middleware is applied in the order the user defined.
        # Start with the route function and wrap from last to the first Middleware handler.
        for handler in reversed(all_middlewares):
            self._middleware_stack = MiddlewareFrame(current_middleware=handler, next_middleware=self._middleware_stack)

        self._middleware_stack_built = True

    def dependant(self) -> "Dependant":
        if self._dependant is None:
            from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.dependant import get_dependant

            self._dependant = get_dependant(path=self.openapi_path, call=self.func, responses=self.responses)

        return self._dependant

    def body_field(self) -> Optional["ModelField"]:
        if self._body_field is None:
            from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.dependant import get_body_field

            self._body_field = get_body_field(dependant=self.dependant, name=self.operation_id)

        return self._body_field

    def _get_openapi_path(
        dependant: "Dependant",
        operation_ids: Set[str],
        model_name_map: Dict["TypeModelOrEnum", str],
        field_mapping: Dict[Tuple["ModelField", Literal["validation", "serialization"]], "JsonSchemaValue"],
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]:
        Returns the OpenAPI path and definitions for the route.
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.dependant import get_flat_params

        path = {}
        definitions: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        # Gather all the route parameters
        operation = self._openapi_operation_metadata(operation_ids=operation_ids)
        parameters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        all_route_params = get_flat_params(dependant)
        operation_params = self._openapi_operation_parameters(

        # Add security if present
            operation["security"] =

        # Add the parameters to the OpenAPI operation
        if parameters:
            all_parameters = {(param["in"], param["name"]): param for param in parameters}
            required_parameters = {(param["in"], param["name"]): param for param in parameters if param.get("required")}
            operation["parameters"] = list(all_parameters.values())

        # Add the request body to the OpenAPI operation, if applicable
        if self.method.upper() in METHODS_WITH_BODY:
            request_body_oai = self._openapi_operation_request_body(
            if request_body_oai:
                operation["requestBody"] = request_body_oai

        # Validation failure response (422) will always be part of the schema
        operation_responses: Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse] = {
            422: {
                "description": "Validation Error",
                "content": {
                    "application/json": {
                        "schema": {"$ref": COMPONENT_REF_PREFIX + "HTTPValidationError"},

        # Add the response to the OpenAPI operation
        if self.responses:
            for status_code in list(self.responses):
                response = self.responses[status_code]

                # Case 1: there is not 'content' key
                if "content" not in response:
                    response["content"] = {
                        "application/json": self._openapi_operation_return(

                # Case 2: there is a 'content' key
                    # Need to iterate to transform any 'model' into a 'schema'
                    for content_type, payload in response["content"].items():
                        new_payload: OpenAPIResponseContentSchema

                        # Case 2.1: the 'content' has a model
                        if "model" in payload:
                            # Find the model in the dependant's extra models
                            return_field = next(
                                    lambda model: model.type_ is cast(OpenAPIResponseContentModel, payload)["model"],
                            if not return_field:
                                raise AssertionError("Model declared in custom responses was not found")

                            new_payload = self._openapi_operation_return(

                        # Case 2.2: the 'content' has a schema
                            # Do nothing! We already have what we need!
                            new_payload = payload

                        response["content"][content_type] = new_payload

                # Merge the user provided response with the default responses
                operation_responses[status_code] = response
            # Set the default 200 response
            response_schema = self._openapi_operation_return(

            # Add the response schema to the OpenAPI 200 response
            operation_responses[200] = {
                "description": self.response_description or _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
                "content": {"application/json": response_schema},

        operation["responses"] = operation_responses
        path[self.method.lower()] = operation

        # Add the validation error schema to the definitions, but only if it hasn't been added yet
        if "ValidationError" not in definitions:
                    "ValidationError": validation_error_definition,
                    "HTTPValidationError": validation_error_response_definition,

        # Generate the response schema
        return path, definitions

    def _openapi_operation_summary(self) -> str:
        Returns the OpenAPI operation summary. If the user has not provided a summary, we
        generate one based on the route path and method.
        return self.summary or f"{self.method.upper()} {self.openapi_path}"

    def _openapi_operation_metadata(self, operation_ids: Set[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Returns the OpenAPI operation metadata. If the user has not provided a description, we
        generate one based on the route path and method.
        operation: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        # Ensure tags is added to the operation
        if self.tags:
            operation["tags"] = self.tags

        # Ensure summary is added to the operation
        operation["summary"] = self._openapi_operation_summary()

        # Ensure description is added to the operation
        if self.description:
            operation["description"] = self.description

        # Ensure operationId is unique
        if self.operation_id in operation_ids:
            message = f"Duplicate Operation ID {self.operation_id} for function {self.func.__name__}"
            file_name = getattr(self.func, "__globals__", {}).get("__file__")
            if file_name:
                message += f" in {file_name}"
            warnings.warn(message, stacklevel=1)

        # Adds the operation
        operation["operationId"] = self.operation_id

        return operation

    def _openapi_operation_request_body(
        body_field: Optional["ModelField"],
        model_name_map: Dict["TypeModelOrEnum", str],
        field_mapping: Dict[Tuple["ModelField", Literal["validation", "serialization"]], "JsonSchemaValue"],
    ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
        Returns the OpenAPI operation request body.
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.compat import ModelField, get_schema_from_model_field
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.params import Body

        # Check that there is a body field and it's a Pydantic's model field
        if not body_field:
            return None

        if not isinstance(body_field, ModelField):
            raise AssertionError(f"Expected ModelField, got {body_field}")

        # Generate the request body schema
        body_schema = get_schema_from_model_field(

        field_info = cast(Body, body_field.field_info)
        request_media_type = field_info.media_type
        required = body_field.required
        request_body_oai: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        if required:
            request_body_oai["required"] = required

        if field_info.description:
            request_body_oai["description"] = field_info.description

        # Generate the request body media type
        request_media_content: Dict[str, Any] = {"schema": body_schema}
        request_body_oai["content"] = {request_media_type: request_media_content}
        return request_body_oai

    def _openapi_operation_parameters(
        all_route_params: Sequence["ModelField"],
        model_name_map: Dict["TypeModelOrEnum", str],
        field_mapping: Dict[
            Tuple["ModelField", Literal["validation", "serialization"]],
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        Returns the OpenAPI operation parameters.
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.compat import (
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.params import Param

        parameters = []
        parameter: Dict[str, Any]
        for param in all_route_params:
            field_info = param.field_info
            field_info = cast(Param, field_info)
            if not field_info.include_in_schema:

            param_schema = get_schema_from_model_field(

            parameter = {
                "name": param.alias,
                "in": field_info.in_.value,
                "required": param.required,
                "schema": param_schema,

            if field_info.description:
                parameter["description"] = field_info.description

            if field_info.deprecated:
                parameter["deprecated"] = field_info.deprecated


        return parameters

    def _openapi_operation_return(
        param: Optional["ModelField"],
        model_name_map: Dict["TypeModelOrEnum", str],
        field_mapping: Dict[
            Tuple["ModelField", Literal["validation", "serialization"]],
    ) -> OpenAPIResponseContentSchema:
        Returns the OpenAPI operation return.
        if param is None:
            return {}

        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.compat import (

        return_schema = get_schema_from_model_field(

        return {"schema": return_schema}

    def _generate_operation_id(self) -> str:
        operation_id = self.func.__name__ + self.openapi_path
        operation_id = re.sub(r"\W", "_", operation_id)
        operation_id = operation_id + "_" + self.method.lower()
        return operation_id

Instance variables

prop body_field : Optional['ModelField']
Expand source code
def body_field(self) -> Optional["ModelField"]:
    if self._body_field is None:
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.dependant import get_body_field

        self._body_field = get_body_field(dependant=self.dependant, name=self.operation_id)

    return self._body_field
prop dependant : 'Dependant'
Expand source code
def dependant(self) -> "Dependant":
    if self._dependant is None:
        from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler.openapi.dependant import get_dependant

        self._dependant = get_dependant(path=self.openapi_path, call=self.func, responses=self.responses)

    return self._dependant
class Router

Router helper class to allow splitting ApiGatewayResolver into multiple files

Expand source code
class Router(BaseRouter):
    """Router helper class to allow splitting ApiGatewayResolver into multiple files"""

    def __init__(self):
        self._routes: Dict[tuple, Callable] = {}
        self._routes_with_middleware: Dict[tuple, List[Callable]] = {}
        self.api_resolver: Optional[BaseRouter] = None
        self.context = {}  # early init as customers might add context before event resolution
        self._exception_handlers: Dict[Type, Callable] = {}

    def route(
        rule: str,
        method: Union[str, Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]],
        cors: Optional[bool] = None,
        compress: bool = False,
        cache_control: Optional[str] = None,
        summary: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None,
        response_description: Optional[str] = _DEFAULT_OPENAPI_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        operation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        include_in_schema: bool = True,
        security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        def register_route(func: Callable):
            # All dict keys needs to be hashable. So we'll need to do some conversions:
            methods = (method,) if isinstance(method, str) else tuple(method)
            frozen_responses = _FrozenDict(responses) if responses else None
            frozen_tags = frozenset(tags) if tags else None
            frozen_security = _FrozenListDict(security) if security else None

            route_key = (

            # Collate Middleware for routes
            if middlewares is not None:
                for handler in middlewares:
                    if self._routes_with_middleware.get(route_key) is None:
                        self._routes_with_middleware[route_key] = [handler]
                self._routes_with_middleware[route_key] = []

            self._routes[route_key] = func

            return func

        return register_route

    def exception_handler(self, exc_class: Union[Type[Exception], List[Type[Exception]]]):
        def register_exception_handler(func: Callable):
            if isinstance(exc_class, list):
                for exp in exc_class:
                    self._exception_handlers[exp] = func
                self._exception_handlers[exc_class] = func
            return func

        return register_exception_handler




def exception_handler(self, exc_class: Union[Type[Exception], List[Type[Exception]]])
def route(self, rule: str, method: Union[str, Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]], cors: Optional[bool] = None, compress: bool = False, cache_control: Optional[str] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, OpenAPIResponse]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = 'Successful Response', tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None)

Inherited members