Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parser
Advanced event_parser utility
Generics and other shared types used across parser
def Field(default: Any = PydanticUndefined, *, default_factory: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None, alias: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, exclude: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), Any, ForwardRef(None)] = None, include: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), Any, ForwardRef(None)] = None, const: Optional[bool] = None, gt: Optional[float] = None, ge: Optional[float] = None, lt: Optional[float] = None, le: Optional[float] = None, multiple_of: Optional[float] = None, allow_inf_nan: Optional[bool] = None, max_digits: Optional[int] = None, decimal_places: Optional[int] = None, min_items: Optional[int] = None, max_items: Optional[int] = None, unique_items: Optional[bool] = None, min_length: Optional[int] = None, max_length: Optional[int] = None, allow_mutation: bool = True, regex: Optional[str] = None, discriminator: Optional[str] = None, repr: bool = True, **extra: Any)
Used to provide extra information about a field, either for the model schema or complex validation. Some arguments apply only to number fields (
) and some apply only tostr
.:param default: since this is replacing the field’s default, its first argument is used to set the default, use ellipsis (
) to indicate the field is required :param default_factory: callable that will be called when a default value is needed for this field If bothdefault
are set, an error is raised. :param alias: the public name of the field :param title: can be any string, used in the schema :param description: can be any string, used in the schema :param exclude: exclude this field while dumping. Takes same values as theinclude
arguments on the.dict
method. :param include: include this field while dumping. Takes same values as theinclude
arguments on the.dict
method. :param const: this field is required and must take it's default value :param gt: only applies to numbers, requires the field to be "greater than". The schema will have anexclusiveMinimum
validation keyword :param ge: only applies to numbers, requires the field to be "greater than or equal to". The schema will have aminimum
validation keyword :param lt: only applies to numbers, requires the field to be "less than". The schema will have anexclusiveMaximum
validation keyword :param le: only applies to numbers, requires the field to be "less than or equal to". The schema will have amaximum
validation keyword :param multiple_of: only applies to numbers, requires the field to be "a multiple of". The schema will have amultipleOf
validation keyword :param allow_inf_nan: only applies to numbers, allows the field to be NaN or infinity (+inf or -inf), which is a valid Python float. Default True, set to False for compatibility with JSON. :param max_digits: only applies to Decimals, requires the field to have a maximum number of digits within the decimal. It does not include a zero before the decimal point or trailing decimal zeroes. :param decimal_places: only applies to Decimals, requires the field to have at most a number of decimal places allowed. It does not include trailing decimal zeroes. :param min_items: only applies to lists, requires the field to have a minimum number of elements. The schema will have aminItems
validation keyword :param max_items: only applies to lists, requires the field to have a maximum number of elements. The schema will have amaxItems
validation keyword :param unique_items: only applies to lists, requires the field not to have duplicated elements. The schema will have auniqueItems
validation keyword :param min_length: only applies to strings, requires the field to have a minimum length. The schema will have aminLength
validation keyword :param max_length: only applies to strings, requires the field to have a maximum length. The schema will have amaxLength
validation keyword :param allow_mutation: a boolean which defaults to True. When False, the field raises a TypeError if the field is assigned on an instance. The BaseModel Config must set validate_assignment to True :param regex: only applies to strings, requires the field match against a regular expression pattern string. The schema will have apattern
validation keyword :param discriminator: only useful with a (discriminated a.k.a. tagged)Union
of sub models with a common field. Thediscriminator
is the name of this common field to shorten validation and improve generated schema :param repr: show this field in the representation :param **extra: any additional keyword arguments will be added as is to the schema def event_parser(handler: Callable[..., ~EventParserReturnType], event: Dict[str, Any], context: LambdaContext, model: Optional[Type[~Model]] = None, envelope: Optional[Type[~Envelope]] = None, **kwargs: Any) ‑> ~EventParserReturnType
Lambda handler decorator to parse & validate events using Pydantic models
It requires a model that implements Pydantic BaseModel to parse & validate the event.
When an envelope is given, it'll use the following logic:
- Parse the event against the envelope model first e.g. EnvelopeModel(**event)
- Envelope will extract a given key to be parsed against the model e.g. event.detail
This is useful when you need to confirm event wrapper structure, and b) selectively extract a portion of your payload for parsing & validation.
NOTE: If envelope is omitted, the complete event is parsed to match the model parameter BaseModel definition.
Lambda handler decorator to parse & validate event
class Order(BaseModel): id: int description: str ... @event_parser(model=Order) def handler(event: Order, context: LambdaContext): ...
Lambda handler decorator to parse & validate event - using built-in envelope
class Order(BaseModel): id: int description: str ... @event_parser(model=Order, envelope=envelopes.EVENTBRIDGE) def handler(event: Order, context: LambdaContext): ...
- Method to annotate on
- Lambda event to be parsed & validated
- Lambda context object
- Your data model that will replace the event.
- Optional envelope to extract the model from
- When input event does not conform with model provided
- When model given does not implement BaseModel or is not provided
- When envelope given does not implement BaseEnvelope
def parse(event: Dict[str, Any], model: Type[~Model], envelope: Optional[Type[~Envelope]] = None)
Standalone function to parse & validate events using Pydantic models
Typically used when you need fine-grained control over error handling compared to event_parser decorator.
Lambda handler decorator to parse & validate event
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parser import ValidationError class Order(BaseModel): id: int description: str ... def handler(event: Order, context: LambdaContext): try: parse(model=Order) except ValidationError: ...
Lambda handler decorator to parse & validate event - using built-in envelope
class Order(BaseModel): id: int description: str ... def handler(event: Order, context: LambdaContext): try: parse(model=Order, envelope=envelopes.EVENTBRIDGE) except ValidationError: ...
- Lambda event to be parsed & validated
- Your data model that will replace the event
- Optional envelope to extract the model from
- When input event does not conform with model provided
- When model given does not implement BaseModel
- When envelope given does not implement BaseEnvelope
def root_validator(*, pre: bool = False, allow_reuse: bool = False, skip_on_failure: bool = False)
Decorate methods on a model indicating that they should be used to validate (and perhaps modify) data either before or after standard model parsing/validation is performed.
def validator(*fields: unicode, pre: bool = False, each_item: bool = False, always: bool = False, check_fields: bool = True, whole: Optional[bool] = None, allow_reuse: bool = False)
Decorate methods on the class indicating that they should be used to validate fields :param fields: which field(s) the method should be called on :param pre: whether or not this validator should be called before the standard validators (else after) :param each_item: for complex objects (sets, lists etc.) whether to validate individual elements rather than the whole object :param always: whether this method and other validators should be called even if the value is missing :param check_fields: whether to check that the fields actually exist on the model :param allow_reuse: whether to track and raise an error if another validator refers to the decorated function
class BaseEnvelope
ABC implementation for creating a supported Envelope
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class BaseEnvelope(ABC): """ABC implementation for creating a supported Envelope""" @staticmethod def _parse(data: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]], model: Type[Model]) -> Union[Model, None]: """Parses envelope data against model provided Parameters ---------- data : Dict Data to be parsed and validated model : Type[Model] Data model to parse and validate data against Returns ------- Any Parsed data """ disable_pydantic_v2_warning() if data is None: logger.debug("Skipping parsing as event is None") return data logger.debug("parsing event against model") if isinstance(data, str): logger.debug("parsing event as string") return model.parse_raw(data) return model.parse_obj(data) @abstractmethod def parse(self, data: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]], model: Type[Model]): """Implementation to parse data against envelope model, then against the data model NOTE: Call `_parse` method to fully parse data with model provided. Example ------- **EventBridge envelope implementation example** def parse(...): # 1. parses data against envelope model parsed_envelope = EventBridgeModel(**data) # 2. parses portion of data within the envelope against model return self._parse(data=parsed_envelope.detail, model=data_model) """ return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover
- abc.ABC
- ApiGatewayEnvelope
- ApiGatewayV2Envelope
- BedrockAgentEnvelope
- CloudWatchLogsEnvelope
- DynamoDBStreamEnvelope
- EventBridgeEnvelope
- KafkaEnvelope
- KinesisDataStreamEnvelope
- KinesisFirehoseEnvelope
- LambdaFunctionUrlEnvelope
- SnsEnvelope
- SnsSqsEnvelope
- SqsEnvelope
- VpcLatticeEnvelope
- VpcLatticeV2Envelope
def parse(self, data: Union[Dict[str, Any], Any, ForwardRef(None)], model: Type[~Model])
Implementation to parse data against envelope model, then against the data model
NOTE: Call
method to fully parse data with model provided.Example
EventBridge envelope implementation example
def parse(…): # 1. parses data against envelope model parsed_envelope = EventBridgeModel(**data)
# 2. parses portion of data within the envelope against model return self._parse(data=parsed_envelope.detail, model=data_model)
class BaseModel (**data: Any)
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- pydantic.utils.Representation
- Components
- Contact
- Discriminator
- Encoding
- Example
- ExternalDocumentation
- Info
- License
- Link
- MediaType
- OAuthFlow
- OAuthFlows
- OpenAPI
- Operation
- ParameterBase
- PathItem
- Reference
- RequestBody
- Response
- Schema
- SecurityBase
- Server
- ServerVariable
- Tag
- OAuth2Config
- AlbModel
- AlbRequestContext
- AlbRequestContextData
- APIGatewayEventAuthorizer
- APIGatewayEventIdentity
- APIGatewayEventRequestContext
- APIGatewayProxyEventModel
- ApiGatewayAuthorizerToken
- ApiGatewayUserCert
- ApiGatewayUserCertValidity
- APIGatewayProxyEventV2Model
- RequestContextV2
- RequestContextV2Authorizer
- RequestContextV2AuthorizerIam
- RequestContextV2AuthorizerIamCognito
- RequestContextV2AuthorizerJwt
- RequestContextV2Http
- BedrockAgentEventModel
- BedrockAgentModel
- BedrockAgentPropertyModel
- BedrockAgentRequestBodyModel
- BedrockAgentRequestMediaModel
- CloudFormationCustomResourceBaseModel
- CloudWatchLogsData
- CloudWatchLogsDecode
- CloudWatchLogsLogEvent
- CloudWatchLogsModel
- DynamoDBStreamChangedRecordModel
- DynamoDBStreamModel
- DynamoDBStreamRecordModel
- UserIdentity
- EventBridgeModel
- KafkaBaseEventModel
- KafkaRecordModel
- KinesisDataStreamModel
- KinesisDataStreamRecord
- KinesisDataStreamRecordPayload
- KinesisFirehoseModel
- KinesisFirehoseRecord
- KinesisFirehoseRecordMetadata
- KinesisFirehoseSqsModel
- KinesisFirehoseSqsRecord
- S3Bucket
- S3EventNotificationEventBridgeBucketModel
- S3EventNotificationEventBridgeDetailModel
- S3EventNotificationObjectModel
- S3EventRecordGlacierEventData
- S3EventRecordGlacierRestoreEventData
- S3Identity
- S3Message
- S3Model
- S3Object
- S3OwnerIdentify
- S3RecordModel
- S3RequestParameters
- S3ResponseElements
- S3BatchOperationJobModel
- S3BatchOperationModel
- S3BatchOperationTaskModel
- S3ObjectConfiguration
- S3ObjectContext
- S3ObjectLambdaEvent
- S3ObjectSessionAttributes
- S3ObjectSessionContext
- S3ObjectSessionIssuer
- S3ObjectUserIdentity
- S3ObjectUserRequest
- SesMail
- SesMailCommonHeaders
- SesMailHeaders
- SesMessage
- SesModel
- SesReceipt
- SesReceiptAction
- SesReceiptVerdict
- SesRecordModel
- SnsModel
- SnsMsgAttributeModel
- SnsNotificationModel
- SnsRecordModel
- SqsAttributesModel
- SqsModel
- SqsMsgAttributeModel
- SqsRecordModel
- VpcLatticeModel
- VpcLatticeV2Model
- VpcLatticeV2RequestContext
- VpcLatticeV2RequestContextIdentity
- pydantic.env_settings.BaseSettings
- pydantic.main.Request
Class variables
var Config
Static methods
def construct(**values: Any)
Creates a new model setting dict and fields_set from trusted or pre-validated data. Default values are respected, but no other validation is performed. Behaves as if
Config.extra = 'allow'
was set since it adds all passed values def from_orm(obj: Any)
def parse_file(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, content_type: unicode = None, encoding: unicode = 'utf8', proto: pydantic.parse.Protocol = None, allow_pickle: bool = False)
def parse_obj(obj: Any)
def parse_raw(b: Union[str, bytes], *, content_type: unicode = None, encoding: unicode = 'utf8', proto: pydantic.parse.Protocol = None, allow_pickle: bool = False)
def schema(by_alias: bool = True, ref_template: unicode = '#/definitions/{model}')
def schema_json(*, by_alias: bool = True, ref_template: unicode = '#/definitions/{model}', **dumps_kwargs: Any)
def update_forward_refs(**localns: Any) ‑> None
Try to update ForwardRefs on fields based on this Model, globalns and localns.
def validate(value: Any)
def copy(self: Model, *, include: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), ForwardRef(None)] = None, exclude: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), ForwardRef(None)] = None, update: Optional[ForwardRef('DictStrAny')] = None, deep: bool = False)
Duplicate a model, optionally choose which fields to include, exclude and change.
:param include: fields to include in new model :param exclude: fields to exclude from new model, as with values this takes precedence over include :param update: values to change/add in the new model. Note: the data is not validated before creating the new model: you should trust this data :param deep: set to
to make a deep copy of the model :return: new model instance def dict(self, *, include: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), ForwardRef(None)] = None, exclude: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), ForwardRef(None)] = None, by_alias: bool = False, skip_defaults: Optional[bool] = None, exclude_unset: bool = False, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = False)
Generate a dictionary representation of the model, optionally specifying which fields to include or exclude.
def json(self, *, include: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), ForwardRef(None)] = None, exclude: Union[ForwardRef('AbstractSetIntStr'), ForwardRef('MappingIntStrAny'), ForwardRef(None)] = None, by_alias: bool = False, skip_defaults: Optional[bool] = None, exclude_unset: bool = False, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = False, encoder: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, models_as_dict: bool = True, **dumps_kwargs: Any)
Generate a JSON representation of the model,
arguments as perdict()
is an optional function to supply asdefault
to json.dumps(), other arguments as perjson.dumps()
class ValidationError (errors: Sequence[Union[Sequence[Any], pydantic.error_wrappers.ErrorWrapper]], model: ModelOrDc)
Mixin to provide str, repr, and pretty methods. See #884 for more details.
pretty is used by devtools to provide human readable representations of objects.
- pydantic.utils.Representation
- builtins.ValueError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
Instance variables
var model
var raw_errors
def errors(self)
def json(self, *, indent: Union[ForwardRef(None), int, str] = 2)