Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters.ssm

AWS SSM Parameter retrieval and caching utility


def get_parameter(name: str, transform: TransformOptions = None, decrypt: Optional[bool] = None, force_fetch: bool = False, max_age: Optional[int] = None, **sdk_options) ‑> Union[str, dict, bytes]

Retrieve a parameter value from AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store


name : str
Name of the parameter
transform : str, optional
Transforms the content from a JSON object ('json') or base64 binary string ('binary')
decrypt : bool, optional
If the parameter values should be decrypted
force_fetch : bool, optional
Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
max_age : int, optional
Maximum age of the cached value
sdk_options : dict, optional
Dictionary of options that will be passed to the Parameter Store get_parameter API call


When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for a given name.
When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.


Retrieves a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import get_parameter
>>> value = get_parameter("/my/parameter")
>>> print(value)
My parameter value

Retrieves a parameter value and decodes it using a Base64 decoder

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import get_parameter
>>> value = get_parameter("/my/parameter", transform='binary')
>>> print(value)
My parameter value
def get_parameters(path: str, transform: TransformOptions = None, recursive: bool = True, decrypt: Optional[bool] = None, force_fetch: bool = False, max_age: Optional[int] = None, raise_on_transform_error: bool = False, **sdk_options) ‑> Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, bytes]]

Retrieve multiple parameter values from AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store

For readability, we strip the path prefix name in the response.


path : str
Path to retrieve the parameters
transform : str, optional
Transforms the content from a JSON object ('json') or base64 binary string ('binary')
recursive : bool, optional
If this should retrieve the parameter values recursively or not, defaults to True
decrypt : bool, optional
If the parameter values should be decrypted
force_fetch : bool, optional
Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
max_age : int, optional
Maximum age of the cached value
raise_on_transform_error : bool, optional
Raises an exception if any transform fails, otherwise this will return a None value for each transform that failed
sdk_options : dict, optional
Dictionary of options that will be passed to the Parameter Store get_parameters_by_path API call


When the parameter provider fails to retrieve parameter values for a given path.
When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.


Retrieves parameter values from Systems Manager Parameter Store

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import get_parameter
>>> values = get_parameters("/my/path/prefix")
>>> for key, value in values.items():
...     print(key, value)
config              Parameter value (/my/path/prefix/config)
webhook/config      Parameter value (/my/path/prefix/webhook/config)

Retrieves parameter values and decodes them using a Base64 decoder

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import get_parameter
>>> values = get_parameters("/my/path/prefix", transform='binary')
def get_parameters_by_name(parameters: Dict[str, Any], transform: TransformOptions = None, decrypt: Optional[bool] = None, max_age: Optional[int] = None, raise_on_error: bool = True) ‑> Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, bytes]]

Retrieve multiple parameter values by name from AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store


parameters : List[Dict[str, Dict]]
List of parameter names, and any optional overrides
transform : str, optional
Transforms the content from a JSON object ('json') or base64 binary string ('binary')
decrypt : bool, optional
If the parameter values should be decrypted
max_age : int, optional
Maximum age of the cached value
raise_on_error : bool, optional
Whether to fail-fast or fail gracefully by including "_errors" key in the response, by default True


Retrieves multiple parameters from distinct paths from Systems Manager Parameter Store

from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import get_parameters_by_name

params = {
    "/param": {},
    "/json": {"transform": "json"},
    "/binary": {"transform": "binary"},
    "/no_cache": {"max_age": 0},
    "/api_key": {"decrypt": True},

values = get_parameters_by_name(parameters=params)
for param_name, value in values.items():
    print(f"{param_name}: {value}")

# "/param": value
# "/json": value
# "/binary": value
# "/no_cache": value
# "/api_key": value


When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for a given name.
def set_parameter(name: str, value: str, *, overwrite: bool = False, description: str = '', parameter_type: SSM_PARAMETER_TYPES = 'String', tier: SSM_PARAMETER_TIER = 'Standard', kms_key_id: str | None = None, **sdk_options) ‑> PutParameterResponse

Sets a parameter in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.


name : str
The fully qualified name includes the complete hierarchy of the parameter name and name.
value : str
The parameter value
overwrite : bool, optional
If the parameter value should be overwritten, False by default
description : str, optional
The description of the parameter
parameter_type : str, optional
Type of the parameter. Allowed values are String, StringList, and SecureString
tier : str, optional
The parameter tier to use. Allowed values are Standard, Advanced, and Intelligent-Tiering
kms_key_id : str, optional
The KMS key id to use to encrypt the parameter
sdk_options : dict, optional
Dictionary of options that will be passed to the Parameter Store get_parameter API call


When attempting to set a parameter fails.




Sets a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities import parameters
>>> response = parameters.set_parameter(name="/my/example/parameter", value="More Powertools")
>>> print(response)


The dict returned by boto3.


class SSMProvider (config: Optional[Config] = None, boto3_session: Optional[boto3.session.Session] = None, boto3_client: "Optional['SSMClient']" = None)

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store Provider


config : botocore.config.Config, optional
Botocore configuration to pass during client initialization
boto3_session : boto3.session.Session, optional
Boto3 session to create a boto3_client from
boto3_client : SSMClient, optional
Boto3 SSM Client to use, boto3_session will be ignored if both are provided


Retrieves a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
>>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider()
>>> value = ssm_provider.get("/my/parameter")
>>> print(value)
My parameter value

Retrieves a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store in another AWS region

>>> from botocore.config import Config
>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
>>> config = Config(region_name="us-west-1")
>>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider(config=config)
>>> value = ssm_provider.get("/my/parameter")
>>> print(value)
My parameter value

Retrieves multiple parameter values from Systems Manager Parameter Store using a path prefix

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
>>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider()
>>> values = ssm_provider.get_multiple("/my/path/prefix")
>>> for key, value in values.items():
...     print(key, value)
/my/path/prefix/a   Parameter value a
/my/path/prefix/b   Parameter value b
/my/path/prefix/c   Parameter value c

Retrieves multiple parameter values from Systems Manager Parameter Store passing options to the SDK call

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
>>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider()
>>> values = ssm_provider.get_multiple("/my/path/prefix", MaxResults=10)
>>> for key, value in values.items():
...     print(key, value)
/my/path/prefix/a   Parameter value a
/my/path/prefix/b   Parameter value b
/my/path/prefix/c   Parameter value c

Initialize the SSM Parameter Store client

Expand source code
class SSMProvider(BaseProvider):
    AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store Provider

    config: botocore.config.Config, optional
        Botocore configuration to pass during client initialization
    boto3_session : boto3.session.Session, optional
            Boto3 session to create a boto3_client from
    boto3_client: SSMClient, optional
            Boto3 SSM Client to use, boto3_session will be ignored if both are provided

    **Retrieves a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store**

        >>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
        >>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider()
        >>> value = ssm_provider.get("/my/parameter")
        >>> print(value)
        My parameter value

    **Retrieves a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store in another AWS region**

        >>> from botocore.config import Config
        >>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
        >>> config = Config(region_name="us-west-1")
        >>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider(config=config)
        >>> value = ssm_provider.get("/my/parameter")
        >>> print(value)
        My parameter value

    **Retrieves multiple parameter values from Systems Manager Parameter Store using a path prefix**

        >>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
        >>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider()
        >>> values = ssm_provider.get_multiple("/my/path/prefix")
        >>> for key, value in values.items():
        ...     print(key, value)
        /my/path/prefix/a   Parameter value a
        /my/path/prefix/b   Parameter value b
        /my/path/prefix/c   Parameter value c

    **Retrieves multiple parameter values from Systems Manager Parameter Store passing options to the SDK call**

        >>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters import SSMProvider
        >>> ssm_provider = SSMProvider()
        >>> values = ssm_provider.get_multiple("/my/path/prefix", MaxResults=10)
        >>> for key, value in values.items():
        ...     print(key, value)
        /my/path/prefix/a   Parameter value a
        /my/path/prefix/b   Parameter value b
        /my/path/prefix/c   Parameter value c

    client: Any = None
    _ERRORS_KEY = "_errors"

    def __init__(
        config: Optional[Config] = None,
        boto3_session: Optional[boto3.session.Session] = None,
        boto3_client: Optional["SSMClient"] = None,
        Initialize the SSM Parameter Store client


        self.client: "SSMClient" = self._build_boto3_client(

    # We break Liskov substitution principle due to differences in signatures of this method and superclass get method
    # We ignore mypy error, as changes to the signature here or in a superclass is a breaking change to users
    def get(  # type: ignore[override]
        name: str,
        max_age: Optional[int] = None,
        transform: TransformOptions = None,
        decrypt: Optional[bool] = None,
        force_fetch: bool = False,
    ) -> Optional[Union[str, dict, bytes]]:
        Retrieve a parameter value or return the cached value

        name: str
            Parameter name
        max_age: int, optional
            Maximum age of the cached value
        transform: str
            Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values
            are "json" for JSON strings and "binary" for base 64 encoded
        decrypt: bool, optional
            If the parameter value should be decrypted
        force_fetch: bool, optional
            Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
        sdk_options: dict, optional
            Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call

            When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for
            a given name.
            When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.

        # If max_age is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS
        max_age = resolve_max_age(env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_MAX_AGE_ENV, DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS), choice=max_age)

        # If decrypt is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to False
        decrypt = resolve_truthy_env_var_choice(
            env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_SSM_DECRYPT_ENV, "false"),

        # Add to `decrypt` sdk_options to we can have an explicit option for this
        sdk_options["decrypt"] = decrypt

        return super().get(name, max_age, transform, force_fetch, **sdk_options)

    def set(
        name: str,
        value: list[str],
        overwrite: bool = False,
        description: str = "",
        parameter_type: Literal["StringList"] = "StringList",
        tier: Literal["Standard", "Advanced", "Intelligent-Tiering"] = "Standard",
        kms_key_id: str | None = "None",
    ): ...

    def set(
        name: str,
        value: str,
        overwrite: bool = False,
        description: str = "",
        parameter_type: Literal["SecureString"] = "SecureString",
        tier: Literal["Standard", "Advanced", "Intelligent-Tiering"] = "Standard",
        kms_key_id: str,
    ): ...

    def set(
        name: str,
        value: str,
        overwrite: bool = False,
        description: str = "",
        parameter_type: Literal["String"] = "String",
        tier: Literal["Standard", "Advanced", "Intelligent-Tiering"] = "Standard",
        kms_key_id: str | None = None,
    ): ...

    def set(
        name: str,
        value: str | list[str],
        overwrite: bool = False,
        description: str = "",
        parameter_type: SSM_PARAMETER_TYPES = "String",
        tier: SSM_PARAMETER_TIER = "Standard",
        kms_key_id: str | None = None,
    ) -> PutParameterResponse:
        Sets a parameter in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

        name: str
            The fully qualified name includes the complete hierarchy of the parameter name and name.
        value: str
            The parameter value
        overwrite: bool, optional
            If the parameter value should be overwritten, False by default
        description: str, optional
            The description of the parameter
        parameter_type: str, optional
            Type of the parameter.  Allowed values are String, StringList, and SecureString
        tier: str, optional
            The parameter tier to use. Allowed values are Standard, Advanced, and Intelligent-Tiering
        kms_key_id: str, optional
            The KMS key id to use to encrypt the parameter
        sdk_options: dict, optional
            Dictionary of options that will be passed to the Parameter Store get_parameter API call

            When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for
            a given name.


        **Sets a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store**

            >>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities import parameters
            >>> response = parameters.set_parameter(name="/my/example/parameter", value="More Powertools")
            >>> print(response)

            The dict returned by boto3.
        opts = {
            "Name": name,
            "Value": value,
            "Overwrite": overwrite,
            "Type": parameter_type,
            "Tier": tier,
            "Description": description,

        if kms_key_id:
            opts["KeyId"] = kms_key_id

            return self.client.put_parameter(**opts)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise SetParameterError(f"Error setting parameter - {str(exc)}") from exc

    def _get(self, name: str, decrypt: bool = False, **sdk_options) -> str:
        Retrieve a parameter value from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

        name: str
            Parameter name
        decrypt: bool, optional
            If the parameter value should be decrypted
        sdk_options: dict, optional
            Dictionary of options that will be passed to the Parameter Store get_parameter API call

        # Explicit arguments will take precedence over keyword arguments
        sdk_options["Name"] = name
        sdk_options["WithDecryption"] = decrypt

        return self.client.get_parameter(**sdk_options)["Parameter"]["Value"]

    def _get_multiple(
        path: str,
        decrypt: Optional[bool] = None,
        recursive: bool = False,
    ) -> Dict[str, str]:
        Retrieve multiple parameter values from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

        path: str
            Path to retrieve the parameters
        decrypt: bool, optional
            If the parameter values should be decrypted
        recursive: bool, optional
            If this should retrieve the parameter values recursively or not
        sdk_options: dict, optional
            Dictionary of options that will be passed to the Parameter Store get_parameters_by_path API call

        # If decrypt is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to False
        decrypt = resolve_truthy_env_var_choice(
            env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_SSM_DECRYPT_ENV, "false"),

        # Explicit arguments will take precedence over keyword arguments
        sdk_options["Path"] = path
        sdk_options["WithDecryption"] = decrypt
        sdk_options["Recursive"] = recursive

        parameters = {}
        for page in self.client.get_paginator("get_parameters_by_path").paginate(**sdk_options):
            for parameter in page.get("Parameters", []):
                # Standardize the parameter name
                # The parameter name returned by SSM will contain the full path.
                # However, for readability, we should return only the part after
                # the path.
                name = parameter["Name"]
                if name.startswith(path):
                    name = name[len(path) :]
                name = name.lstrip("/")

                parameters[name] = parameter["Value"]

        return parameters

    # NOTE: When bandwidth permits, allocate a week to refactor to lower cognitive load
    def get_parameters_by_name(
        parameters: Dict[str, Dict],
        transform: TransformOptions = None,
        decrypt: Optional[bool] = None,
        max_age: Optional[int] = None,
        raise_on_error: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, str] | Dict[str, bytes] | Dict[str, dict]:
        Retrieve multiple parameter values by name from SSM or cache.

        Raise_on_error decides on error handling strategy:

        - A) Default to fail-fast. Raises GetParameterError upon any error
        - B) Gracefully aggregate all parameters that failed under "_errors" key

        It transparently uses GetParameter and/or GetParameters depending on decryption requirements.

                                ┌───▶  Decrypt entire batch  │─────┐
                                │   └────────────────────────┘     │     ┌────────────────────┐
                                │                                  ├─────▶ GetParameters API  │
        ┌──────────────────┐    │   ┌────────────────────────┐     │     └────────────────────┘
        │   Split batch    │─── ┼──▶│ No decryption required │─────┘
        └──────────────────┘    │   └────────────────────────┘
                                │                                        ┌────────────────────┐
                                │   ┌────────────────────────┐           │  GetParameter API  │
                                └──▶│Decrypt some but not all│───────────▶────────────────────┤
                                    └────────────────────────┘           │ GetParameters API  │

        parameters: List[Dict[str, Dict]]
            List of parameter names, and any optional overrides
        transform: str, optional
            Transforms the content from a JSON object ('json') or base64 binary string ('binary')
        decrypt: bool, optional
            If the parameter values should be decrypted
        max_age: int, optional
            Maximum age of the cached value
        raise_on_error: bool
            Whether to fail-fast or fail gracefully by including "_errors" key in the response, by default True

            When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for a given name.

            When "_errors" reserved key is in parameters to be fetched from SSM.

        # If max_age is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS
        max_age = resolve_max_age(env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_MAX_AGE_ENV, DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS), choice=max_age)

        # If decrypt is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to False
        decrypt = resolve_truthy_env_var_choice(
            env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_SSM_DECRYPT_ENV, "false"),

        # Init potential batch/decrypt batch responses and errors
        batch_ret: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        decrypt_ret: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        batch_err: List[str] = []
        decrypt_err: List[str] = []
        response: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        # NOTE: We fail early to avoid unintended graceful errors being replaced with their '_errors' param values
        self._raise_if_errors_key_is_present(parameters, self._ERRORS_KEY, raise_on_error)

        batch_params, decrypt_params = self._split_batch_and_decrypt_parameters(parameters, transform, max_age, decrypt)

        # NOTE: We need to find out whether all parameters must be decrypted or not to know which API to use
        ## Logic:
        ## GetParameters API -> When decrypt is used for all parameters in the the batch
        ## GetParameter  API -> When decrypt is used for one or more in the batch

        if len(decrypt_params) != len(parameters):
            decrypt_ret, decrypt_err = self._get_parameters_by_name_with_decrypt_option(decrypt_params, raise_on_error)
            batch_ret, batch_err = self._get_parameters_batch_by_name(batch_params, raise_on_error, decrypt=False)
            batch_ret, batch_err = self._get_parameters_batch_by_name(decrypt_params, raise_on_error, decrypt=True)

        # Fail-fast disabled, let's aggregate errors under "_errors" key so they can handle gracefully
        if not raise_on_error:
            response[self._ERRORS_KEY] = [*decrypt_err, *batch_err]

        return {**response, **batch_ret, **decrypt_ret}

    def _get_parameters_by_name_with_decrypt_option(
        batch: Dict[str, Dict],
        raise_on_error: bool,
    ) -> Tuple[Dict, List]:
        response: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        errors: List[str] = []

        # Decided for single-thread as it outperforms in 128M and 1G + reduce timeout risk
        # see:
        for parameter, options in batch.items():
                response[parameter] = self.get(parameter, options["max_age"], options["transform"], options["decrypt"])
            except GetParameterError:
                if raise_on_error:

        return response, errors

    def _get_parameters_batch_by_name(
        batch: Dict[str, Dict],
        raise_on_error: bool = True,
        decrypt: bool = False,
    ) -> Tuple[Dict, List]:
        """Slice batch and fetch parameters using GetParameters by max permitted"""
        errors: List[str] = []

        # Fetch each possible batch param from cache and return if entire batch is cached
        cached_params = self._get_parameters_by_name_from_cache(batch)
        if len(cached_params) == len(batch):
            return cached_params, errors

        # Slice batch by max permitted GetParameters call
        batch_ret, errors = self._get_parameters_by_name_in_chunks(batch, cached_params, raise_on_error, decrypt)

        return {**cached_params, **batch_ret}, errors

    def _get_parameters_by_name_from_cache(self, batch: Dict[str, Dict]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Fetch each parameter from batch that hasn't been expired"""
        cache = {}
        for name, options in batch.items():
            cache_key = (name, options["transform"])
            if self.has_not_expired_in_cache(cache_key):
                cache[name] =[cache_key].value

        return cache

    def _get_parameters_by_name_in_chunks(
        batch: Dict[str, Dict],
        cache: Dict[str, Any],
        raise_on_error: bool,
        decrypt: bool = False,
    ) -> Tuple[Dict, List]:
        """Take out differences from cache and batch, slice it and fetch from SSM"""
        response: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        errors: List[str] = []

        diff = {key: value for key, value in batch.items() if key not in cache}

        for chunk in slice_dictionary(data=diff, chunk_size=self._MAX_GET_PARAMETERS_ITEM):
            response, possible_errors = self._get_parameters_by_name(

        return response, errors

    def _get_parameters_by_name(
        parameters: Dict[str, Dict],
        raise_on_error: bool = True,
        decrypt: bool = False,
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[str]]:
        """Use SSM GetParameters to fetch parameters, hydrate cache, and handle partial failure

        parameters : Dict[str, Dict]
            Parameters to fetch
        raise_on_error : bool, optional
            Whether to fail-fast or fail gracefully by including "_errors" key in the response, by default True

        Dict[str, Any]
            Retrieved parameters as key names and their values

            When one or more parameters failed on fetching, and raise_on_error is enabled
        ret: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        batch_errors: List[str] = []
        parameter_names = list(parameters.keys())

        # All params in the batch must be decrypted
        # we return early if we hit an unrecoverable exception like InvalidKeyId/InternalServerError
        # everything else should technically be recoverable as GetParameters is non-atomic
            if decrypt:
                response = self.client.get_parameters(Names=parameter_names, WithDecryption=True)
                response = self.client.get_parameters(Names=parameter_names)
        except (self.client.exceptions.InvalidKeyId, self.client.exceptions.InternalServerError):
            return ret, parameter_names

        batch_errors = self._handle_any_invalid_get_parameter_errors(response, raise_on_error)
        transformed_params = self._transform_and_cache_get_parameters_response(response, parameters, raise_on_error)

        return transformed_params, batch_errors

    def _transform_and_cache_get_parameters_response(
        api_response: GetParametersResultTypeDef,
        parameters: Dict[str, Any],
        raise_on_error: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        response: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        for parameter in api_response["Parameters"]:
            name = parameter["Name"]
            value = parameter["Value"]
            options = parameters[name]
            transform = options.get("transform")

            # NOTE: If transform is set, we do it before caching to reduce number of operations
            if transform:
                value = transform_value(name, value, transform, raise_on_error)  # type: ignore

            _cache_key = (name, options["transform"])
            self.add_to_cache(key=_cache_key, value=value, max_age=options["max_age"])

            response[name] = value

        return response

    def _handle_any_invalid_get_parameter_errors(
        api_response: GetParametersResultTypeDef,
        raise_on_error: bool = True,
    ) -> List[str]:
        """GetParameters is non-atomic. Failures don't always reflect in exceptions so we need to collect."""
        failed_parameters = api_response["InvalidParameters"]
        if failed_parameters:
            if raise_on_error:
                raise GetParameterError(f"Failed to fetch parameters: {failed_parameters}")

            return failed_parameters

        return []

    def _split_batch_and_decrypt_parameters(
        parameters: Dict[str, Dict],
        transform: TransformOptions,
        max_age: int,
        decrypt: bool,
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict], Dict[str, Dict]]:
        """Split parameters that can be fetched by GetParameters vs GetParameter

        parameters : Dict[str, Dict]
            Parameters containing names as key and optional config override as value
        transform : TransformOptions
            Transform configuration
        max_age : int
            How long to cache a parameter for
        decrypt : bool
            Whether to use KMS to decrypt a parameter

        Tuple[Dict[str, Dict], Dict[str, Dict]]
            GetParameters and GetParameter parameters dict along with their overrides/globals merged
        batch_parameters: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
        decrypt_parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        for parameter, options in parameters.items():
            # NOTE: TypeDict later
            _overrides = options or {}
            _overrides["transform"] = _overrides.get("transform") or transform

            # These values can be falsy (False, 0)
            if "decrypt" not in _overrides:
                _overrides["decrypt"] = decrypt

            if "max_age" not in _overrides:
                _overrides["max_age"] = max_age

            # NOTE: Split parameters who have decrypt OR have it global
            if _overrides["decrypt"]:
                decrypt_parameters[parameter] = _overrides
                batch_parameters[parameter] = _overrides

        return batch_parameters, decrypt_parameters

    def _raise_if_errors_key_is_present(parameters: Dict, reserved_parameter: str, raise_on_error: bool):
        """Raise GetParameterError if fail-fast is disabled and '_errors' key is in parameters batch"""
        if not raise_on_error and reserved_parameter in parameters:
            raise GetParameterError(
                f"You cannot fetch a parameter named '{reserved_parameter}' in graceful error mode.",


Class variables

var client : Any


def get(self, name: str, max_age: Optional[int] = None, transform: TransformOptions = None, decrypt: Optional[bool] = None, force_fetch: bool = False, **sdk_options) ‑> Union[str, dict, bytes, ForwardRef(None)]

Retrieve a parameter value or return the cached value


name : str
Parameter name
max_age : int, optional
Maximum age of the cached value
transform : str
Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values are "json" for JSON strings and "binary" for base 64 encoded values.
decrypt : bool, optional
If the parameter value should be decrypted
force_fetch : bool, optional
Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
sdk_options : dict, optional
Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call


When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for a given name.
When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.
def get_parameters_by_name(self, parameters: Dict[str, Dict], transform: TransformOptions = None, decrypt: Optional[bool] = None, max_age: Optional[int] = None, raise_on_error: bool = True) ‑> Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, bytes]]

Retrieve multiple parameter values by name from SSM or cache.

Raise_on_error decides on error handling strategy:

  • A) Default to fail-fast. Raises GetParameterError upon any error
  • B) Gracefully aggregate all parameters that failed under "_errors" key

It transparently uses GetParameter and/or GetParameters depending on decryption requirements.

                    ┌───▶  Decrypt entire batch  │─────┐
                    │   └────────────────────────┘     │     ┌────────────────────┐
                    │                                  ├─────▶ GetParameters API  │

┌──────────────────┐ │ ┌────────────────────────┐ │ └────────────────────┘ │ Split batch │─── ┼──▶│ No decryption required │─────┘ └──────────────────┘ │ └────────────────────────┘ │ ┌────────────────────┐ │ ┌────────────────────────┐ │ GetParameter API │ └──▶│Decrypt some but not all│───────────▶────────────────────┤ └────────────────────────┘ │ GetParameters API │ └────────────────────┘


parameters : List[Dict[str, Dict]]
List of parameter names, and any optional overrides
transform : str, optional
Transforms the content from a JSON object ('json') or base64 binary string ('binary')
decrypt : bool, optional
If the parameter values should be decrypted
max_age : int, optional
Maximum age of the cached value
raise_on_error : bool
Whether to fail-fast or fail gracefully by including "_errors" key in the response, by default True



When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for a given name.

When "_errors" reserved key is in parameters to be fetched from SSM.

def set(self, name: str, value: str | list[str], *, overwrite: bool = False, description: str = '', parameter_type: SSM_PARAMETER_TYPES = 'String', tier: SSM_PARAMETER_TIER = 'Standard', kms_key_id: str | None = None, **sdk_options) ‑> PutParameterResponse

Sets a parameter in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.


name : str
The fully qualified name includes the complete hierarchy of the parameter name and name.
value : str
The parameter value
overwrite : bool, optional
If the parameter value should be overwritten, False by default
description : str, optional
The description of the parameter
parameter_type : str, optional
Type of the parameter. Allowed values are String, StringList, and SecureString
tier : str, optional
The parameter tier to use. Allowed values are Standard, Advanced, and Intelligent-Tiering
kms_key_id : str, optional
The KMS key id to use to encrypt the parameter
sdk_options : dict, optional
Dictionary of options that will be passed to the Parameter Store get_parameter API call


When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for a given name.




Sets a parameter value from Systems Manager Parameter Store

>>> from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities import parameters
>>> response = parameters.set_parameter(name="/my/example/parameter", value="More Powertools")
>>> print(response)


The dict returned by boto3.

Inherited members