Module aws_lambda_powertools.logging.formatter
class BasePowertoolsFormatter (fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%', validate=True, *, defaults=None)
Formatter instances are used to convert a LogRecord to text.
Formatters need to know how a LogRecord is constructed. They are responsible for converting a LogRecord to (usually) a string which can be interpreted by either a human or an external system. The base Formatter allows a formatting string to be specified. If none is supplied, the style-dependent default value, "%(message)s", "{message}", or "${message}", is used.
The Formatter can be initialized with a format string which makes use of knowledge of the LogRecord attributes - e.g. the default value mentioned above makes use of the fact that the user's message and arguments are pre- formatted into a LogRecord's message attribute. Currently, the useful attributes in a LogRecord are described by:
%(name)s Name of the logger (logging channel) %(levelno)s Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) %(levelname)s Text logging level for the message ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL") %(pathname)s Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available) %(filename)s Filename portion of pathname %(module)s Module (name portion of filename) %(lineno)d Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available) %(funcName)s Function name %(created)f Time when the LogRecord was created (time.time() return value) %(asctime)s Textual time when the LogRecord was created %(msecs)d Millisecond portion of the creation time %(relativeCreated)d Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded (typically at application startup time) %(thread)d Thread ID (if available) %(threadName)s Thread name (if available) %(taskName)s Task name (if available) %(process)d Process ID (if available) %(message)s The result of record.getMessage(), computed just as the record is emitted
Initialize the formatter with specified format strings.
Initialize the formatter either with the specified format string, or a default as described above. Allow for specialized date formatting with the optional datefmt argument. If datefmt is omitted, you get an ISO8601-like (or RFC 3339-like) format.
Use a style parameter of '%', '{' or '$' to specify that you want to use one of %-formatting, :meth:
) formatting or :class:string.Template
formatting in your format string.Changed in version: 3.2
Added the
parameter.Expand source code
class BasePowertoolsFormatter(logging.Formatter, metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def append_keys(self, **additional_keys) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def get_current_keys(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {} def remove_keys(self, keys: Iterable[str]) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def clear_state(self) -> None: """Removes any previously added logging keys""" raise NotImplementedError()
- logging.Formatter
def append_keys(self, **additional_keys) ‑> None
def clear_state(self) ‑> None
Removes any previously added logging keys
def get_current_keys(self) ‑> dict[str, typing.Any]
def remove_keys(self, keys: Iterable[str]) ‑> None
class LambdaPowertoolsFormatter (json_serializer: Callable[[LogRecord], str] | None = None, json_deserializer: Callable[[dict | str | bool | int | float], str] | None = None, json_default: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, datefmt: str | None = None, use_datetime_directive: bool = False, log_record_order: list[str] | None = None, utc: bool = False, use_rfc3339: bool = False, serialize_stacktrace: bool = True, **kwargs)
Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) Logging formatter.
Formats the log message as a JSON encoded string. If the message is a dict it will be used directly.
Return a LambdaPowertoolsFormatter instance.
kwarg is used to specify the order of the keys used in the structured json logs. By default the order is: "level", "location", "message", "timestamp", "service".Other kwargs are used to specify log field format strings.
, optional- function to serialize
to a JSON formattedstr
, by default json.dumps json_deserializer
, optional- function to deserialize
, bytearraycontaining a JSON document to a Python
obj`, by default json.loads json_default
, optional-
function to coerce unserializable values, by default str
Only used when no custom JSON encoder is set
, optional-
String directives (strftime) to format log timestamp.
See or
, optional-
as a format string fordatetime.datetime.strftime
, rather thantime.strftime
- Only useful when used alongsidedatefmt
.See . This also supports a custom %F directive for milliseconds.
, optional- set logging timestamp to UTC, by default False to continue to use local time as per stdlib
, optional- Whether to use a popular dateformat that complies with both RFC3339 and ISO8601. e.g., 2022-10-27T16:27:43.738+02:00.
, optional- set order of log keys when logging, by default ["level", "location", "message", "timestamp"]
- Key-value to be included in log messages
Expand source code
class LambdaPowertoolsFormatter(BasePowertoolsFormatter): """Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) Logging formatter. Formats the log message as a JSON encoded string. If the message is a dict it will be used directly. """ default_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%F%z" # '2021-04-17 18:19:57,656+0200' custom_ms_time_directive = "%F" RFC3339_ISO8601_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%F%z" # '2022-10-27T16:27:43.738+02:00' def __init__( self, json_serializer: Callable[[LogRecord], str] | None = None, json_deserializer: Callable[[dict | str | bool | int | float], str] | None = None, json_default: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, datefmt: str | None = None, use_datetime_directive: bool = False, log_record_order: list[str] | None = None, utc: bool = False, use_rfc3339: bool = False, serialize_stacktrace: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Return a LambdaPowertoolsFormatter instance. The `log_record_order` kwarg is used to specify the order of the keys used in the structured json logs. By default the order is: "level", "location", "message", "timestamp", "service". Other kwargs are used to specify log field format strings. Parameters ---------- json_serializer : Callable, optional function to serialize `obj` to a JSON formatted `str`, by default json.dumps json_deserializer : Callable, optional function to deserialize `str`, `bytes`, bytearray` containing a JSON document to a Python `obj`, by default json.loads json_default : Callable, optional function to coerce unserializable values, by default str Only used when no custom JSON encoder is set datefmt : str, optional String directives (strftime) to format log timestamp. See or use_datetime_directive: str, optional Interpret `datefmt` as a format string for `datetime.datetime.strftime`, rather than `time.strftime` - Only useful when used alongside `datefmt`. See . This also supports a custom %F directive for milliseconds. utc : bool, optional set logging timestamp to UTC, by default False to continue to use local time as per stdlib use_rfc3339: bool, optional Whether to use a popular dateformat that complies with both RFC3339 and ISO8601. e.g., 2022-10-27T16:27:43.738+02:00. log_record_order : list, optional set order of log keys when logging, by default ["level", "location", "message", "timestamp"] kwargs Key-value to be included in log messages """ self.json_deserializer = json_deserializer or json.loads self.json_default = json_default or str self.json_indent = ( constants.PRETTY_INDENT if powertools_dev_is_set() else constants.COMPACT_INDENT ) # indented json serialization when in AWS SAM Local self.json_serializer = json_serializer or partial( json.dumps, default=self.json_default, separators=(",", ":"), indent=self.json_indent, ensure_ascii=False, # see #3474 ) self.datefmt = datefmt self.use_datetime_directive = use_datetime_directive self.utc = utc self.log_record_order = log_record_order or ["level", "location", "message", "timestamp"] self.log_format = dict.fromkeys(self.log_record_order) # Set the insertion order for the log messages self.update_formatter = self.append_keys # alias to old method self.use_rfc3339_iso8601 = use_rfc3339 if self.utc: self.converter = time.gmtime else: self.converter = time.localtime self.keys_combined = {**self._build_default_keys(), **kwargs} self.log_format.update(**self.keys_combined) self.serialize_stacktrace = serialize_stacktrace super().__init__(datefmt=self.datefmt) def serialize(self, log: LogRecord) -> str: """Serialize structured log dict to JSON str""" return self.json_serializer(log) def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: # noqa: A003 """Format logging record as structured JSON str""" formatted_log = self._extract_log_keys(log_record=record) formatted_log["message"] = self._extract_log_message(log_record=record) # exception and exception_name fields can be added as extra key # in any log level, we try to extract and use them first extracted_exception, extracted_exception_name = self._extract_log_exception(log_record=record) formatted_log["exception"] = formatted_log.get("exception", extracted_exception) formatted_log["exception_name"] = formatted_log.get("exception_name", extracted_exception_name) if self.serialize_stacktrace: # Generate the traceback from the traceback library formatted_log["stack_trace"] = self._serialize_stacktrace(log_record=record) formatted_log["xray_trace_id"] = self._get_latest_trace_id() formatted_log = self._strip_none_records(records=formatted_log) return self.serialize(log=formatted_log) def formatTime(self, record: logging.LogRecord, datefmt: str | None = None) -> str: # As of Py3.7, we can infer milliseconds directly from any datetime # saving processing time as we can shortcircuit early # Maintenance: In V3, we (and Java) should move to this format by default # since we've provided enough time for those migrating from std logging if self.use_rfc3339_iso8601: if self.utc: ts_as_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created, tz=timezone.utc) else: ts_as_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created).astimezone() return ts_as_datetime.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds") # 2022-10-27T17:42:26.841+0200 # converts to local/UTC TZ as struct time record_ts = self.converter(record.created) if datefmt is None: # pragma: no cover, it'll always be None in std logging, but mypy datefmt = self.datefmt # NOTE: Python `time.strftime` doesn't provide msec directives # so we create a custom one (%F) and replace logging record_ts # Reason 2 is that std logging doesn't support msec after TZ msecs = "%03d" % record.msecs # Datetime format codes is a superset of time format codes # therefore we only honour them if explicitly asked # by default, those migrating from std logging will use time format codes # if self.use_datetime_directive and datefmt: # record.msecs are microseconds, divide by 1000 to get milliseconds timestamp = record.created + record.msecs / 1000 if self.utc: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc) else: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).astimezone() custom_fmt = datefmt.replace(self.custom_ms_time_directive, msecs) return dt.strftime(custom_fmt) # Only time format codes being used elif datefmt: custom_fmt = datefmt.replace(self.custom_ms_time_directive, msecs) return time.strftime(custom_fmt, record_ts) # Use default fmt: 2021-05-03 10:20:19,650+0200 custom_fmt = self.default_time_format.replace(self.custom_ms_time_directive, msecs) return time.strftime(custom_fmt, record_ts) def append_keys(self, **additional_keys) -> None: self.log_format.update(additional_keys) def get_current_keys(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return self.log_format def remove_keys(self, keys: Iterable[str]) -> None: for key in keys: self.log_format.pop(key, None) def clear_state(self) -> None: self.log_format = dict.fromkeys(self.log_record_order) self.log_format.update(**self.keys_combined) @staticmethod def _build_default_keys() -> dict[str, str]: return { "level": "%(levelname)s", "location": "%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d", "timestamp": "%(asctime)s", } def _get_latest_trace_id(self) -> str | None: xray_trace_id_key = self.log_format.get("xray_trace_id", "") if xray_trace_id_key is None: # key is explicitly disabled; ignore it. e.g., Logger(xray_trace_id=None) return None xray_trace_id = os.getenv(constants.XRAY_TRACE_ID_ENV) return xray_trace_id.split(";")[0].replace("Root=", "") if xray_trace_id else None def _extract_log_message(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> dict[str, Any] | str | bool | Iterable: """Extract message from log record and attempt to JSON decode it if str Parameters ---------- log_record : logging.LogRecord Log record to extract message from Returns ------- message: dict[str, Any] | str | bool | Iterable Extracted message """ message = log_record.msg if isinstance(message, dict): return message if log_record.args: #"foo %s", "bar") requires formatting return log_record.getMessage() if isinstance(message, str): # could be a JSON string try: message = self.json_deserializer(message) except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError, ValueError): pass return message def _serialize_stacktrace(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> LogStackTrace | None: if log_record.exc_info: exception_info: LogStackTrace = { "type": log_record.exc_info[0].__name__, # type: ignore "value": log_record.exc_info[1], # type: ignore "module": log_record.exc_info[1].__class__.__module__, "frames": [], } exception_info["frames"] = [ {"file": fs.filename, "line": fs.lineno, "function":, "statement": fs.line} for fs in traceback.extract_tb(log_record.exc_info[2]) ] return exception_info return None def _extract_log_exception(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None]: """Format traceback information, if available Parameters ---------- log_record : logging.LogRecord Log record to extract message from Returns ------- log_record: tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None] Log record with constant traceback info and exception name """ if log_record.exc_info: return self.formatException(log_record.exc_info), log_record.exc_info[0].__name__ # type: ignore return None, None def _extract_log_keys(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> dict[str, Any]: """Extract and parse custom and reserved log keys Parameters ---------- log_record : logging.LogRecord Log record to extract keys from Returns ------- formatted_log: dict[str, Any] Structured log as dictionary """ record_dict = log_record.__dict__.copy() record_dict["asctime"] = self.formatTime(record=log_record) extras = {k: v for k, v in record_dict.items() if k not in RESERVED_LOG_ATTRS} formatted_log = {} # Iterate over a default or existing log structure # then replace any std log attribute e.g. '%(level)s' to 'INFO', '%(process)d to '4773' # lastly add or replace incoming keys (those added within the constructor or .structure_logs method) for key, value in self.log_format.items(): if value and key in RESERVED_LOG_ATTRS: formatted_log[key] = value % record_dict else: formatted_log[key] = value formatted_log.update(**extras) return formatted_log @staticmethod def _strip_none_records(records: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Remove any key with None as value""" return {k: v for k, v in records.items() if v is not None}
- BasePowertoolsFormatter
- logging.Formatter
Class variables
var RFC3339_ISO8601_FORMAT
var custom_ms_time_directive
var default_time_format
def append_keys(self, **additional_keys) ‑> None
def clear_state(self) ‑> None
Removes any previously added logging keys
def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) ‑> str
Format logging record as structured JSON str
def formatTime(self, record: logging.LogRecord, datefmt: str | None = None) ‑> str
Return the creation time of the specified LogRecord as formatted text.
This method should be called from format() by a formatter which wants to make use of a formatted time. This method can be overridden in formatters to provide for any specific requirement, but the basic behaviour is as follows: if datefmt (a string) is specified, it is used with time.strftime() to format the creation time of the record. Otherwise, an ISO8601-like (or RFC 3339-like) format is used. The resulting string is returned. This function uses a user-configurable function to convert the creation time to a tuple. By default, time.localtime() is used; to change this for a particular formatter instance, set the 'converter' attribute to a function with the same signature as time.localtime() or time.gmtime(). To change it for all formatters, for example if you want all logging times to be shown in GMT, set the 'converter' attribute in the Formatter class.
def get_current_keys(self) ‑> dict[str, typing.Any]
def remove_keys(self, keys: Iterable[str]) ‑> None
def serialize(self, log: LogRecord)
Serialize structured log dict to JSON str
class JsonFormatter (json_serializer: Callable[[LogRecord], str] | None = None, json_deserializer: Callable[[dict | str | bool | int | float], str] | None = None, json_default: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, datefmt: str | None = None, use_datetime_directive: bool = False, log_record_order: list[str] | None = None, utc: bool = False, use_rfc3339: bool = False, serialize_stacktrace: bool = True, **kwargs)
Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) Logging formatter.
Formats the log message as a JSON encoded string. If the message is a dict it will be used directly.
Return a LambdaPowertoolsFormatter instance.
kwarg is used to specify the order of the keys used in the structured json logs. By default the order is: "level", "location", "message", "timestamp", "service".Other kwargs are used to specify log field format strings.
, optional- function to serialize
to a JSON formattedstr
, by default json.dumps json_deserializer
, optional- function to deserialize
, bytearraycontaining a JSON document to a Python
obj`, by default json.loads json_default
, optional-
function to coerce unserializable values, by default str
Only used when no custom JSON encoder is set
, optional-
String directives (strftime) to format log timestamp.
See or
, optional-
as a format string fordatetime.datetime.strftime
, rather thantime.strftime
- Only useful when used alongsidedatefmt
.See . This also supports a custom %F directive for milliseconds.
, optional- set logging timestamp to UTC, by default False to continue to use local time as per stdlib
, optional- Whether to use a popular dateformat that complies with both RFC3339 and ISO8601. e.g., 2022-10-27T16:27:43.738+02:00.
, optional- set order of log keys when logging, by default ["level", "location", "message", "timestamp"]
- Key-value to be included in log messages
Expand source code
class LambdaPowertoolsFormatter(BasePowertoolsFormatter): """Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) Logging formatter. Formats the log message as a JSON encoded string. If the message is a dict it will be used directly. """ default_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%F%z" # '2021-04-17 18:19:57,656+0200' custom_ms_time_directive = "%F" RFC3339_ISO8601_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%F%z" # '2022-10-27T16:27:43.738+02:00' def __init__( self, json_serializer: Callable[[LogRecord], str] | None = None, json_deserializer: Callable[[dict | str | bool | int | float], str] | None = None, json_default: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, datefmt: str | None = None, use_datetime_directive: bool = False, log_record_order: list[str] | None = None, utc: bool = False, use_rfc3339: bool = False, serialize_stacktrace: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Return a LambdaPowertoolsFormatter instance. The `log_record_order` kwarg is used to specify the order of the keys used in the structured json logs. By default the order is: "level", "location", "message", "timestamp", "service". Other kwargs are used to specify log field format strings. Parameters ---------- json_serializer : Callable, optional function to serialize `obj` to a JSON formatted `str`, by default json.dumps json_deserializer : Callable, optional function to deserialize `str`, `bytes`, bytearray` containing a JSON document to a Python `obj`, by default json.loads json_default : Callable, optional function to coerce unserializable values, by default str Only used when no custom JSON encoder is set datefmt : str, optional String directives (strftime) to format log timestamp. See or use_datetime_directive: str, optional Interpret `datefmt` as a format string for `datetime.datetime.strftime`, rather than `time.strftime` - Only useful when used alongside `datefmt`. See . This also supports a custom %F directive for milliseconds. utc : bool, optional set logging timestamp to UTC, by default False to continue to use local time as per stdlib use_rfc3339: bool, optional Whether to use a popular dateformat that complies with both RFC3339 and ISO8601. e.g., 2022-10-27T16:27:43.738+02:00. log_record_order : list, optional set order of log keys when logging, by default ["level", "location", "message", "timestamp"] kwargs Key-value to be included in log messages """ self.json_deserializer = json_deserializer or json.loads self.json_default = json_default or str self.json_indent = ( constants.PRETTY_INDENT if powertools_dev_is_set() else constants.COMPACT_INDENT ) # indented json serialization when in AWS SAM Local self.json_serializer = json_serializer or partial( json.dumps, default=self.json_default, separators=(",", ":"), indent=self.json_indent, ensure_ascii=False, # see #3474 ) self.datefmt = datefmt self.use_datetime_directive = use_datetime_directive self.utc = utc self.log_record_order = log_record_order or ["level", "location", "message", "timestamp"] self.log_format = dict.fromkeys(self.log_record_order) # Set the insertion order for the log messages self.update_formatter = self.append_keys # alias to old method self.use_rfc3339_iso8601 = use_rfc3339 if self.utc: self.converter = time.gmtime else: self.converter = time.localtime self.keys_combined = {**self._build_default_keys(), **kwargs} self.log_format.update(**self.keys_combined) self.serialize_stacktrace = serialize_stacktrace super().__init__(datefmt=self.datefmt) def serialize(self, log: LogRecord) -> str: """Serialize structured log dict to JSON str""" return self.json_serializer(log) def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: # noqa: A003 """Format logging record as structured JSON str""" formatted_log = self._extract_log_keys(log_record=record) formatted_log["message"] = self._extract_log_message(log_record=record) # exception and exception_name fields can be added as extra key # in any log level, we try to extract and use them first extracted_exception, extracted_exception_name = self._extract_log_exception(log_record=record) formatted_log["exception"] = formatted_log.get("exception", extracted_exception) formatted_log["exception_name"] = formatted_log.get("exception_name", extracted_exception_name) if self.serialize_stacktrace: # Generate the traceback from the traceback library formatted_log["stack_trace"] = self._serialize_stacktrace(log_record=record) formatted_log["xray_trace_id"] = self._get_latest_trace_id() formatted_log = self._strip_none_records(records=formatted_log) return self.serialize(log=formatted_log) def formatTime(self, record: logging.LogRecord, datefmt: str | None = None) -> str: # As of Py3.7, we can infer milliseconds directly from any datetime # saving processing time as we can shortcircuit early # Maintenance: In V3, we (and Java) should move to this format by default # since we've provided enough time for those migrating from std logging if self.use_rfc3339_iso8601: if self.utc: ts_as_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created, tz=timezone.utc) else: ts_as_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created).astimezone() return ts_as_datetime.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds") # 2022-10-27T17:42:26.841+0200 # converts to local/UTC TZ as struct time record_ts = self.converter(record.created) if datefmt is None: # pragma: no cover, it'll always be None in std logging, but mypy datefmt = self.datefmt # NOTE: Python `time.strftime` doesn't provide msec directives # so we create a custom one (%F) and replace logging record_ts # Reason 2 is that std logging doesn't support msec after TZ msecs = "%03d" % record.msecs # Datetime format codes is a superset of time format codes # therefore we only honour them if explicitly asked # by default, those migrating from std logging will use time format codes # if self.use_datetime_directive and datefmt: # record.msecs are microseconds, divide by 1000 to get milliseconds timestamp = record.created + record.msecs / 1000 if self.utc: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc) else: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).astimezone() custom_fmt = datefmt.replace(self.custom_ms_time_directive, msecs) return dt.strftime(custom_fmt) # Only time format codes being used elif datefmt: custom_fmt = datefmt.replace(self.custom_ms_time_directive, msecs) return time.strftime(custom_fmt, record_ts) # Use default fmt: 2021-05-03 10:20:19,650+0200 custom_fmt = self.default_time_format.replace(self.custom_ms_time_directive, msecs) return time.strftime(custom_fmt, record_ts) def append_keys(self, **additional_keys) -> None: self.log_format.update(additional_keys) def get_current_keys(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return self.log_format def remove_keys(self, keys: Iterable[str]) -> None: for key in keys: self.log_format.pop(key, None) def clear_state(self) -> None: self.log_format = dict.fromkeys(self.log_record_order) self.log_format.update(**self.keys_combined) @staticmethod def _build_default_keys() -> dict[str, str]: return { "level": "%(levelname)s", "location": "%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d", "timestamp": "%(asctime)s", } def _get_latest_trace_id(self) -> str | None: xray_trace_id_key = self.log_format.get("xray_trace_id", "") if xray_trace_id_key is None: # key is explicitly disabled; ignore it. e.g., Logger(xray_trace_id=None) return None xray_trace_id = os.getenv(constants.XRAY_TRACE_ID_ENV) return xray_trace_id.split(";")[0].replace("Root=", "") if xray_trace_id else None def _extract_log_message(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> dict[str, Any] | str | bool | Iterable: """Extract message from log record and attempt to JSON decode it if str Parameters ---------- log_record : logging.LogRecord Log record to extract message from Returns ------- message: dict[str, Any] | str | bool | Iterable Extracted message """ message = log_record.msg if isinstance(message, dict): return message if log_record.args: #"foo %s", "bar") requires formatting return log_record.getMessage() if isinstance(message, str): # could be a JSON string try: message = self.json_deserializer(message) except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError, ValueError): pass return message def _serialize_stacktrace(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> LogStackTrace | None: if log_record.exc_info: exception_info: LogStackTrace = { "type": log_record.exc_info[0].__name__, # type: ignore "value": log_record.exc_info[1], # type: ignore "module": log_record.exc_info[1].__class__.__module__, "frames": [], } exception_info["frames"] = [ {"file": fs.filename, "line": fs.lineno, "function":, "statement": fs.line} for fs in traceback.extract_tb(log_record.exc_info[2]) ] return exception_info return None def _extract_log_exception(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None]: """Format traceback information, if available Parameters ---------- log_record : logging.LogRecord Log record to extract message from Returns ------- log_record: tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None] Log record with constant traceback info and exception name """ if log_record.exc_info: return self.formatException(log_record.exc_info), log_record.exc_info[0].__name__ # type: ignore return None, None def _extract_log_keys(self, log_record: logging.LogRecord) -> dict[str, Any]: """Extract and parse custom and reserved log keys Parameters ---------- log_record : logging.LogRecord Log record to extract keys from Returns ------- formatted_log: dict[str, Any] Structured log as dictionary """ record_dict = log_record.__dict__.copy() record_dict["asctime"] = self.formatTime(record=log_record) extras = {k: v for k, v in record_dict.items() if k not in RESERVED_LOG_ATTRS} formatted_log = {} # Iterate over a default or existing log structure # then replace any std log attribute e.g. '%(level)s' to 'INFO', '%(process)d to '4773' # lastly add or replace incoming keys (those added within the constructor or .structure_logs method) for key, value in self.log_format.items(): if value and key in RESERVED_LOG_ATTRS: formatted_log[key] = value % record_dict else: formatted_log[key] = value formatted_log.update(**extras) return formatted_log @staticmethod def _strip_none_records(records: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Remove any key with None as value""" return {k: v for k, v in records.items() if v is not None}
- BasePowertoolsFormatter
- logging.Formatter
Class variables
var RFC3339_ISO8601_FORMAT
var custom_ms_time_directive
var default_time_format
def append_keys(self, **additional_keys) ‑> None
def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) ‑> str
Format logging record as structured JSON str
def formatTime(self, record: logging.LogRecord, datefmt: str | None = None) ‑> str
Return the creation time of the specified LogRecord as formatted text.
This method should be called from format() by a formatter which wants to make use of a formatted time. This method can be overridden in formatters to provide for any specific requirement, but the basic behaviour is as follows: if datefmt (a string) is specified, it is used with time.strftime() to format the creation time of the record. Otherwise, an ISO8601-like (or RFC 3339-like) format is used. The resulting string is returned. This function uses a user-configurable function to convert the creation time to a tuple. By default, time.localtime() is used; to change this for a particular formatter instance, set the 'converter' attribute to a function with the same signature as time.localtime() or time.gmtime(). To change it for all formatters, for example if you want all logging times to be shown in GMT, set the 'converter' attribute in the Formatter class.
def get_current_keys(self) ‑> dict[str, typing.Any]
def remove_keys(self, keys: Iterable[str]) ‑> None
def serialize(self, log: LogRecord)
Serialize structured log dict to JSON str
Inherited members