Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_masking.provider.kms.aws_encryption_sdk


class AWSEncryptionSDKProvider (keys: list[str],
local_cache_capacity: int = 100,
max_cache_age_seconds: float = 300.0,
max_messages_encrypted: int = 4294967296,
max_bytes_encrypted: int = 9223372036854775807,
json_serializer: Callable[..., str] = functools.partial(<function dumps>, ensure_ascii=False),
json_deserializer: Callable[[str], Any] = <function loads>)
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class AWSEncryptionSDKProvider(BaseProvider):
""" The AWSEncryptionSDKProvider is used as a provider for the DataMasking class. Usage ------- ``` from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_masking import DataMasking from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_masking.providers.kms.aws_encryption_sdk import ( AWSEncryptionSDKProvider, ) def lambda_handler(event, context): provider = AWSEncryptionSDKProvider(["arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:0123456789012:key/key-id"]) data_masker = DataMasking(provider=provider) data = { "project": "powertools", "sensitive": "password" } encrypted = data_masker.encrypt(data) return encrypted ``` """
def __init__( self, keys: list[str], key_provider=None, local_cache_capacity: int = CACHE_CAPACITY, max_cache_age_seconds: float = MAX_CACHE_AGE_SECONDS, max_messages_encrypted: int = MAX_MESSAGES_ENCRYPTED, max_bytes_encrypted: int = MAX_BYTES_ENCRYPTED, json_serializer: Callable[..., str] = functools.partial(json.dumps, ensure_ascii=False), json_deserializer: Callable[[str], Any] = json.loads, ): super().__init__(json_serializer=json_serializer, json_deserializer=json_deserializer) self._key_provider = key_provider or KMSKeyProvider( keys=keys, local_cache_capacity=local_cache_capacity, max_cache_age_seconds=max_cache_age_seconds, max_messages_encrypted=max_messages_encrypted, max_bytes_encrypted=max_bytes_encrypted, json_serializer=json_serializer, json_deserializer=json_deserializer, ) def encrypt(self, data: Any, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) -> str: return self._key_provider.encrypt(data=data, provider_options=provider_options, **encryption_context) def decrypt(self, data: str, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) -> Any: return self._key_provider.decrypt(data=data, provider_options=provider_options, **encryption_context)

The AWSEncryptionSDKProvider is used as a provider for the DataMasking class.


from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_masking import DataMasking
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_masking.providers.kms.aws_encryption_sdk import (

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    provider = AWSEncryptionSDKProvider(["arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:0123456789012:key/key-id"])
    data_masker = DataMasking(provider=provider)

    data = {
        "project": "powertools",
        "sensitive": "password"

    encrypted = data_masker.encrypt(data)

    return encrypted


Inherited members

class KMSKeyProvider (keys: list[str],
json_serializer: Callable[..., str],
json_deserializer: Callable[[str], Any],
local_cache_capacity: int = 100,
max_cache_age_seconds: float = 300.0,
max_messages_encrypted: int = 4294967296,
max_bytes_encrypted: int = 9223372036854775807)
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class KMSKeyProvider:
    The KMSKeyProvider is responsible for assembling an AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
    client, a caching mechanism, and a keyring for secure key management and data encryption.

    def __init__(
        keys: list[str],
        json_serializer: Callable[..., str],
        json_deserializer: Callable[[str], Any],
        local_cache_capacity: int = CACHE_CAPACITY,
        max_cache_age_seconds: float = MAX_CACHE_AGE_SECONDS,
        max_messages_encrypted: int = MAX_MESSAGES_ENCRYPTED,
        max_bytes_encrypted: int = MAX_BYTES_ENCRYPTED,
        session = botocore.session.Session()
        register_feature_to_botocore_session(session, "data-masking")

        self.json_serializer = json_serializer
        self.json_deserializer = json_deserializer
        self.client = EncryptionSDKClient()
        self.keys = keys
        self.cache = LocalCryptoMaterialsCache(local_cache_capacity)
        self.key_provider = StrictAwsKmsMasterKeyProvider(key_ids=self.keys, botocore_session=session)
        self.cache_cmm = CachingCryptoMaterialsManager(

    def encrypt(self, data: Any, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) -> str:
""" Encrypt data using the AWSEncryptionSDKProvider. Parameters ------- data : Any The data to be encrypted. provider_options : dict Additional options for the aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient **encryption_context : str Additional keyword arguments collected into a dictionary. Returns ------- ciphertext : str The encrypted data, as a base64-encoded string. """
provider_options = provider_options or {} self._validate_encryption_context(encryption_context) data_encoded = self.json_serializer(data).encode("utf-8") try: ciphertext, _ = self.client.encrypt( source=data_encoded, materials_manager=self.cache_cmm, encryption_context=encryption_context, **provider_options, ) except GenerateKeyError: raise DataMaskingEncryptKeyError( "Failed to encrypt data. Please ensure you are using a valid Symmetric AWS KMS Key ARN, not KMS Key ID or alias.", # noqa E501 ) return bytes_to_base64_string(ciphertext) def decrypt(self, data: str, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) -> Any:
""" Decrypt data using AWSEncryptionSDKProvider. Parameters ------- data : str The encrypted data, as a base64-encoded string provider_options Additional options for the aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient Returns ------- ciphertext : bytes The decrypted data in bytes """
provider_options = provider_options or {} self._validate_encryption_context(encryption_context) try: ciphertext_decoded = base64_decode(data) except Error: raise DataMaskingDecryptValueError( "Data decryption failed. Please ensure that you are attempting to decrypt data that was previously encrypted.", # noqa E501 ) try: ciphertext, decryptor_header = self.client.decrypt( source=ciphertext_decoded, key_provider=self.key_provider, **provider_options, ) except DecryptKeyError: raise DataMaskingDecryptKeyError( "Failed to decrypt data - Please ensure you are using a valid Symmetric AWS KMS Key ARN, not KMS Key ID or alias.", # noqa E501 ) except (TypeError, NotSupportedError): raise DataMaskingDecryptValueError( "Data decryption failed. Please ensure that you are attempting to decrypt data that was previously encrypted.", # noqa E501 ) self._compare_encryption_context(decryptor_header.encryption_context, encryption_context) decoded_ciphertext = bytes_to_string(ciphertext) return self.json_deserializer(decoded_ciphertext) @staticmethod def _validate_encryption_context(context: dict): if not context: return for key, value in context.items(): if not isinstance(value, str): raise DataMaskingUnsupportedTypeError( f"Encryption context values must be string. Received: {key}={value}", ) @staticmethod def _compare_encryption_context(actual_context: dict, expected_context: dict): # We can safely remove encrypted data key after decryption for exact match verification actual_context.pop(ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY_CTX_KEY, None) # Encryption context could be out of order hence a set if set(actual_context.items()) != set(expected_context.items()): raise DataMaskingContextMismatchError( "Encryption context does not match. You must use the exact same context used during encryption", )

The KMSKeyProvider is responsible for assembling an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) client, a caching mechanism, and a keyring for secure key management and data encryption.


def decrypt(self, data: str, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) ‑> Any
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def decrypt(self, data: str, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) -> Any:
""" Decrypt data using AWSEncryptionSDKProvider. Parameters ------- data : str The encrypted data, as a base64-encoded string provider_options Additional options for the aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient Returns ------- ciphertext : bytes The decrypted data in bytes """
provider_options = provider_options or {} self._validate_encryption_context(encryption_context) try: ciphertext_decoded = base64_decode(data) except Error: raise DataMaskingDecryptValueError( "Data decryption failed. Please ensure that you are attempting to decrypt data that was previously encrypted.", # noqa E501 ) try: ciphertext, decryptor_header = self.client.decrypt( source=ciphertext_decoded, key_provider=self.key_provider, **provider_options, ) except DecryptKeyError: raise DataMaskingDecryptKeyError( "Failed to decrypt data - Please ensure you are using a valid Symmetric AWS KMS Key ARN, not KMS Key ID or alias.", # noqa E501 ) except (TypeError, NotSupportedError): raise DataMaskingDecryptValueError( "Data decryption failed. Please ensure that you are attempting to decrypt data that was previously encrypted.", # noqa E501 ) self._compare_encryption_context(decryptor_header.encryption_context, encryption_context) decoded_ciphertext = bytes_to_string(ciphertext) return self.json_deserializer(decoded_ciphertext)

Decrypt data using AWSEncryptionSDKProvider.


data : str
    The encrypted data, as a base64-encoded string
    Additional options for the aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient


ciphertext : bytes
    The decrypted data in bytes
def encrypt(self, data: Any, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) ‑> str
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def encrypt(self, data: Any, provider_options: dict | None = None, **encryption_context: str) -> str:
""" Encrypt data using the AWSEncryptionSDKProvider. Parameters ------- data : Any The data to be encrypted. provider_options : dict Additional options for the aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient **encryption_context : str Additional keyword arguments collected into a dictionary. Returns ------- ciphertext : str The encrypted data, as a base64-encoded string. """
provider_options = provider_options or {} self._validate_encryption_context(encryption_context) data_encoded = self.json_serializer(data).encode("utf-8") try: ciphertext, _ = self.client.encrypt( source=data_encoded, materials_manager=self.cache_cmm, encryption_context=encryption_context, **provider_options, ) except GenerateKeyError: raise DataMaskingEncryptKeyError( "Failed to encrypt data. Please ensure you are using a valid Symmetric AWS KMS Key ARN, not KMS Key ID or alias.", # noqa E501 ) return bytes_to_base64_string(ciphertext)

Encrypt data using the AWSEncryptionSDKProvider.


data : Any
    The data to be encrypted.
provider_options : dict
    Additional options for the aws_encryption_sdk.EncryptionSDKClient
**encryption_context : str
    Additional keyword arguments collected into a dictionary.


ciphertext : str
    The encrypted data, as a base64-encoded string.