Module aws_lambda_powertools.logging.filters


class SuppressFilter (logger: str)

Filter instances are used to perform arbitrary filtering of LogRecords.

Loggers and Handlers can optionally use Filter instances to filter records as desired. The base filter class only allows events which are below a certain point in the logger hierarchy. For example, a filter initialized with "A.B" will allow events logged by loggers "A.B", "A.B.C", "A.B.C.D", "A.B.D" etc. but not "A.BB", "B.A.B" etc. If initialized with the empty string, all events are passed.

Initialize a filter.

Initialize with the name of the logger which, together with its children, will have its events allowed through the filter. If no name is specified, allow every event.

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class SuppressFilter(logging.Filter):
    def __init__(self, logger: str):
        self.logger = logger

    def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool:  # noqa: A003
        """Suppress Log Records from registered logger

        It rejects log records from registered logger e.g. a child logger
        otherwise it honours log propagation from any log record
        created by loggers who don't have a handler.
        logger =
        return self.logger not in logger


  • logging.Filter


def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) ‑> bool

Suppress Log Records from registered logger

It rejects log records from registered logger e.g. a child logger otherwise it honours log propagation from any log record created by loggers who don't have a handler.