Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.kafka_event
class KafkaEvent (data: dict[str, Any])
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class KafkaEvent(DictWrapper): """Self-managed or MSK Apache Kafka event trigger Documentation: -------------- - - """ def __init__(self, data: dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(data) self._records: Iterator[KafkaEventRecord] | None = None @property def event_source(self) -> str: """The AWS service from which the Kafka event record originated.""" return self["eventSource"] @property def event_source_arn(self) -> str | None: """The AWS service ARN from which the Kafka event record originated, mandatory for AWS MSK.""" return self.get("eventSourceArn") @property def bootstrap_servers(self) -> str: """The Kafka bootstrap URL.""" return self["bootstrapServers"] @property def decoded_bootstrap_servers(self) -> list[str]: """The decoded Kafka bootstrap URL.""" return self.bootstrap_servers.split(",") @property def records(self) -> Iterator[KafkaEventRecord]: """The Kafka records.""" for chunk in self["records"].values(): for record in chunk: yield KafkaEventRecord(data=record, json_deserializer=self._json_deserializer) @property def record(self) -> KafkaEventRecord: """ Returns the next Kafka record using an iterator. Returns ------- KafkaEventRecord The next Kafka record. Raises ------ StopIteration If there are no more records available. """ if self._records is None: self._records = self.records return next(self._records)
Self-managed or MSK Apache Kafka event trigger Documentation:
:dict[str, Any]
- Lambda Event Source Event payload
, optional- function to deserialize
containing a JSON document to a Pythonobj
, by default json.loads
- DictWrapper
- typing.Generic
Instance variables
prop bootstrap_servers : str
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@property def bootstrap_servers(self) -> str: """The Kafka bootstrap URL.""" return self["bootstrapServers"]
The Kafka bootstrap URL.
prop decoded_bootstrap_servers : list[str]
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@property def decoded_bootstrap_servers(self) -> list[str]: """The decoded Kafka bootstrap URL.""" return self.bootstrap_servers.split(",")
The decoded Kafka bootstrap URL.
prop event_source : str
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@property def event_source(self) -> str: """The AWS service from which the Kafka event record originated.""" return self["eventSource"]
The AWS service from which the Kafka event record originated.
prop event_source_arn : str | None
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@property def event_source_arn(self) -> str | None: """The AWS service ARN from which the Kafka event record originated, mandatory for AWS MSK.""" return self.get("eventSourceArn")
The AWS service ARN from which the Kafka event record originated, mandatory for AWS MSK.
prop record : KafkaEventRecord
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@property def record(self) -> KafkaEventRecord: """ Returns the next Kafka record using an iterator. Returns ------- KafkaEventRecord The next Kafka record. Raises ------ StopIteration If there are no more records available. """ if self._records is None: self._records = self.records return next(self._records)
Returns the next Kafka record using an iterator.
- The next Kafka record.
- If there are no more records available.
prop records : Iterator[KafkaEventRecord]
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@property def records(self) -> Iterator[KafkaEventRecord]: """The Kafka records.""" for chunk in self["records"].values(): for record in chunk: yield KafkaEventRecord(data=record, json_deserializer=self._json_deserializer)
The Kafka records.
Inherited members
class KafkaEventRecord (data: dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Callable | None = None)
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class KafkaEventRecord(DictWrapper): @property def topic(self) -> str: """The Kafka topic.""" return self["topic"] @property def partition(self) -> int: """The Kafka record parition.""" return self["partition"] @property def offset(self) -> int: """The Kafka record offset.""" return self["offset"] @property def timestamp(self) -> int: """The Kafka record timestamp.""" return self["timestamp"] @property def timestamp_type(self) -> str: """The Kafka record timestamp type.""" return self["timestampType"] @property def key(self) -> str: """The raw (base64 encoded) Kafka record key.""" return self["key"] @property def decoded_key(self) -> bytes: """Decode the base64 encoded key as bytes.""" return base64.b64decode(self.key) @property def value(self) -> str: """The raw (base64 encoded) Kafka record value.""" return self["value"] @property def decoded_value(self) -> bytes: """Decodes the base64 encoded value as bytes.""" return base64.b64decode(self.value) @cached_property def json_value(self) -> Any: """Decodes the text encoded data as JSON.""" return self._json_deserializer(self.decoded_value.decode("utf-8")) @property def headers(self) -> list[dict[str, list[int]]]: """The raw Kafka record headers.""" return self["headers"] @cached_property def decoded_headers(self) -> dict[str, bytes]: """Decodes the headers as a single dictionary.""" return CaseInsensitiveDict((k, bytes(v)) for chunk in self.headers for k, v in chunk.items())
Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict
:dict[str, Any]
- Lambda Event Source Event payload
, optional- function to deserialize
containing a JSON document to a Pythonobj
, by default json.loads
- DictWrapper
- typing.Generic
Instance variables
var decoded_headers : dict[str, bytes]
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@cached_property def decoded_headers(self) -> dict[str, bytes]: """Decodes the headers as a single dictionary.""" return CaseInsensitiveDict((k, bytes(v)) for chunk in self.headers for k, v in chunk.items())
Decodes the headers as a single dictionary.
prop decoded_key : bytes
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@property def decoded_key(self) -> bytes: """Decode the base64 encoded key as bytes.""" return base64.b64decode(self.key)
Decode the base64 encoded key as bytes.
prop decoded_value : bytes
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@property def decoded_value(self) -> bytes: """Decodes the base64 encoded value as bytes.""" return base64.b64decode(self.value)
Decodes the base64 encoded value as bytes.
prop headers : list[dict[str, list[int]]]
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@property def headers(self) -> list[dict[str, list[int]]]: """The raw Kafka record headers.""" return self["headers"]
The raw Kafka record headers.
var json_value : Any
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@cached_property def json_value(self) -> Any: """Decodes the text encoded data as JSON.""" return self._json_deserializer(self.decoded_value.decode("utf-8"))
Decodes the text encoded data as JSON.
prop key : str
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@property def key(self) -> str: """The raw (base64 encoded) Kafka record key.""" return self["key"]
The raw (base64 encoded) Kafka record key.
prop offset : int
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@property def offset(self) -> int: """The Kafka record offset.""" return self["offset"]
The Kafka record offset.
prop partition : int
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@property def partition(self) -> int: """The Kafka record parition.""" return self["partition"]
The Kafka record parition.
prop timestamp : int
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@property def timestamp(self) -> int: """The Kafka record timestamp.""" return self["timestamp"]
The Kafka record timestamp.
prop timestamp_type : str
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@property def timestamp_type(self) -> str: """The Kafka record timestamp type.""" return self["timestampType"]
The Kafka record timestamp type.
prop topic : str
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@property def topic(self) -> str: """The Kafka topic.""" return self["topic"]
The Kafka topic.
prop value : str
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@property def value(self) -> str: """The raw (base64 encoded) Kafka record value.""" return self["value"]
The raw (base64 encoded) Kafka record value.
Inherited members