Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.vpc_lattice


class VPCLatticeEvent (data: dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Callable | None = None)
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class VPCLatticeEvent(VPCLatticeEventBase):
    def raw_path(self) -> str:
        """The raw VPC Lattice request path."""
        return self["raw_path"]

    def is_base64_encoded(self) -> bool:
        """A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode"""
        return self["is_base64_encoded"]

    # VPCLattice event has no path field
    # Added here for consistency with the BaseProxyEvent class
    def path(self) -> str:
        return self["raw_path"]

    def query_string_parameters(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        """The request query string parameters."""
        return self["query_string_parameters"]

    def resolved_headers_field(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return CaseInsensitiveDict((k, v.split(",") if "," in v else v) for k, v in self.headers.items())

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads


Instance variables

prop is_base64_encoded : bool
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def is_base64_encoded(self) -> bool:
    """A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode"""
    return self["is_base64_encoded"]

A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode

prop path : str
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def path(self) -> str:
    return self["raw_path"]
prop query_string_parameters : dict[str, str]
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def query_string_parameters(self) -> dict[str, str]:
    """The request query string parameters."""
    return self["query_string_parameters"]

The request query string parameters.

prop raw_path : str
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def raw_path(self) -> str:
    """The raw VPC Lattice request path."""
    return self["raw_path"]

The raw VPC Lattice request path.

Inherited members

class VPCLatticeEventBase (data: dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Callable | None = None)
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class VPCLatticeEventBase(BaseProxyEvent):
    def body(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice body."""
        return self["body"]

    def json_body(self) -> Any:
        """Parses the submitted body as json"""
        return self._json_deserializer(self.decoded_body)

    def headers(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        """The VPC Lattice event headers."""
        return CaseInsensitiveDict(self["headers"])

    def decoded_body(self) -> str:
        """Dynamically base64 decode body as a str"""
        body: str = self["body"]
        return base64_decode(body) if self.is_base64_encoded else body

    def method(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice method used. Valid values include: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT."""
        return self["method"]

    def http_method(self) -> str:
        """The HTTP method used. Valid values include: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT."""
        return self["method"]

    def header_serializer(self) -> BaseHeadersSerializer:
        # When using the VPC Lattice integration, we have multiple HTTP Headers.
        return HttpApiHeadersSerializer()

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads


  • BaseProxyEvent
  • DictWrapper
  • typing.Generic


Instance variables

prop body : str
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def body(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice body."""
    return self["body"]

The VPC Lattice body.

prop decoded_body : str
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def decoded_body(self) -> str:
    """Dynamically base64 decode body as a str"""
    body: str = self["body"]
    return base64_decode(body) if self.is_base64_encoded else body

Dynamically base64 decode body as a str

prop headers : dict[str, str]
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def headers(self) -> dict[str, str]:
    """The VPC Lattice event headers."""
    return CaseInsensitiveDict(self["headers"])

The VPC Lattice event headers.

prop method : str
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def method(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice method used. Valid values include: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT."""
    return self["method"]

The VPC Lattice method used. Valid values include: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT.


def header_serializer(self) ‑> BaseHeadersSerializer
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def header_serializer(self) -> BaseHeadersSerializer:
    # When using the VPC Lattice integration, we have multiple HTTP Headers.
    return HttpApiHeadersSerializer()

Inherited members

class VPCLatticeEventV2 (data: dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Callable | None = None)
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class VPCLatticeEventV2(VPCLatticeEventBase):
    def version(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event version"""
        return self["version"]

    def is_base64_encoded(self) -> bool | None:
        """A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode"""
        return self.get("isBase64Encoded")

    def path(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event path"""
        return self["path"]

    def request_context(self) -> vpcLatticeEventV2RequestContext:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event request context."""
        return vpcLatticeEventV2RequestContext(self["requestContext"])

    def query_string_parameters(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        """The request query string parameters.

        For VPC Lattice V2, the queryStringParameters will contain a dict[str, list[str]]
        so to keep compatibility with existing utilities, we merge all the values with a comma.
        params = self.get("queryStringParameters") or {}
        return {k: ",".join(v) for k, v in params.items()}

    def resolved_headers_field(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        if self.headers is not None:
            return {key.lower(): value for key, value in self.headers.items()}

        return {}

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads


Instance variables

prop is_base64_encoded : bool | None
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def is_base64_encoded(self) -> bool | None:
    """A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode"""
    return self.get("isBase64Encoded")

A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode

prop path : str
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def path(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event path"""
    return self["path"]

The VPC Lattice v2 Event path

var query_string_parameters : dict[str, str]
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def query_string_parameters(self) -> dict[str, str]:
    """The request query string parameters.

    For VPC Lattice V2, the queryStringParameters will contain a dict[str, list[str]]
    so to keep compatibility with existing utilities, we merge all the values with a comma.
    params = self.get("queryStringParameters") or {}
    return {k: ",".join(v) for k, v in params.items()}

The request query string parameters.

For VPC Lattice V2, the queryStringParameters will contain a dict[str, list[str]] so to keep compatibility with existing utilities, we merge all the values with a comma.

prop request_contextvpcLatticeEventV2RequestContext
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def request_context(self) -> vpcLatticeEventV2RequestContext:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event request context."""
    return vpcLatticeEventV2RequestContext(self["requestContext"])

The VPC Lattice v2 Event request context.

prop version : str
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def version(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event version"""
    return self["version"]

The VPC Lattice v2 Event version

Inherited members

class vpcLatticeEventV2Identity (data: dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Callable | None = None)
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class vpcLatticeEventV2Identity(DictWrapper):
    def source_vpc_arn(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext Identity sourceVpcArn"""
        return self.get("sourceVpcArn")

    def get_type(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext Identity type"""
        return self.get("type")

    def principal(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext principal"""
        return self.get("principal")

    def principal_org_id(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext principalOrgID"""
        return self.get("principalOrgID")

    def session_name(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext sessionName"""
        return self.get("sessionName")

    def x509_subject_cn(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SubjectCn"""
        return self.get("X509SubjectCn")

    def x509_issuer_ou(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509IssuerOu"""
        return self.get("X509IssuerOu")

    def x509_san_dns(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanDns"""
        return self.get("x509SanDns")

    def x509_san_uri(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanUri"""
        return self.get("X509SanUri")

    def x509_san_name_cn(self) -> str | None:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanNameCn"""
        return self.get("X509SanNameCn")

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads


  • DictWrapper
  • typing.Generic

Instance variables

prop get_type : str | None
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def get_type(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext Identity type"""
    return self.get("type")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext Identity type

prop principal : str | None
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def principal(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext principal"""
    return self.get("principal")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext principal

prop principal_org_id : str | None
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def principal_org_id(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext principalOrgID"""
    return self.get("principalOrgID")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext principalOrgID

prop session_name : str | None
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def session_name(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext sessionName"""
    return self.get("sessionName")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext sessionName

prop source_vpc_arn : str | None
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def source_vpc_arn(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext Identity sourceVpcArn"""
    return self.get("sourceVpcArn")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext Identity sourceVpcArn

prop x509_issuer_ou : str | None
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def x509_issuer_ou(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509IssuerOu"""
    return self.get("X509IssuerOu")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509IssuerOu

prop x509_san_dns : str | None
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def x509_san_dns(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanDns"""
    return self.get("x509SanDns")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanDns

prop x509_san_name_cn : str | None
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def x509_san_name_cn(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanNameCn"""
    return self.get("X509SanNameCn")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanNameCn

prop x509_san_uri : str | None
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def x509_san_uri(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanUri"""
    return self.get("X509SanUri")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SanUri

prop x509_subject_cn : str | None
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def x509_subject_cn(self) -> str | None:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SubjectCn"""
    return self.get("X509SubjectCn")

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext X509SubjectCn

Inherited members

class vpcLatticeEventV2RequestContext (data: dict[str, Any], json_deserializer: Callable | None = None)
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class vpcLatticeEventV2RequestContext(DictWrapper):
    def service_network_arn(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceNetworkArn"""
        return self["serviceNetworkArn"]

    def service_arn(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceArn"""
        return self["serviceArn"]

    def target_group_arn(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext targetGroupArn"""
        return self["targetGroupArn"]

    def identity(self) -> vpcLatticeEventV2Identity:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext identity"""
        return vpcLatticeEventV2Identity(self["identity"])

    def region(self) -> str:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceNetworkArn"""
        return self["region"]

    def time_epoch(self) -> float:
        """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext timeEpoch"""
        return self["timeEpoch"]

Provides a single read only access to a wrapper dict


data : dict[str, Any]
Lambda Event Source Event payload
json_deserializer : Callable, optional
function to deserialize str, bytes, bytearray containing a JSON document to a Python obj, by default json.loads


  • DictWrapper
  • typing.Generic

Instance variables

prop identityvpcLatticeEventV2Identity
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def identity(self) -> vpcLatticeEventV2Identity:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext identity"""
    return vpcLatticeEventV2Identity(self["identity"])

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext identity

prop region : str
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def region(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceNetworkArn"""
    return self["region"]

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceNetworkArn

prop service_arn : str
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def service_arn(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceArn"""
    return self["serviceArn"]

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceArn

prop service_network_arn : str
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def service_network_arn(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceNetworkArn"""
    return self["serviceNetworkArn"]

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext serviceNetworkArn

prop target_group_arn : str
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def target_group_arn(self) -> str:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext targetGroupArn"""
    return self["targetGroupArn"]

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext targetGroupArn

prop time_epoch : float
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def time_epoch(self) -> float:
    """The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext timeEpoch"""
    return self["timeEpoch"]

The VPC Lattice v2 Event requestContext timeEpoch

Inherited members