Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parameters.base

Base for Parameter providers


def clear_caches()
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def clear_caches():
    """Clear cached parameter values from all providers"""

Clear cached parameter values from all providers

def get_transform_method(value: str, transform: TransformOptions = None) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
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def get_transform_method(value: str, transform: TransformOptions = None) -> Callable[..., Any]:
    Determine the transform method

        >>> get_transform_method("key","any_other_value")
        >>> get_transform_method("key.json","auto")
        >>> get_transform_method("key.binary","auto")
        >>> get_transform_method("key","auto")
        >>> get_transform_method("key",None)

    value: str
        Only used when the transform is "auto".
    transform: str, optional
        Original transform method, only "auto" will try to detect the transform method by the key

        Transform function could be json.loads, base64.b64decode, or a lambda that echo the str value
    transform_method = TRANSFORM_METHOD_MAPPING.get(transform)

    if transform == "auto":
        key_suffix = value.rsplit(".")[-1]
        transform_method = TRANSFORM_METHOD_MAPPING.get(key_suffix, TRANSFORM_METHOD_MAPPING[None])

    return cast(Callable, transform_method)  #

Determine the transform method


>>> get_transform_method("key","any_other_value")
>>> get_transform_method("key.json","auto")
>>> get_transform_method("key.binary","auto")
>>> get_transform_method("key","auto")
>>> get_transform_method("key",None)


value : str
Only used when the transform is "auto".
transform : str, optional
Original transform method, only "auto" will try to detect the transform method by the key



Transform function could be json.loads, base64.b64decode, or a lambda that echo the str value

def transform_value(value: str | bytes | dict[str, Any],
transform: TransformOptions,
raise_on_transform_error: bool = True,
key: str = '') ‑> str | bytes | dict[str, Any] | None
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def transform_value(
    value: str | bytes | dict[str, Any],
    transform: TransformOptions,
    raise_on_transform_error: bool = True,
    key: str = "",
) -> str | bytes | dict[str, Any] | None:
    Transform a value using one of the available options.

    value: str
        Parameter value to transform
    transform: str
        Type of transform, supported values are "json", "binary", and "auto" based on suffix (.json, .binary)
    key: str
        Parameter key when transform is auto to infer its transform method
    raise_on_transform_error: bool, optional
        Raises an exception if any transform fails, otherwise this will
        return a None value for each transform that failed

        When the parameter value could not be transformed
    # Maintenance: For v3, we should consider returning the original value for soft transform failures.

    err_msg = "Unable to transform value using '{transform}' transform: {exc}"

    if isinstance(value, bytes):
        value = value.decode("utf-8")

    if isinstance(value, dict):
        # NOTE: We must handle partial failures when receiving multiple values
        # where one of the keys might fail during transform, e.g. `{"a": "valid", "b": "{"}`
        # expected: `{"a": "valid", "b": None}`

        transformed_values: dict[str, Any] = {}
        for dict_key, dict_value in value.items():
            transform_method = get_transform_method(value=dict_key, transform=transform)
                transformed_values[dict_key] = transform_method(dict_value)
            except Exception as exc:
                if raise_on_transform_error:
                    raise TransformParameterError(err_msg.format(transform=transform, exc=exc)) from exc
                transformed_values[dict_key] = None
        return transformed_values

    if transform == "auto":
        # key="a.json", value='{"a": "b"}', or key="a.binary", value="b64_encoded"
        transform_method = get_transform_method(value=key, transform=transform)
        # value='{"key": "value"}
        transform_method = get_transform_method(value=value, transform=transform)

        return transform_method(value)
    except Exception as exc:
        if raise_on_transform_error:
            raise TransformParameterError(err_msg.format(transform=transform, exc=exc)) from exc
        return None

Transform a value using one of the available options.


value : str
Parameter value to transform
transform : str
Type of transform, supported values are "json", "binary", and "auto" based on suffix (.json, .binary)
key : str
Parameter key when transform is auto to infer its transform method
raise_on_transform_error : bool, optional
Raises an exception if any transform fails, otherwise this will return a None value for each transform that failed



When the parameter value could not be transformed


class BaseProvider (*, client=None, resource=None)
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class BaseProvider(ABC):
    Abstract Base Class for Parameter providers

    store: dict[tuple, ExpirableValue]

    def __init__(self, *, client=None, resource=None):
        Initialize the base provider
        if client is not None:
            user_agent.register_feature_to_client(client=client, feature="parameters")
        if resource is not None:
            user_agent.register_feature_to_resource(resource=resource, feature="parameters") dict[tuple, ExpirableValue] = {}

    def has_not_expired_in_cache(self, key: tuple) -> bool:
        return key in and[key].ttl >=

    def get(
        name: str,
        max_age: int | None = None,
        transform: TransformOptions = None,
        force_fetch: bool = False,
    ) -> str | bytes | dict | None:
        Retrieve a parameter value or return the cached value

        name: str
            Parameter name
        max_age: int
            Maximum age of the cached value
        transform: str
            Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values
            are "json" for JSON strings and "binary" for base 64 encoded
        force_fetch: bool, optional
            Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
        sdk_options: dict, optional
            Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call

            When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for
            a given name.
            When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.

        # If there are multiple calls to the same parameter but in a different
        # transform, they will be stored multiple times. This allows us to
        # optimize by transforming the data only once per retrieval, thus there
        # is no need to transform cached values multiple times. However, this
        # means that we need to make multiple calls to the underlying parameter
        # store if we need to return it in different transforms. Since the number
        # of supported transform is small and the probability that a given
        # parameter will always be used in a specific transform, this should be
        # an acceptable tradeoff.
        value: str | bytes | dict | None = None
        key = self._build_cache_key(name=name, transform=transform)

        # If max_age is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS
        max_age = resolve_max_age(env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_MAX_AGE_ENV, DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS), choice=max_age)

        if not force_fetch and self.has_not_expired_in_cache(key):
            return self.fetch_from_cache(key)

            value = self._get(name, **sdk_options)
        # Encapsulate all errors into a generic GetParameterError
        except Exception as exc:
            raise GetParameterError(str(exc))

        if transform:
            value = transform_value(key=name, value=value, transform=transform, raise_on_transform_error=True)

        # NOTE: don't cache None, as they might've been failed transforms and may be corrected
        if value is not None:
            self.add_to_cache(key=key, value=value, max_age=max_age)

        return value

    def _get(self, name: str, **sdk_options) -> str | bytes | dict[str, Any]:
        Retrieve parameter value from the underlying parameter store
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def set(self, name: str, value: Any, *, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs):
        Set parameter value from the underlying parameter store
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_multiple(
        path: str,
        max_age: int | None = None,
        transform: TransformOptions = None,
        raise_on_transform_error: bool = False,
        force_fetch: bool = False,
    ) -> dict[str, str] | dict[str, bytes] | dict[str, dict]:
        Retrieve multiple parameters based on a path prefix

        path: str
            Parameter path used to retrieve multiple parameters
        max_age: int, optional
            Maximum age of the cached value
        transform: str, optional
            Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values
            are "json" for JSON strings, "binary" for base 64 encoded
            values or "auto" which looks at the attribute key to determine the type.
        raise_on_transform_error: bool, optional
            Raises an exception if any transform fails, otherwise this will
            return a None value for each transform that failed
        force_fetch: bool, optional
            Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
        sdk_options: dict, optional
            Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call

            When the parameter provider fails to retrieve parameter values for
            a given path.
            When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.
        key = self._build_cache_key(name=path, transform=transform, is_nested=True)

        # If max_age is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS
        max_age = resolve_max_age(env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_MAX_AGE_ENV, DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS), choice=max_age)

        if not force_fetch and self.has_not_expired_in_cache(key):
            return self.fetch_from_cache(key)

            values = self._get_multiple(path, **sdk_options)
        # Encapsulate all errors into a generic GetParameterError
        except Exception as exc:
            raise GetParameterError(str(exc))

        if transform:
            values.update(transform_value(values, transform, raise_on_transform_error))

        self.add_to_cache(key=key, value=values, max_age=max_age)

        return values

    def _get_multiple(self, path: str, **sdk_options) -> dict[str, str]:
        Retrieve multiple parameter values from the underlying parameter store
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def clear_cache(self):

    def fetch_from_cache(self, key: tuple):
        return[key].value if key in else {}

    def add_to_cache(self, key: tuple, value: Any, max_age: int):
        if max_age <= 0:
            return[key] = ExpirableValue(value, + timedelta(seconds=max_age))

    def _build_cache_key(
        name: str,
        transform: TransformOptions = None,
        is_nested: bool = False,
        """Creates cache key for parameters

        name : str
            Name of parameter, secret or config
        transform : TransformOptions, optional
            Transform method used, by default None
        is_nested : bool, optional
            Whether it's a single parameter or multiple nested parameters, by default False

        tuple[str, TransformOptions, bool]
            Cache key
        return (name, transform, is_nested)

Abstract Base Class for Parameter providers

Initialize the base provider


  • abc.ABC


Class variables

var store : dict[tuple, ExpirableValue]


def add_to_cache(self, key: tuple, value: Any, max_age: int)
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def add_to_cache(self, key: tuple, value: Any, max_age: int):
    if max_age <= 0:
        return[key] = ExpirableValue(value, + timedelta(seconds=max_age))
def clear_cache(self)
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def clear_cache(self):
def fetch_from_cache(self, key: tuple)
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def fetch_from_cache(self, key: tuple):
    return[key].value if key in else {}
def get(self,
name: str,
max_age: int | None = None,
transform: TransformOptions = None,
force_fetch: bool = False,
**sdk_options) ‑> str | bytes | dict | None
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def get(
    name: str,
    max_age: int | None = None,
    transform: TransformOptions = None,
    force_fetch: bool = False,
) -> str | bytes | dict | None:
    Retrieve a parameter value or return the cached value

    name: str
        Parameter name
    max_age: int
        Maximum age of the cached value
    transform: str
        Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values
        are "json" for JSON strings and "binary" for base 64 encoded
    force_fetch: bool, optional
        Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
    sdk_options: dict, optional
        Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call

        When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for
        a given name.
        When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.

    # If there are multiple calls to the same parameter but in a different
    # transform, they will be stored multiple times. This allows us to
    # optimize by transforming the data only once per retrieval, thus there
    # is no need to transform cached values multiple times. However, this
    # means that we need to make multiple calls to the underlying parameter
    # store if we need to return it in different transforms. Since the number
    # of supported transform is small and the probability that a given
    # parameter will always be used in a specific transform, this should be
    # an acceptable tradeoff.
    value: str | bytes | dict | None = None
    key = self._build_cache_key(name=name, transform=transform)

    # If max_age is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS
    max_age = resolve_max_age(env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_MAX_AGE_ENV, DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS), choice=max_age)

    if not force_fetch and self.has_not_expired_in_cache(key):
        return self.fetch_from_cache(key)

        value = self._get(name, **sdk_options)
    # Encapsulate all errors into a generic GetParameterError
    except Exception as exc:
        raise GetParameterError(str(exc))

    if transform:
        value = transform_value(key=name, value=value, transform=transform, raise_on_transform_error=True)

    # NOTE: don't cache None, as they might've been failed transforms and may be corrected
    if value is not None:
        self.add_to_cache(key=key, value=value, max_age=max_age)

    return value

Retrieve a parameter value or return the cached value


name : str
Parameter name
max_age : int
Maximum age of the cached value
transform : str
Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values are "json" for JSON strings and "binary" for base 64 encoded values.
force_fetch : bool, optional
Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
sdk_options : dict, optional
Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call


When the parameter provider fails to retrieve a parameter value for a given name.
When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.
def get_multiple(self,
path: str,
max_age: int | None = None,
transform: TransformOptions = None,
raise_on_transform_error: bool = False,
force_fetch: bool = False,
**sdk_options) ‑> dict[str, str] | dict[str, bytes] | dict[str, dict]
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def get_multiple(
    path: str,
    max_age: int | None = None,
    transform: TransformOptions = None,
    raise_on_transform_error: bool = False,
    force_fetch: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, str] | dict[str, bytes] | dict[str, dict]:
    Retrieve multiple parameters based on a path prefix

    path: str
        Parameter path used to retrieve multiple parameters
    max_age: int, optional
        Maximum age of the cached value
    transform: str, optional
        Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values
        are "json" for JSON strings, "binary" for base 64 encoded
        values or "auto" which looks at the attribute key to determine the type.
    raise_on_transform_error: bool, optional
        Raises an exception if any transform fails, otherwise this will
        return a None value for each transform that failed
    force_fetch: bool, optional
        Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
    sdk_options: dict, optional
        Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call

        When the parameter provider fails to retrieve parameter values for
        a given path.
        When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.
    key = self._build_cache_key(name=path, transform=transform, is_nested=True)

    # If max_age is not set, resolve it from the environment variable, defaulting to DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS
    max_age = resolve_max_age(env=os.getenv(constants.PARAMETERS_MAX_AGE_ENV, DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECS), choice=max_age)

    if not force_fetch and self.has_not_expired_in_cache(key):
        return self.fetch_from_cache(key)

        values = self._get_multiple(path, **sdk_options)
    # Encapsulate all errors into a generic GetParameterError
    except Exception as exc:
        raise GetParameterError(str(exc))

    if transform:
        values.update(transform_value(values, transform, raise_on_transform_error))

    self.add_to_cache(key=key, value=values, max_age=max_age)

    return values

Retrieve multiple parameters based on a path prefix


path : str
Parameter path used to retrieve multiple parameters
max_age : int, optional
Maximum age of the cached value
transform : str, optional
Optional transformation of the parameter value. Supported values are "json" for JSON strings, "binary" for base 64 encoded values or "auto" which looks at the attribute key to determine the type.
raise_on_transform_error : bool, optional
Raises an exception if any transform fails, otherwise this will return a None value for each transform that failed
force_fetch : bool, optional
Force update even before a cached item has expired, defaults to False
sdk_options : dict, optional
Arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying API call


When the parameter provider fails to retrieve parameter values for a given path.
When the parameter provider fails to transform a parameter value.
def has_not_expired_in_cache(self, key: tuple) ‑> bool
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def has_not_expired_in_cache(self, key: tuple) -> bool:
    return key in and[key].ttl >=
def set(self, name: str, value: Any, *, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs)
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def set(self, name: str, value: Any, *, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs):
    Set parameter value from the underlying parameter store
    raise NotImplementedError()

Set parameter value from the underlying parameter store

class ExpirableValue (value: ForwardRef('str | bytes | dict[str, Any]'),
ttl: ForwardRef('datetime'))
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class ExpirableValue(NamedTuple):
    value: str | bytes | dict[str, Any]
    ttl: datetime

ExpirableValue(value, ttl)


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var ttl : datetime.datetime
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class ExpirableValue(NamedTuple):
    value: str | bytes | dict[str, Any]
    ttl: datetime

Alias for field number 1

var value : str | bytes | dict[str, typing.Any]
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class ExpirableValue(NamedTuple):
    value: str | bytes | dict[str, Any]
    ttl: datetime

Alias for field number 0