Module aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.parser.models.sns


class SnsModel (**data: Any)

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

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class SnsModel(BaseModel):
    Records: List[SnsRecordModel]


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel
  • pydantic.utils.Representation

Class variables

var Records : List[SnsRecordModel]
class SnsMsgAttributeModel (**data: Any)

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

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class SnsMsgAttributeModel(BaseModel):
    Type: str
    Value: str


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel
  • pydantic.utils.Representation

Class variables

var Type : str
var Value : str
class SnsNotificationModel (**data: Any)

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

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class SnsNotificationModel(BaseModel):
    Subject: Optional[str] = None
    TopicArn: str
    UnsubscribeUrl: HttpUrl
    Type: Literal["Notification"]
    MessageAttributes: Optional[Dict[str, SnsMsgAttributeModel]] = None
    Message: Union[str, TypingType[BaseModel]]
    MessageId: str
    SigningCertUrl: Optional[HttpUrl] = None  # NOTE: FIFO opt-in removes attribute
    Signature: Optional[str] = None  # NOTE: FIFO opt-in removes attribute
    Timestamp: datetime
    SignatureVersion: Optional[str] = None  # NOTE: FIFO opt-in removes attribute

    @root_validator(pre=True, allow_reuse=True)
    def check_sqs_protocol(cls, values):
        sqs_rewritten_keys = ("UnsubscribeURL", "SigningCertURL")
        if any(key in sqs_rewritten_keys for key in values):
            # The sentinel value 'None' forces the validator to fail with
            # ValidatorError instead of KeyError when the key is missing from
            # the SQS payload
            values["UnsubscribeUrl"] = values.pop("UnsubscribeURL", None)
            values["SigningCertUrl"] = values.pop("SigningCertURL", None)
        return values


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel
  • pydantic.utils.Representation

Class variables

var Message : Union[str, Type[pydantic.main.BaseModel]]
var MessageAttributes : Optional[Dict[str, SnsMsgAttributeModel]]
var MessageId : str
var Signature : Optional[str]
var SignatureVersion : Optional[str]
var SigningCertUrl : Optional[pydantic.networks.HttpUrl]
var Subject : Optional[str]
var Timestamp : datetime.datetime
var TopicArn : str
var Type : Literal['Notification']
var UnsubscribeUrl : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl

Static methods

def check_sqs_protocol(values)
class SnsRecordModel (**data: Any)

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

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class SnsRecordModel(BaseModel):
    EventSource: Literal["aws:sns"]
    EventVersion: str
    EventSubscriptionArn: str
    Sns: SnsNotificationModel


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel
  • pydantic.utils.Representation

Class variables

var EventSource : Literal['aws:sns']
var EventSubscriptionArn : str
var EventVersion : str
var SnsSnsNotificationModel