Interface for DynamoDBPersistenceOptions with clientConfig property.

interface DynamoDBPersistenceOptionsWithClientConfig {
    awsSdkV3Client?: undefined;
    clientConfig?: DynamoDBClientConfig;
    dataAttr?: string;
    expiryAttr?: string;
    inProgressExpiryAttr?: string;
    keyAttr?: string;
    sortKeyAttr?: string;
    staticPkValue?: string;
    statusAttr?: string;
    tableName: string;
    validationKeyAttr?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


awsSdkV3Client?: undefined

This property should never be passed.

clientConfig?: DynamoDBClientConfig

Optional configuration to pass during client initialization, e.g. AWS region.

dataAttr?: string

The DynamoDB table data attribute name. Defaults to 'data'.

expiryAttr?: string

The DynamoDB table expiry attribute name. Defaults to 'expiration'.

inProgressExpiryAttr?: string

The DynamoDB table in progress expiry attribute name. Defaults to 'in_progress_expiry_attr'.

keyAttr?: string

The DynamoDB table key attribute name. Defaults to 'id'.

sortKeyAttr?: string

The DynamoDB table sort key attribute name, use only when table has one. Defaults to undefined.

staticPkValue?: string

The DynamoDB table static partition key value, use only with sortKeyAttr. Defaults to idempotency#{LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME}.

statusAttr?: string

The DynamoDB table status attribute name. Defaults to 'status'.

tableName: string

The DynamoDB table name.

validationKeyAttr?: string

The DynamoDB table validation key attribute name. Defaults to 'validation'.