BatchProcessingOptions: {
    context?: Context;
    processInParallel?: T extends | SqsFifoPartialProcessor
    | SqsFifoPartialProcessorAsync
        ? never
        : boolean;
    skipGroupOnError?: T extends | SqsFifoPartialProcessor
    | SqsFifoPartialProcessorAsync
        ? boolean
        : never;
    throwOnFullBatchFailure?: boolean;

Options for batch processing

Type Parameters

Type declaration

  • Optionalcontext?: Context

    The context object provided by the AWS Lambda runtime. When provided, it's made available to the handler function you specify

  • OptionalprocessInParallel?: T extends SqsFifoPartialProcessor
    | SqsFifoPartialProcessorAsync
        ? never
        : boolean

    Indicates whether the records should be processed in parallel. When set to true, the records will be processed in parallel using Promise.all. When set to false, the records will be processed sequentially.

  • OptionalskipGroupOnError?: T extends SqsFifoPartialProcessor
    | SqsFifoPartialProcessorAsync
        ? boolean
        : never

    This option is only available for SqsFifoPartialProcessor & SqsFifoPartialProcessorAsync. If true skip the group on error during processing.

  • OptionalthrowOnFullBatchFailure?: boolean

    Set this to false to prevent throwing an error if the entire batch fails.