IdempotencyHandlerOptions: {
    functionArguments: unknown[];
    functionPayloadToBeHashed: JSONValue;
    functionToMakeIdempotent: AnyFunction;
    idempotencyConfig: IdempotencyConfig;
    persistenceStore: BasePersistenceLayer;
    thisArg?: Handler;

Options to configure the behavior of the idempotency logic.

This is an internal type that is used for configuration.

Type declaration

  • functionArguments: unknown[]

    The arguments passed to the function.

    For example, if the function is foo(a, b), then functionArguments will be [a, b]. We need to keep track of the arguments so that we can pass them to the function when we call it.

  • functionPayloadToBeHashed: JSONValue

    The payload to be hashed.

    This is the argument that is used for the idempotency.

  • functionToMakeIdempotent: AnyFunction

    Reference to the function to be made idempotent.

  • idempotencyConfig: IdempotencyConfig

    Idempotency configuration options.

  • persistenceStore: BasePersistenceLayer

    Persistence layer used to store the idempotency records.

  • OptionalthisArg?: Handler

    The this context to be used when calling the function.

    When decorating a class method, this will be the instance of the class.